Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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Police on lookout for fake ID use
By Matt Bander
EmexakJ Report©'
Police say they have Uigim to crai k down on Uni
versity students who misrepresent their age at cam
pus-ami bars and stores because the use of fake
identification to obtain alcohol is a widespread
Sgt Dennis Baker, the Eugene police department's
campus liaison, said the use* of fake IDs in the tarn
pus area has reached epidemic proportion*.
"We're going to put more effort into enforcing the
IDs laws. Baker said "It has he<. ome a big proh
lem around campus "
Baker cited the ( onfiMation of more than Utt) HK
from one campus liar fall term as an example of the
widespread use of false il)s During the past month
EPD has cited about 10 to 15 students a week for
using UK that are either fake or don't tieiong to them.
"Students may think it is a game to sneak into a
bar and get alcohol." he said "But if you are over
1H, it govs on your criminal re< on), and you an* tak
ing a real risk to your career,"
If a student uses someone vise's ID to get alcohol,
the student can he < ited for minor falsely rep
resenting age and misuse of a driver's license. Bak
er said.
People using altered driver's licenses to buy al
cohol can Iw < barged with minor falselv repre
senting age. altering a driver's license and forgery,
Baker said A person who uses another person's
birth certificate to obtain identification can be
charged w ith false swearing, falselv applying and
In addition to getting cited by EPD. students us
ing fake ID can In* charged under Oregon Depart
ment of Motor Vehicles statutes. DMV has the au
thority to suspend offenders' licenses for 90 days
to three years. Baker said
Recently police have i ited most fake II) offend
ers after observing students who appear to lie mi
nors walking out of bars. Baker said officers know
the student* had to show ID to get into the bar and
ask to s«-e the identification they used.
Offiters are also starting to check confiscated IDs
they receive from final bars and stores Police run
the names and addresses on confiscated IDs through
a computer to track down the offender. Police also
PTyjto r>y J*ft Pitstoy
EPD Sgt. Dennis Baker displays a book of fake IDs.
More than 130 were confiscated at a bar last term.
i tin use DMV photos in their investigations, Bak
er said.
Bouncers a! campus-area bars art* also on the look
out for false IDs. Most of the fake IDs bouncers see
are either real driver's licenses that have been
altered, fake laser-printed licenses or real driver's
licenses that don't belong to the people trying to
use them
John Carlson, who has checked IDs at Rennie's
Diluting for about three years, said he will turn cus
tomers away if he doubts their ID and will confis
cate IDs that he believes are fake.
If bouncers suspect a person is trying to use an
other's ID, they will ask fora signature or will quiz
the customer on the information on the ID before
they take it
"We had people who couldn't remember what
last name to sign," said New Max's bouncer Kary
Preparation of U.S. Tax Returns for Oregon Income Taxes
Wednesday, March 3, 1993
7:00 - 9:00 pm
EMU Eir Room
Resource People: Susan Gary, Tax Attorney
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Ennis Wuite, Certified Public Accountant
Tina Zamora. UO Accounting Graduate
Oregon tux forms, information sheets and instruction booklets vs ill be provided
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Sponxercd by the Office of International Hducation and Exchange. Graduate School and GTE Federation
For more information, call .346-3206
A student-organized
cultural night with colorful
shows and exotic food.
Watch for the answer
next week...