U. Photo Contest - Keep 'em Coming! U needs lots ol cola photos of the far and faets of everydoy lodege lift Wo 1 pay you SIS fa every on* pub Irshed ond you nome ond (ompus wdf be (recited PVn we it offering lour SI 000 scholorships ond runner up prues lot the best ones uibmrtud n fou cottguws im. compus Mildestyles, sports ond entertanment Sublets ton be of onyone a ony orttmly on a off com pin from the namol to outrageous from iwioin to funny you nome it tl photos a* outomottcoly entered et If s Coleg* Photo (attest low hrsi plat winner. wil recent SI 000 srhoiashipi U s Moy IM3 woe wdl foo lute o spend (doge Yea ot (mew section showcoung slu dent photo entries aid winners Send yow entries on (da ptml a side fdm iobeted on the ball (genlfyi with yout name school. address phone number (home ond school) and deluded etfo on who when, why what ond ediore the photo mn token fnrlude norm ond phone numbers of the people et the prrtwe if possdde frttnes connol be ittorned ond become the property of U Mad to U Mapajei* Photo Cornell I BOO Century Pori fast Sate 170 Cos Angelov CA 900*7 1503 v -v- *m ■ scon Of THOM CGIOAAOO ST All U A (tetpM* AM« Cun* State U f Mate Ml • pMte •ppartetetf itetef lprte| BraaA Capture the NIKE Spirit Win $1,000 AND have your entry published with a national NIKE ad! Grab your camera and tapture those outstanding NIKE moncnh m sports and everyday Irfe Ma.t* you and your Ntkes won the match hiked to the most aw.' some plat e on f orth set a pe'sonal Uest in the marathon or ‘>K vtw a (hampion performance at school or the Special Olympics, sot a new school record or leaped the tallest building, Or mayts- you own or can find the World s Oldest Living pair o' Nikes tv the most battered r>atr of Nikes 'till in ewster. e How many pairs of Nike s can you get into one photo 'people attac'xd!) You decide and LUST DO IT' Each month, the best entry will be published in U with your name and iampus cr-dited. The winner oI the month will win $50 cash All "Capture the Nike Spirit photos will be entered in the judging (or the Grand Prize Award U. will pay the Grand Prize winner $1,000 PIUS your winning entry will tv published as part ol a national NIKF ad tn the December Issue of U. Runner up prizes will be awarded too Send your entries on color print or slide dim. labeled with your name si hool address and phone (school and home), along with a brief description of the Nike spirit you’ve captured who when, where, doing what. etc. Mail to U. Maga/fne CAPTURE THE NIKF SPIRIT CONTEST. 1800 Century Park Fast, Suite 820. Los Angeles. CA 9006/ Entries cannot be returned and become the property of U. Deadline for entries is Oct 15 No Hmtt on the number of entries you can submit K\11*l ( )VNI INI CRUISE JOBS Student* NwiJvil1 l am $2,(JOO» month • wtirid tra\*4 (ihei aribbran. llavvatt VVvim« l ur\>jv «-6 ) %vorkin£ti>»\TOto***hip*of tounompanic* 11* 4kta\ sunink'T and I ull Tuix1 employmrnt available h* employ mmt program c4tll t ruts* / mpio^ment s«*nnr* <2lH>) t»Vl-04fr* I xt ( MXtO • INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT • M.iki money teat hin# ha*n con vt*r*a tion.il I n^le-h abroad lapanand latwan larn$2.01K> V4JKK)* p i month Main provide r»**m At tvwitd ♦ i*ther benefit*' liiuiuntllv and cultur ally rev* ardinn' I or employment prtigranv call Intrrnational implQimrnl t.roup I 2iM» M2 114#> *\t J.'722 A L A S k A SUMMER EMPLOYMENT idrt'•« I an VMX>* per week in oinmrn- r V4iMXW per month on fishing NmI* free I ran* porta t inn* Kvirv Male or !e male (. all now tor employment program (206) 545-4155 Ext. A3185 Student I mplovmrnl Services NATIONAL STUDENT EMPLOYMENT \l ASkN 1 ithlfig $1,000* unfair room A hoard M (MM)* iitRiitiri anil vra* fouiiii )obt rath vrji in Flfthing. Oil, hlui itiuii 11mf*ri ami rnorr' Ouaianlrr Sri uir Nla^kun )ob, »«r rc« ri\< lOO‘$ trfuml ‘v'j* f-">i »nh V* »?* - $J' SA.II PNlD IN I IRNSHIPS: Ml aira* .f Mint* V\ u%)un|(t<>ii I) ( l\. IV.%ton \r» N«ni < hit ago. llrmrf, i'liiU(lrl|)tnj Ohio Northern ( alifotniu Raleigh I>urhaiti 1-** i*K uiirimliip iruidn mih $7 9^ ra • JVSAH NAT l STl DINT SVC IV.n l^'»M < 4,»vallo ( >K wTHCV MAJOR O P P O R T lT N I T Y i lub*> girri* rntirprrnrur* Seeking rep* for MAJOR l"» l MMjur i %hirt toiurpt w ii<) tiujon .i-> uilubb N00) 9*9-3170. STOO-SSOO VV|>kl S \wrmblc jl IwHtir No « li«m V»»u ir jmti 1 «titf*> i | olh < .uufMlH, inloftnjthrii • 4 Hour lloilmr HO I S74 ?*MWJ (opsritfht • Nil l< >K1»M mask. \ i< ms hi ishmvuDWHKn y mpi < >\ MINI t)|KK H >KS M M I l JO NS|t> \< .1 M \ Vmt $'i no to hu|*i'^mrni, K»»\ L<» < Nmikhik KK'tXvV (DM PI I l K ( \KO R OPPORIl Mills. IN I J KSMill's St MMIR IMPIOVMIM (OMI'l IlKMKMs MI IMPKKS1S HI TAILS 1 s\s| VIVISM H«>\ liffALt CtriSHtifU.il PA IV.'V, SIMM KK (AMI* IMI*. C 4III|> < imilN k (of HoV* 4iul < amp K<>«ua4 a for <.irb ill flic hrikaliirr V|«*tmi-»mi i>l Ui»v«i hux ill w-rk kimi prtful « iramr nwn jImI womrli *lm Ilk* t*» trnrk Miih ihtklim j)(n l udrfyf <**U <1411% < 1 *44 lw» ifamllw* %*>rl* * *mr • < »|»riimm m ImvImII hatkriliuii liMHtull vi*Hrvt**ill »lt la*n«w %ull it*H iwtoi(i)iii|( it (* I i »l VNM trnim, v%4fmki mu. * tmUurfinj;, I'umm luuropinmi Mm unokm mill ( ail ut 4( I MotklMj! VJ M of vvrtfc ( amp (>mt«Kk ( jmp Rimuti, *<*' Writ s ’th St . Vutr *0’, \rn York. JOOIV ! t)! SSH OKS for |mt«h tuliuti! iruilrnt iain|n in VIA 4fi«I Ml Jimr \uj{U»i TJ l.irui *uiiict •p^Mirtunm Wntr Cohen hiundiuiNt ( ain^n vo vi-4iii SI W.Umt VI VOITVI iSOMi NANNY SIR VICKS CAMP TAKAjO Im Box* .*1. l .»>K l akr Naplrt M^mr Piiturewjur Ukrln-m lot ation. r»n |»(«»ru! litllilie* ( Krt IIKIdmmrbf p*«44(K*m, |i|iu waf tana) and kin hen |u»»c 22 thru \u|(u%t 22 Write hi i alt ( AMI* l \k\J< > V'Sf4»(7Vm! Virti 2 Mb Houi Nm» \iitk NY 1 0021 212 MN*XJ«n| [Vrt C imnwl'ii* ami ( ImriMHU \muujw» nrcilnl at Stiprii amp. an exciting pri«wul gn«*ih and a* admit* uimmrl jini^i4ilif"i Irrm m( \ l\ II MA ImriMc*.* m Man I* and Vpnl m the*r *tair* Sal an, room l*»aid Provide u%*n tranvpnrtalMm ( -ill I OOOA27 5121 MAI i CAMP COL SMI OKS WAMU) 41 ra lop living i ixrditmm and pax ( all loll lirr I #n?IV 4 **6 ('C)t NSKt.ORS |ii|> Miinr hjjlil V\rrkl htldrrn * ( amp* Ml »poiu. at irviiic* (oral oppnfluniU I all 407 !Wt 1 %7M SEW HAMPSHIRE t.IKI s l \ K I Mil) CH'ISI \ N l>l N(» COt NsHORS NOR I'HEJtN W ISCONSIS REM >R I Nrrdi M Jltttaff kitchen waff lniu«rtff|jrM Salan room In Mid Hu?d » E (field WiI 54524 C Ot NSHORS CAMP EMERSON. .k-.I Mas* a< hu*ett» leafh *win»m*ng irnmi lantl *atrr tporti. an* train moir' Super kid*. great l*»«**i. tirendh fun' No genera! c«.mn*elor* #**» *P»*» ( AMP NANNIES Rtm »i< im.I« (.oitiu-i m ill l op ulnio, lm»fhh, mmkii. Im*4KJ. 4il(jir lit^ Sum Pn»tfi4fti VI AKl.Y po*»tn#u% ( jir l«»i KkIi I W*1 iU A-N \N| HI A BOMON NANNY I *■ -•llrni vaIjiv IkmcIio jnl-iir I ulrmivc IWIttm MipfMMl Fllflvfill i irtlittlll met 11 1 HfHHAHlHAf* LOOKING FOR AN EXCITING JOB? MUSMIIIXI IIINI* PI is ( «|>|*»«tunif> \411ml inr. hit P C) Hmi .M'I hit li NY 11712 I WMM24 M Ml> )a* (Mg. 024-7024 Ml SIC HOOKS hff ( l> ( jurllr lAOtogwr Hunt Pllblli 4IKHII ♦77 H2iw1 Si HfmAlvn. NY 112**** •ANAKCJIIVI COOKBOOK* \v4iUI4c 4*un' $2!. |n >%l |>a xl Rj»iM4ilr Hmiki Hilt U'lK Vi JIMMt N | 0700*) mw: MDCIJ) DRINK UgUORCXM PONS AN!) KM1PI.S PO BOX II PAOU.PA 1*0010001 Kl»UCATION AIDS S(ih^ S>|f«>.irr iim ludl)^( C lilt» N< >lr» l*»A I -W 1 (AIM <.Kt v\l sir ( H|S| sou M MV< >1 I I \K\ H \ HN DM.KII IN I W« > ^ * \KS « »K 1 NN |K(AI VOl K M MOOI MU' MM’ Hi HiKIM st Nl> $ 14 0*» 1(1 ri NMNM Ht • i'tKist si i»\\s\ ii 11 svnn TAX PR F. PA RATION l OU.EOE m DENT’S Cl IDE TO ril INC A TAX RETVRN Sl^-by-ttrf «utn« u.. I »v«rn folWg* t&MSrti cm Inllar*' Maw^s barl paraM Nmi 11 N«l*rtt«l !u Vfwn 1000 ( utttf Ro*d. WTO, PW> r«juu W) Aht) mxl ETl DENT HEPN lu *tn.dorr xauit k> Hontrirm EARN l OMMI.N.NIONV Amur- lix Arittift TR AV I I IXPIIIAt l\lil|( I M M \1 >■ KIMOIt |M V( Is VIIM l \S< IN \ I IM • I I | II K! s \M IK I MW I III HlK IKH llPni III HI ( Ml S II IlY ARKOAII > t r Nr rltllirrn 11 -ii" • Sum inn Sriitrilri Vrai piugriHU l-unuti Ml Mil Sum M \S jalunxnxi IX ilino-.’ SIM M F.K KIU'CATION I \N(.I \(.l ( l I II K M I'KOOK VMS I IUK MIS O) (.KASAIIV M’SIN »■.*'«))) Al I IN) I I MS) ON) MON 1 H SIKISKI II IIION DII'IOMS KooM BO SKI) )S( I kslliNs |l N) 11 IS SI (.1 SI S)S ) N ( ON I IN) MS t I SI ns SS I I’SK SMI N N| 07).’..’'.’1)1 «,> ’)« SI I I PROTKCTION Sll M.l SN »'K«HKCl Y< >t RSI- I I Irrc • *»-* l«\ \M( i» Ho* 1|7V. < M < oiumtm» < »H »V„»|0 AUTOS FOR SAM. CIIKAPIHil l N SHZH) S*! SifUfltf* $.''*> SV> 4 \\ $ H7 SifUfiU* $h#J o' M tutting ( h«»«isr Imni (houMiHii curling $2f» Fftl’l Inff<>tmuiion ‘24 Hour Hotline*. (Hill i !*♦ (‘-ojjyiTghl • NI M >K)< FINANCIAL AID Iscr* *lu«!rni titing our %rr\nr i% guNt <3om "t# * 7\ . _ J? . ,, j..-. ,- *n«i ^ fr* txxrmon o* m«uio^w«i « ^ poo# UH* ci# furtgm*#* W» >N*rrt tfy» ng™ to 2?s~ —«•« *• nj^r\r.r.:£. ™ ^«,— ~ ^ ««. . - ««- -«*~~~ <—"— —'•'**“• *» —•******* 01 c*^-a—*—«“> ■uir.ttmfM ..[..«m wTOMdOy U o< *» lyoduen .«.•"«•• <*»*••<> >*>**•''» a rw< Mtw to «n« « m "u"**" __