Defining Living Color • Consistently Sting • Belly Explores Its Feminine Side • Doubts AboutJesusJones • Zevon Howls U. College Radio Chart I Pavement W'aurs, dnmntu i M.ii.kIi>i i 2. Freedom of Choice. liirolint') i King Missile / lapfn Horn {Atlantk i 4 7-Year Bitch. /) V Ween. Ihnr(>««m(KJcktr.u ti Grenadine, < •ayn (Shiniim I >w 7 Jawbreaker Hnmuu i Iuj*k>i H. Nirvana hurstimU << >i VanWa Train Wreck, \mruim^ to 7'ry Ijkt You NLunmnrh) 10 Sebadoh, \tna\h )mir Hnitlim thr PuttkR«tk\ Sulil1* )!’) < Atirt UiHti m .t&gr rtnU> urpun I * **eni**t>n{ ►**•**> K V NK Viui((4M«xu WU V IndfcMM l V%\JM )4n«~* Mj-Iw.*. I "KM 1 .4krttn*k* W\ 1 V| l U( HM l <4 VU hi#u. K( < >( l .4 V|t«.»tn WNYt SrvVnU W\M I 4 \.«th < ai ••):;>. klltt H*r Southern IUhwh* l MM* l >4 Irui WtU ! uUnr l V%\K> V**fc*h«e«H k( VU J 4 \*> »»■»>** «t r W\IH 4 Vlunu I "il'K Sting Ten Summaner's Tales (A&rM) ★ ★★★ It was (Irfmitelv worth the watt Nuuk roirirt h.ti k .titer .1 IWO-vejl u-spitr with a Mesh ( nllr < I ion o! m w s 11 called I'm Summtmn i /alr\, .1 10 (1 at k Morvtxiok. ill J.l// mlrMrd tunr> I he new trlr.isr pi< k\ lip »hrit- / hr \ntl ( a^ri led oil with j wxilhing. ei In tn imistri <>l Im signal in r jo// j*>p sivir un vtu^ iim F.vei I use Mv Faith in You" and "Shape* ol M\ I le an." Sting s smooth av-silk \«h ah thill o\rt some o| his Ih*sI work 111 \rais krd l>\ an all-star band, it's haid to find a flaw in this album I hr real gem in this album is a ir-rrlrav ol "It s Probabh Mr." a song first drlivrird Oil the Irthul Weapon ? soundtrae k It s the c tmilest and blursiesl ol all the tunes, illumt* natetl l>% the guitat woi k of F m ( lapton II their is one word to drst nbr Sting s woik, it has to !*■ consistent Hr hasn't sold out his st\lr oi his fans, marking his maturitv sun r his rebellious davs with 1 hr Pol it r Passionate vocals, poetic Ivrus, a tool, )«U/V feel and the sweetest i hvthm set t tot is aiound — these air the ingredients lor a gieat album, and appaienth Sting's found the rec ipe? ■ OtriftGook* I hr .Sttni’u h (>uuitm, Norwich l Belly Star (Sire Reprise) ititi Min uiuiig. .uni unging, in the k w.u ■ ■I (wit hand* ( I hunting Mum s. lUrriirlM 1 .m\.i Ik much hat fonnrd a vrhu lr lor tin burgmmng wtflgwnting (HUptil lirllv On Brlh 'x drbul. V/u Donnrlv < oinm.uid«nx j puim nlhci wtuldh [»>p iHttlil through thr i ilirn trttuhlrd w.ticiMif frnulr i xislcin «• Diumrli i (in hotorm nl (hr (irativr .uni ilir drxtnn uvr |xtjw up in (hr Kins, .illin aigh the laltri sc rim U> mil dale* I In hours store! son r sings * *1 tin a])Ua< rd dolls, homing skill and suit uic iiitempts ( >nr song, "Sloto Dog. is based on lhe* am inn ( hinrsr t usioin <»l mng a dead dog onto thr tut k o! an ailultci(>us woman umn n un *>111 *l>uxtrd“ <1 rab wall ".I hcioin addu 1 tape victim twAH.tlK lntugumg Ivmal themes indml, but the muiK sometimes falls sboit. I'hc lour songs prod in rd b\ (»il Norton (Pixirv iVrr l bu) air thr urongni; pcppv drums ami giddv guitar styling* c iratr contrast with Donuriv s disturbing bins Some of tbr slowri songs, ibougb, pi < ist* (o 1m* Lthoi i« »us and unutviliiig Ujom* alrr « tide thr naif i>l tri lmo-populaii(y invading i nllrgr i ampin c . ai liny thr nation I rt lino yrrnn to be Mini«* nt/airr cx mppir t onspn v to r i ( #irt*ks to ukr at it 1 anti dam r all night iVmunuhh a litiU- him (ri makes flu- mu* it touiui brltrr bet ausr v% 11 hoii( it, thr album brt ofnrv rxl rr me Iv annoying \ more apptopnatr < laxstnt anon would Ik- lunkilgf dist i» I hr hand has tried to derive a formula hom Right Urn*. Right Novs and rr|xat it cnntinttalh throughout t is new release I hr allium takes you on a computer l«m»p lo hell av i hr poll in ally c or reel Ivm % of Mike Kdwards are whispered through a < hresv pose l hr huhhlr gum politic % arr mil an attempt ai making global com rim palatable in fhr youth hui an attempt at siinplv fluffs and t * mimed mai krtmg Fans «it tr« him vs it I applet late thr short rnrd single vrisit ms of thr dan< r ext tiixn >ns It \tin t an t alibid to go to a c luh. vou can turn up thr music and have* somr frtrnds blow smoke* in vout face*, flic k thr lights on and of) and wave a /W*'ini IHingitlmfiont of vimi rvrs as sour pupils expand I*or even one else. /VmrrvoHris onh thr jagged feel ing of next-das iralnv ■Joe Train*, Honda Hambrttu. Horitli State l;. 1 in the studio Ahh-ouu1 Warren Zavon is howling again Zevon responsible tor more than two decades ol music and the ever-classic singles 'Werewolves of London" and Excitable Boy is working -- — -, on an album to be released in April Zovon Sti* exdttnfc After a brief detox from Jane s Addiction. Kerry Karren s oacx win hts new band Pomo for Pyrov and a debut album slated for release m April As those who caught Porno's rare gigs at Lollapaloo/a last summer can attest, look for a more tribalized reincarnation of the Jane s sound After six years chameleon actor/rocker David Bowia is changing back to the color of music and working on a solo proiect due out at the end of April Black Tie. While Noise produced by Nile Rodgers, is backed by A1 B Sure! and Mick Ronson, along with some other insightful musicians — including Bow* doing his Clinton imperson ation on sax Following the Dry album. PJ Harvey mixes it up again in a London studio Her latest shock n rock thriller is due m stores late spring While hiding out in an L A. studio, punk rocker Billy Idol hopes to wrap up his new release by early spring or summer, but as lar as details about the sound, "mum's the word Irom EMI Once a punk, always a punk? Not necessarily . ■ Jill O'Brlon, Dally Nebraskan, U. ol Nebraska on the road A brief look at March concert listings Elvis Costello and the Brodsky Quart*! Los Angeles CA 3.14 San Francisco. CA. 315 los Angeles CA. 3/16 Boston MA 3/17, New York. NY. 3/18 Gin Blossoms: New Orleans LA. 3/1 Birmingham AL 3/2 Tuscaloosa AL 3/3 Fl Lauderdale FL. 3/5. Tallahassee. FL 3/6 Tampa. FL. 3/7. Orlando. FL 3/9 Athens GA 3/10 Atlanta GA 3/11; Raleigh. NC. 3/12. Chapel Hilt. NC. 3/13 King Missilr Jacksonville FL 3/6 Atlanta GA 3/7, Charleston. SC. 3/8 Wilmington NC 3'10 Raleigh, NC 3/11; Charlotte NC 3/12. Virginia Beach VA. 3/13. Richmond. VA 3/14 Washington DC 315 Asbury Park. NJ, 318 Philadelphia PA. 319 New York. NY. 3?0. Long Island NY 3/21 Phtsli: Los Angeles CA 318 Sacramento, CA. 3/22, Santa Rosa. CA 3/24. Santa Cruz CA 3^25 quotable “It's not any kind of primal scream therapy — it’s just so people can tap their damn foot.” —frank Black (formerly Black Francis of The Pixies) on rock n' roil