B a< k in * lit* im >i «• ail icon than a om «• mm* (lest i i|H /ip emit* in IV\«*i l\ Mills. I mil < clunihi.i Pit Him s < .line \ nti point out to vmn friends who don i go to Marvlanet. s.»ns Kate ( a 11 a w a \, .« Maryland senioi ( aiiassas is a mmilici of Sigma Kappa Miroiitv. where- Rob lowr ns.is filmed in a hat hienun lot the mov'ir "hnNoiic > like ' R calls 1 hat * aui siiine, " she sass At the same time, though, sharing a house nshere lanve oiue walked isn't that big of a deal to the sistets who li\e the n “We don't make a big de al abeart it. it s just a |x»tnt of intoimation \ ixunt, though, that Memphis State wheie 1‘aiamount just finished filming lhr Firm hojies toeaptuie foi itse lf. 1 he film, based on Jedm (.nshain s novel, stais loin ( ruise as Mitch Mi I Veie. an fionois graduate of I latvard I a \s sc hoed who dee lilies oft ri s at the nation s top law fums to accept a jx wit ion at a small hnt wealths partnership in Memphis 1 hr Firm, se t foi release this summer, tot goes the- inn walls of Harvard foi the e ampus «>1 Memphis State “first auel fe»rc* most, veni re looking tm the look You r On Location On Campus wr w -aAa, Where doe* TrtStar go to film the »tory of a Notre Dame football player? The U . of Notre Dame, of coor*e. Hollywood goes back to school tofind thepicture-peifect campus. Here's where it ended up. It\ Jill Salomon, Kiev 'thresher, Ritv l!. want In sIiihiI what |K-n|)lr think it's going to look like." vi\s Mike 1 kllheim. Iih.i!mil managei i>l III*him. In ihr i m nl ihr turn. Memphis Stale was ideal not only lot its I\y walls anil tree lined stirets but also heiausc the test ut the movie takes plat e in Memphis ’ 11s h atioii mangels) i house some shots liased on t onvement e ( i uise mines to a Memphis him the fitst thing they think ol is to i all Memphis State.” s.us t .regg Hi i 11 i an t. pnhlii ist lot I’ai amount \tui that's one i all lew admmisiiatm s muni taking "| Ihrhrm] was a wotuleiliil thing lot the university hot one thing it highlights the uimeism .incl (he* f.uultv. Malt ami »ludtiih vvrir vi nUIii to see the movie tome toge-thn.~ sa\s |.mn liaiUiiann, video i oordinutot m the media lelations department at Memphis Stale Memphis State- like- most campus tin me- sets — got a sure*! deal i« *i »t\ t ooj* i ation I hough univeism of fit ials and industiN people are hush-hush on the spec dies ed the deals, 1 )el lheiru sa \ s Memphis State got "a tan ollri \t Rue l III Houston, \sheie the KIM filmed a IV mim-seiies last summer, a movie de-al amounted Oidx to about $3,000. Hut (*rrg Mat shall, who c ooidmat ed the filming lor the uimeism. \a\s it was enough "We ir nut inteiestrd in trs nig in make mimes, jusi tiling lo compensate evtoime for theii mi ovcnienccs. V\ e didn't make a whole lot on it, hut it was l.rsciinuing lor the students “ Ik ing in the movies, though, isn't always in the lards lot a universits I he 1 ol \otie Dame wanted more than |ust a fan oflei ttefore u would ^ allow a film i lew on Ms i ampus Du k ‘ Conklin, vire president of mm el sits il lations, sass Notre Dame has want ed to keep its foi us on ai ademii s ictusing movie olTeis to maintain its integt its m eilui allon Kill foi a true slurs of a sitting man whose lifelong dream was to plas football lot None Dame, univrisits oflinals found n haul tosas no Rudy, set lol lelease sometime next fall, siais Sean \stin as the Nolit Dame football plasel who pursues his lifelong goal to wear tin uniform, if utils foi one down f’loduiei Koh filed s.iss Rnds him sell tiled to get the university to loopetatc foi seseial seals befori I riStai stepped in to gel Ins slots told When (lie unisersits finalls assenteil, the production iress ■ nosed hi "We've turned down several si npts on dns same still's before wi said ()k to tliis one 1 lie i idle I s wen wuiti ni'tsii. i e< ause (he Iim .111011 is vi lentral lo iht- plot (>1 1 mu si-, .11 ,i si I100I like the l ol Noiiihern California. wheie (inn 1 \ntilvml the Houir Parly movies and p,m of ihr ('uuituitr wrie filmed. .ill this movie host ness gets ,i hit old .iltcl .1 while I St sludelils tend lo ignore die pro duetlon 1 lews, savs l St juilloi tddv Sain who vs .is an ext 1 a one e lot .1 ( Hs I \ movie "Aftei .1 while you )usi walk hv and don t teallv i aie I here aie v» mans films dny>h "I guess d we did it even dav, people would get tiled ol it." s.tvs Cores, Ilu kelson, a |uninr at Memphis State "But loi that one dav, you rant imagine what it was like " Class of '96 tries to make mark in line-up of cheese With networks scrambling to reach college students through a cheesy line up of shows like The Heights. Covington Cross and 2000 Malibu Road, a new offenng is struggling to set itself apart from the mediocrity Class ot 96 which debuted in January, chronicles the craziness and drama in the lives of seven college freshmen The senes is filmed at the U of Toronto (a campus with an East Coast look) that provides an idyllic college setting If this show sounds like another Fox program hoping to test the limits ol the youth-oriented audience it is The network is looking for another 90210'Melrose Place -type show and it thinks it has it in Class ol 96 There are plenty ot cool dressers and plenty of stereotypes as well Kan Wuhrer plays Robin Farr a promiscuous strawberry blonde who is tond of. among other things lingerie But there’s more to the young vixen than a plentiful underwear drawer 'She s streetwise as well as book smart," Wuhrer says The show is the brainchild of former Columbia U professor John Romano, who says Class ot 96 will raise some eyebrows by dealing with college issues like date rape anti semitism, scholarship and sports But. most ot all Romano says the show will be about college life in gen eral 'College is the place where the American Dream still lives" ■ J. Marti Dudick. Montana Kaimin, U of Montana