Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 26, Image 35

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    Ml IK Ml Iff
A deafening
assault of
funk. A
kaleidoscope of
lasers. Flamboyantly
dressed characters
lost in a sea of sweetly
scented smoke.
I lies i .ill K a rave, .1 list
iindrt ground (I.nit r patty,
not lo hr t onlthril ssith flie
t .intin.i vriif liotn St.u Wars
\llll IIS |topul.tlllS IV sweeping
at mu ihr i ountrs in .1 mad
(IrtliilR noli
I hr t onerpt .1111 \ c-11 Itoni
I llglantl alnn ivl live vr.ii' ago
\nil .is ilirsr iiudri ground
lrstiv.il* havr rmrigrd into
thr in.iinMir.ini. rollrgr stu
tlrnts li.tvr I well swept ,iw.i\ In
tlirm in summing niimlieis
I hr tlira ot dam mg until
dawn in .1 hip siiirral atmos
phere has proved lo hr an
altrat live alternative 10 ordi
nan I anti legal 1 dam r 1 Inin
‘A last- parts is pisi a pails
playing a lot ol let lino ssiih
right hours ol pine rungs
.iiki ci.int mg. savs vs rsirin isrmin k\ i
|iim<>! Krun I <»«!<i “If s like the nineties
SCI Sion ol .1 disui |>.ii f\ When the musn
gels going von're just riding the IkmI
I hr fur ignited in 1 os \ngeles and \<*sv
Yoi k ( n> hut has spiead quit kl\ to college
campuses from \ii/ona to hcntiu ks
Despite then reputation as ding havens,
i aves have bee nine all the i age
I his explosion ol populatitv has heen
» hionii led m movies and telesision. a sine
sign that raves aie not just lot those in the
know 'Madonna’s ness video and movies
like Had Injhtrnte anti Haul Imtitut ate
making them more mainstream." I odd
s,rvs " Hrvrrh Hills 902W even did an
I [ll'IMM .1 I M III I II 1(1 III.til*
t outdid (Ins .uirmuin isill urn
make laws lose thru appeal
Kais Raimir/. a viplmmorr ai
\I1U I H .in l . saVS I .INC'S will (HI!last tile
h\|K* “Raves wcic mil me ant to Ik* fads,
shr savs
Uriel in abandoned warehouses. clubs
or vat ant fields. i.ivrsentail elalntiate light
shows, in hna iniiMi and mood'cnhanc •
mg siibst.int c*s l hrv vr spawned a unit pie
stvle and look for this generation Wild
print shuts, leggings. Dot Martins,
crushed velvet drevw. masks and extras a
gant hats .11 e common attire I hr music is
mm mi «»i it n .» '.nil
pling nt ilitin
(asmilr» ssilh (hr
latest m until
|)i>|i Iri hnnings
I hr audio as|M-< I
ot .1 iaw i' mu' ill
ihr biggest .nii.H
Honshu I.tvrts
" I’coplr ssIn i air
lug musii 1 .tns will
II Hu i/p ihr mii'ii .mil
vis it’s .ill ssnllirlii Hill il
rvokrs Irrlmg." Ramirez
s.iss "K.isr I1IIIMI IS .1 gouit Ix-.il
that (iisrssmi thr ii|i|mi iiiims iii In gi
Kent in ks l " 11
ss .is is ill). ill llgs
ssrtp rserywhrtr
I here ss .is a* ul
ristass I’roplr
svrrr ssalking out
ol thr bathrooms
■lltrt using i nkr il
was i I.I/s
K.isrs in i itirs hkr
I iiiiisi illr Ks .mil
Vishsille, I rim .up not
ipillr .is mtriisr Dings dn
not plas sin li a iloniinani loir
anil thr i mssil is moir ilisriv I mill viss
“A raw Is the loudest, most exhilarating, sensual experience on earth, own without drugs. ”
Mir \a\s trie raves .nr downturn exnua
idling "It's like imc tug unified mass ol
people it.uu mg around and letting mil
their aggressions to a beat
I o Mime tasr-gorr*. riding ihc beat
rcmiires the assistatue ot a mind altering
subsume "1 he first rave I went to was in
New York." sa\s Hetham Stevens. a soplio
Mam oilin', aivi .Ilf ijuu k io |x>ini oui
lli.it diugs .nr not thr main attiai lion \i
am < lul) hi dam e si cnr itiri r m.n hr
drugs, Ramnr/ sass bm (lies arc not as
pres air til at ravo
“11’n not realh a ilrug thing: it’s ihr mult
i ation
\ nattnal Ingli from thr atinosphrir
'By Tracy Mercer, The Graphic* Pepperdine U.
and run gv in enough foi
some ravers. “A rave in the
loudest, most exhilarating,
sensual ex|>erien<e on eaith.
even without dings." savs
Laura YViltord. a juniot at
Western Kentuckv “It’s a
i hame to vent all of vnui
energy and just dam e."
Hut all this venting some
times does attiac t the alien
lion of the local authorities
Pail of the (Inill of an undet
ground pat t\ is the set ret \
Most raves .tie not publi
i i/ed. pai tiers find out about
them thtough lliei s whit h
give a location where maps
air distributed.
Bet a use some raves are
held in abandoned vsaie
houses o! vacant lots, the
potential tot t onflit t with
}N>lice is great. Ramirez savs
laves often are broken up
hei ause the t rowti is huge,
their are fire law violations
oi complaints t ome from
Ilie reputation rases have
foi ding and alt ohol use also
attr at is the polit r "I he
polite will assoc iate a huge
mass of fien/ied kids with
drugs,” she vivs
In M11 vs aukee. police
arrested more than ‘MM) jx*o
ple at a *(.iave Rave" on
Halloween I he event was
11(1(1 m a n.iirnuuM , .mu |M mi c said me
I .IV r V%.|S <!INI U|>lrd I>t*l aUSC* (tlC |( K .1(14 III
was unfair and sjMinsois weir operating
without a Ik disc
1 tils ( iin kdown is Vs11ai lias tot t ed the
rave s( c i ic atnisc giound and disr mu aged
entrepreneurs from using die events as a
get rn h <jui< k scene Some of die fit si
undeiground raves in I os Angeles were
put on l>\ linam ids, piodiuers and hai k
eis mieiested in making a fast hut k
Bn legitimizing raves some si\ tug name
s| >o n so is have (aken awav die novellv of the
i "in ept and teplaied it with just anothei
(tut) alternative \oiman Hriiiov, vvtio has
11eijuenied l os \ngeles and San Diego
I ' ■> V". nill ll MU > III' 'M U
alxnr ground f11c*\ lost their
spirit, Raws may Ik- safer and
legal, Ihm dies re also Ixrring .*
rormri I.<»> \ngcle«. lot a! Krill lvlrt
also longi lui the dav* ut ilie ratIs. undo
ground raw « cnc “It vv.ii u-allv .1 wild
timr You Irll like von could cv .![><• into
Wonderland and not havr to rnmr out
until r> the nrxt morning " 0
'(arm huttiham. ( ollrgc Heights
llrtald, WV.itrm Kentucky l , unit Hrathrt
(•tiumgru, Marquette Iribunr. Mnu/urllr
I , amtrilnitfd to ttm arhilf