Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 25, Image 34

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Minorities hunger for a well - balanced education
3 ft
University administrators are bending over backward to make minorities teal leas Isolated In the campus environment.
Bv Paul Heltzel, Collegiate Timet, Virginia Tech
| n • 111 ( n i >f vh*w mav Im* finished aside
It s (!i.«t I.I( k of insight that nt.IS pi event
unismtiK’s from developing sitong rth
nit studies pingtams, .i » utii .il n i|mi<
incut in affiat ting .mil iruining minotttv
students savs ( lift Nfogtrti, assistant vit <
t ham rllot at ih« l ut Nouthn n
( alifoitua
When miiHMiis nerds alt* not inn i
hat klash i an it suit I ike at tin l «»t
Mass.it husrtts. whnr a hlat k student
allegedly vs as assaulted l»v a whin* n«*n stu
drill this tall (nggrimg ongoing i at t a I
tinrrsi at tin » ampin
In all HI*>lt In tjurll the* hostilities of his
laiialh divided taiu|ms. I Mass Pirsident
Mit harl I ftm »kc-1 agired t«» hast* mtnm Hies
makr up «?0 |hi« rnt of thr heshtiieu t lass
and *0 pei<rnt nf campus professionals
and r\t*t nines In HI4.la
Korn full tuition m fmlarvhips air lx*mg
|>io\ltlrti. and two irt t lilting |K»Mtn»ns will
In* filled t»s mm. uitirs
Imollmg mote mimuits students
d<K sn’t nrt t ss.mlv provide a nintr t tiltui
alls tliu’tsr t ainpus oi edut ation savs
\ andrna \ rnkatrsh. who Iasi vrai rained
a toiuhinrtl hat hrlot s and mastri s
drgirr from l ( I \
I hat having mote mummies It ads to
grratri untlri standing is not a given
\ rnkatrsh savs l fiat drprnds on how
thr univt tsitv tn\ iioiiinrni works It
t for s 11 t nrt rssai ils « irate some knit I of
III idgllig • if all gaps
S< funds air listening, though, and mak
mg a ( OIK ntrd (‘Hot I It» « lose I Inrs< In drs
f>\ ic ejuning limit* minority stmlrnts
1 flough a laigr niilloiits population
ma\ not piovidr a fwttri rtliu ation. savs
kounit t* Sirphrlist>u a sophomon at
\ ii gin la I rth. ini irasrtl iiuihm its enroll
inrnl he lps to fostri an rmiionnirnt ton
dm tvr n i framing
"I attended a pirdoiiunantfv Mat k insti
union, and you ire rise Imsic alls thr same
rdutatioti as at am othri university/'
Stepfienson savs "It lias to do ssitfi
whrthri a |xi vm feels < on dot table
Developing that learning afmospheie
wlirtr mmoiits stmlrnts I re I at ease e an 1m
hen Charlene
I teruandtv was
threatened Iasi
spring alter
puhlielv < hastising her student
government for being raeialh
insensitive, she wasn’t afraid.
She was angrv.
Sin* was used («> the- intimidation olten
a\MH i.itrd with standing up h»i lin com it
lions just two years earliri . the l of
Not (hri n ( olorado semoi s < ai was
shoved down a lull alter site unitized the
mmeiMtN lot i hoosing 4 t oniliU'tit eilient
sjxakei who opposed hiliiigual edue at ion
Several da\s latct she teeeivrd phone
thieats at the llispame ( nltuial ( rniei
whi le she- sik iuIs tlliu h ol hei time
"We know what you lex>k like, the- \i»ie e
said "We- know where von live
I he threats, although unneiMug. dune
home Hernandez s earliei suspicions —
the dav when jieople e»i diffeietit rat es i an
li\e togrtliei and ac e ept eat h othei n dil
ferene es is a long was awa\
“It just letonfirnis a lot ol the leehngs
veiu have when you e ome into se lioed,
Met nindr/ savs "I don t t*\|K*e t am one to
understand how I leel \cceptanee is
mainly what I \e asked for, not neievsarih
Keif minoiitv students nationwide, going
to college tan l>e a lonely and frustrating
t xpeiieiue \11<I i' ihr mimliet «>1 Million
H students entering college lilt ii mwi — l>\
I S.000 between 10HN .ind 1‘MIO-so
Hit lease minoiit* student di'iinnilt ltii
molt- i it It in .t 11\ diteise t am|iu» envifim
menu anti t unit uU that explote iliru
\ntl t ullage*are listening
\l the l ol ( aliloima. Ian \ngeles, stu
dent* t an inajui in \lm \mci it an studies,
k a*t \tMii language* anil eulluie*.
women * studies. < hit aim studies <>i \*ian
Vmet It an studies Studrill* alto t an
i etiuest an athisei i >1 then < t**n elhnit it*
\\ illiam* ( aillege in Ma**at husetl* ha*
v*ot ketl Milt e the l'Milk to broaden it* i ur
i it ilium b* ex plot mg \ me nt an mint till*
tultuie* autl non Westell! tie*** I be lat
tilt* voted in 1'ISM to make the imiltit ultui
al t la** "People and (ailture* the fir»t
irtiuiieti t outse ill the t ollege s Imloi*
Vttnirling In let rutting mateilal*. the
goal ol I h t itieillal t aillege ill I os \ngele*
i* to lift time the premiei multlt ultuial.
libel a I ait* in*tiltilit>n in the totinli*
I tu uieil* tloiiiinaletl In white student*,
mult ml* student* now make up mote than
tU pelt e tit ol the *t htn > I * e tin dime ill
jolt11 Brooks Slaughlei. president til the
t ullege. i* fond ol sastllg the *t lltitil I*
-tlettiletl toerjuit* and ext ellent e "
\t \ii/iuia State l admiiii*liatui* aie
working to it it lease eniollment ol imtlei
repiesented Hispanic wuinett thrutigh it*
} (i * 11 a ti 11 Mother* anti Daughter*
I’ingi am I he uni*ei sit* ret run* girl*
from 1 'S to 1K \rar% old wliov* patents did
not annul loilrgr Mothris and (lau^h
Iris attend sessions (hiou^hout the* \rai
on campus and div uss thru culture
I hr }>t 11 |h »sr • >1 dir |)M^tani is t«» make
inothets adv«H airs of hltfhri rdiu alum lot
thru children I hr results air numiiag
ing, and some* of thr tnothris haw drt id
rd to attrnd < ollrifr themselves
Still, with all of lhr e air
going into planning multic ni
tut al c onic ula. mam %a\ a
pircimninanth Anglo vnl
< ontiniK N to slimucf thr mv»
lonmrnt of mam t amptiMs
" I hrir in a strong \NrMriti
huio|KMii slant to refutation
in st hoofs (otiav. " sav s
Kohri t (ti it I it h. a l of
Soulhrin ( aliloinia Kiaduatc
student " I lies will siicw how hum h hl.u l.'
I mi Will i oiiihi. Inn dies won't nil \oii ill.11
.1 hi.ii k nun> invented ilir litst • ottoti Kin
I hr I S rilm .ilion mlrm .mil ns
.11 III os I lllMlllllloll.lll/ril I'M lusioii ol
turnouts history has i rratcd IrrluiK' ol
.lllrn.llloll and .iiik« i III students who now
air t ailing hn inotr s.u ird rdut alum
When Ircling « ulliiialls disloi alrd.
iniiiorits studrnts tan Irrl like thru (lass
mairs air sjjr.il.iiiK a Ioicikii languaK<'.
(.i illith sass
■ I hr s i r all t r lalillg to and l a Ik mg
about iIiiiiks that sou don’t know anythiiiK
about.* (.illbill suss "And drjjrndiiiK on
how insightful the insiimioi is. dillrirnl
“They will stress how notch blackt
picked cotton, but they won't tell you a
black man invented thefirst cotton gin”
diMiitill. *av* Natalie Young. .1 sentoi .11
\ii/<im.i Si.nr I It’* .hi ea*e lh.it < .in i nine
from *ei uinv in mimin'!*
Non iinimut* student* liml n li.ml n>
deal with hl.n k students wauling In he
togelhei." Young *,i*v “We want mil own
i oiimmmt* "
VuunK *.i** inmninv *imlrni% (eel Itn
Ihel misundei stood when the* |nnieM
iinivci *ilv polu le* on i ampu* She w**
protesting i* .1 neeejsitv il this (tend
(nw.11 (I eiju.ihl* and inllllK llltlll.lllMII I* In
i nnlmne — a* she In >|*e* II di ie*
“ I he pen eplion is. I nnk al them,
ihete die* go again — militant*,” Ynimg
*a** "Blit out volte* aren't heard il **e
don't protest * u