Humanities The Anheuser-Busch Companies a re proud to present a Humanities Scholarship in the amount of SI,000 to an outstanding student in the Humanities. To he eligible, the student must achieve the following: • Maintain a minimum f .2 grade point average • Demonstrate outstanding a 1 hievement in the < lassroom and field studies • Demonstrate financial need ANHLUSi R BUStH ( OMIANIiS I. ...1 Business Administration MasterCard is firuiiJ in present .1 Husnus* Administration 'scholarship in th, .innHint uf Sl.iHH) In .1 student tchn demonstrates high in Business Administration In be ehgt hie. the student must achiere the fnl Inu mg: • Maintain .1 minimum • gratis point average • Demonstrate acadentu excellence in the field of Business \dministrjhun • Demonstrate financial need 2()th Century Fox is proud tu ftresent .1 Humanities Scholarship in the amount of S 1,000 to an outstanding student in the Humanities. Id he eligible, the student must athlet e the following • Maintain a minimum 1.2 grade point average • Demonstrate outstanding achievement in the classroom and field studies • Demonstrate financial need Marketing AT&T is proud to present a Markt-liny SchoDrship in the .inn mill of $1,000 to a student u ho demonstrates high potential m Marketing I o he eligible, the student must achieve the follou mg: • Maintain a minimum 1.2 grade p< ant average • Demonstrate an outstanding record in the field of Marketing • Demonstrate tinan. lal need AT&T T Athletic Achievement NIKE is proud tu present a Scholarship \iiArd in the Amount of SI.1111,1 to A student Athlete To he eligible, the n hid A r Athlete must lull e the fnllou mg.iiuhlii Alums • Wai’Hai'i a minimum i grade point at erAge • I’jut. ipjte ■ mi a t oruty t•’ intramurjl teAm • I lm nstrjt fmai -, Business VISA is proud to present a Scholarship Award in the amount of $1,000 t>> a student who demonstrates excellent e in anx field of Business I »* he eltgt hie, the stUiient must achieve the fol lowing • Maintain a minimum > J tirade jn nnt average • \ combination of e\i ellem »• in the classriHrm, co curruuLtr and extrat urru ular activities • l )emonstratc ftnjfit ul need VISA Athletic Achievement Edge n proud to present a Scholarship Award in the ammint <>/ $ l.tHH) fn .1 student athlete /«» he eligible, the scholar athlete must hat e the folltni tng .fualtfn atmns • Maintain a minimum > grade point ai eraye • hartii ipate >n i arsit\ 'infaf itt the field nf ( nmrnitni, .lilt ins In In' eligible, the Undent until .It hteir the fnlh m ing • Wiiintiiin .1 minimum I 2 grade fn >tnl jterjge • \ i. nnbnuitn in n/ i \ i , lle’h e in the , l.lnn x mi. , n t urn, itl.ii .in,I extr.i , urn, uUr .i, tu Hies • I lemnnstrate finarn ml m ■ : r Communications Warner Brothers /> [fraud t<> present a Scholarship Au ard in the .1 mount of $1,000 to a student ti’ho demonstrates excellence in the field of ( ommunnations he eligible, the student rnust achieve the foMotiing: • \ minimum 1.2 grade point at erage • \ i < unhtnatu >n < >f e 1« client e in the i lassrt h mt. tot urrn ular and extra i urrn ular ac tin ties • Demonstrate finarn tal need Finance General Motors Acceptance CCorporation /s (>r,,ttd tn /’mi nt .1 iirnnn nil \<-rt u r's baldnhifi in 0'i .irumint . •/ SI.IHHI l' I .I’l utl.l’ul l»n ilUtlflll III lnt.iriic I" he rli^ihle. the Itlnlinl Ji hlflf the fnlinu illjC • \ljiril.ini minimum tfrjJt l« tint .It erjt;r • Shuu' tinjJrmii mi I m.imr .mj exi eptu" kruiu lednf "f ftnatu ul scrriin • / lenmnslrdtt Imatti ml m ed GMAC FINANCIAL SERVICES Academic Achievement Toyota Motor Sales IS /if. hi./ In present .1 Sehularshlp lu a’,l iti the jttb unit i it $l,0O<) h, j student It I'D time mslr.ites mil J irti> a. admin t \ < flL in e in any ffmj; nued /it'LI <