Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 22, Image 31

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Critics charge hostess
programs with sexism
Mil In till \\ hllnifi • .uni in ( Irinson l
tilted willi w hoot spun Shr |tiiii(-<l I lie uni
vrivils lunirvs pmgi.im. I I**' I igei I dies
in help let mu pio»|)n Inf athletes lot the
I,mill.ill ptogtam Whitenei thought .ill .1
wnm.ui needed lo irpi event < li-inwiu as ■» Iigei UH w,i\ ,i
imMIttr .IIIIItide. .ill outgoing |M IMI|1,||||\ .uni .1 devil r lo
piolitotr lln- si hool
Bill ivlul lln- athlelii drp.iilmrnl also w.is looking Ini
slu- \.n v w.is .1 pnm l.ii r .mil .1 goo<t IhmIs
l msi isitlfs around llir itnillUV use Women uinlflgl.nl
u.Ufs in .i< 1 .is loin guides ami i timp.nmnis lot high
SI IhhiI hull lull and h.iskflhall immls wsilmg die 1 am
pus I Ins pi at tit r a I st hon Is sin li as \i i/otia Si all I
Miami l . I hr l ol Mahama anil the l ol C iklahoina has
I m i 01 nr a largcl ol w mlim
" \s I igt-i t ilirs, wc weir mi 1 hr level ol aiiihassadins ol
tin sthotil," Whilenei sass "Bui it tenlly. vrsrial girls
wt it asketl m lease the Irani hriausr ol dim wrighl
Nothing soil do as a hostess has auslhitig lo do with sum
ap|if ai.ilii r It's not all alhli lii at Inns h s a hosting at us
us St 1 U hi it-111 1 tpiii tin icam
I hr t If 1 list in I athlflii department df lilts I hr wonifii
ssf le 1 f If ast- d Ik-i at 1 st n| 1 hell weigh I 11 a/e I Mi K III a. IimM
hall program setirlars sass aiiiliide piohlems not
appeal am e s, we I f l lie basis It 11 the de pal I me 111 s lie 11
sum 1 he 1 ill 1 (-ill I ign I ils applu almn pun t dtiie dm s
Troy Bell (Unde out m the only male student member of U. ot Miami's Cane Connection, an athletic recruiting program.
Liv S/abo, The Cavalier Daily, U. of Virginia
irejutir the women to submit .1 photograph of tiiemsrhes.
she saw and onr of the iripiiirments t**1 the tram »s .»
"nr.u .«(11 a< live, pie-,lsant jpjM .it .ntt r Modi* a denies
women ate* 1 ut it»tn thr te am bei a life* of weight
Mam athletic elriMitments who oilc i ht»sirss piografti*
m v them as a valuable- part <>1 thru ire tutting efforts
Katv He*nle*\ is a so|>horne>ic at the l of \labama and
an alt*mate foi the Hama Kelle-s Mabama's hostess
gnnip “I ImlrvM V air 1 rs|H»ilsibk* lot giving tours «*1 t am
pus to the guvs who * omc in to )<*ok at the m bool. I lenlev
s.tvs \N< mrrt them at the* athleln ele pai tmenf and lake
them whe*irvei thrv want to go. to the- ait museum ot thr
I fomrt «»mmg parade or whatever \S’r sit with them in the*
stands duimg football games when the eoae lies air busv
I hat s pi < ( iselv what makes Hal bat a Mai 1 is, e hail
woman of the women s studies de*paitmeti! at the l of
Notth t aiolma v»angn
I his ie|e*a «»t women attending to me n s ne e els cm 0111
age s women to !*e strii .is less than e ejual to me n. she- savs
l think the- whe»le progtain is sexist and deme aning,’ site
- . - MdHBP
Hardaway makes the grade.
Prop 48 shoots up graduation rate
I lies ir1 .tiling linn the next Magii Johnson 11m m l*.**Hl iIjc- N< AAiallrd
Memphis Stale*s top basketball prize ineligible
\nlrrner llaidawas. .1 6-loot-7 jiintm switigman l>>i the ligeis, didn't
make ilu- gi ade as .1 high si IiooI sciiiui So hr sat the Ih*iu h hi' freshman
seal ot college
"ll was not e.iss foi me to m! out III! ticshman season IkiIUw I trails
wanted to plus. 411(11 knew 1 tx-longed out theie, Il.udassas VI" "Hilt on
the otliet hand. 11 was good lot me 111 a « nv that I tone elittatetl more on
im studies and getting my degree."
I hat's pie* isels what Prop 42. the \t XA Irgvdatlon that irplased Prop
48 and kept llaidawas oil the court, intends to do — Ione iollege plains
like him who tail to meet minimum S\ 1 H I and (d’A ieipinenients to
com entrate on s< Ii<k>I lor a veal
\t (oiiling to a recent \( V studs that loinparcs a vunple ol student
athletes who enteted selet led Division I institutions lirlote 1986 with a
sample who entered in August 1986. it seems to woi k I he study mdu ales
the graduation rate ol the student-athletes |uni|>ed tiom 18 1 |>eicriit lot
student-athletes who entererl oil lege in 1984 01 198 > to >*« :> percent for
those who stai ted in the tall ol 1986
“When I was 111 high v Inx.l. I learned a little loo late how im|xiitari( it
was to studs." 1 laidawas viss “I was l.i/s Ikit sitting out that seal made me
ir.ili/r I had .1 ir*|XMlMbiht} n> niwll. n> the imnciMlx ana lto| the noMcmau progiam i-im m ai nama»a\ <
lhe tram-high glade (wimt average —a -1.2.
\nd mIiiU- hf. Mcmphn State ctMt h. lam Kiluli. va\» I’top 42 tmlsurh Mnp» athletes ot a veal «.l eligibility,
give student athletes like- Mat da wav a < haute to gross up. ‘Sitting out a veat is not all that had beeausr it glu t
i ha in e tn get Ins puoi tttes sti .light. htitlt tn. • (»eoff Vk ihon. 7 tgrr, Otnuon U.
it d< k-s
a kid a
savs. irlmmg to ihr l \< hostess progiam. the Sweet
( .anilines "What it dors is use attrar live women, i hosen
foi thru peisonalttv and (harm. In sell the umveiMt\ to
prosjiecthe athletes 1 lies air using wrmien the same was
an advertise! iivs an alt!at the woman to sell a i ai
\nd lhe\ an using them through team names that tilt
it sot the progtamst all unprofessional. it not degtathng
l lie name ot the program at Western ( aitilma l is the
(.alamolint Kittens 1 lie l ot ()klahoma t alls its hostesses
the ( iimsoii and ( ir am Sue h names 1 lams savs givr lit
dt lesjx t t to the women involved
I don't In heve theirs anyone in the athletic depait
ment who rmoutages a sexual relationship Hut [the
name] dt *es em our age the men to view these w< mien as a
pool «»t sevuallv available women It pn»hahlv leads to sex
ual haiassment.” she savs
1 lit* lalx ls at least t oiiti ihutr to a jaded pen, eption of
the parlitipants \n/ona State l fteshman |akr Hatrsrll
savs mam students look down on the women in the host
ess pi ogl .tills " I he \Sl giotip UMll to he t ailed the
Devil s Dai lings l he name has been « hanged to the
Devil s Athletu Ke» imting (»ioup Hut tlieie s still a sai
t astir ot negative y-ntimeiil (ow.ilti them
\ t lei all name changes some sav. don't make the pi«►
lm ams lcintimate
\ malr stueient at th«* l ol \ n^im.i who wishes to
it in.un anomtiiems. savs hr in skeptical «*1 l \ A s hostess
piogiam, the ( axahei (-onnet tion “ ( on mu tion, oh.
i ight. “ hr savs "Wr know what that means
What miiu iMtu % hope it will me an is an ttnpto\ed
image e»l the* ^ hool h»i in mils, hui grnrialH 11 ha\ iikmiii
iontiovris\ Hostess ptograim havr hern critui/rc! lot
promoting men's athletic s while ignoi ingveumrn s >}x»i in.
genet at mg some c hangrs m ire mi ling rfloi In
I hr l ol Miami ire rnilv e hanged the namr ol its host
c ss pmgi am in »in Ihr I hit ruatir He»nr\s in I hr ( am
( uimn iiuii Siai\ ()stiau aci\isri to Ihr I anr
( onnet tion, savs the progiam mm me lutlrN both turn
and teomrii and lias no ollie lai uiiilmui e»t photograph
irtjunrmrni. W hile* 1 in- < anr (.uimn tion opetatc& out
of die- fiKnhall piogiam. < Kuan va\s othri drpaiimrnts
sue h as womrti s spoils could ask ihr group to hrlp m
thru i rt i tilling wee krnds as well “Without namr
e hange, wr writ* tmng to aiuae i ihr sharpest guIs ami
guvs on e anipUN." she n.ih “With a namr like- I luriu anr
I lonrw wr e ouldn t atti.u t mam guvs t<»the* gioup."
Still, mam women involved in hostess programs mc
nothing wtong with tlie*u otgaui/ations namr oi lutu
tiem llama He*tic* Henles saw, “People who think it s sex
in! air just looking lot some thing that in not the*tr U