Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 20, Image 29

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    ■■■■j Jobs & Careers Report
fjlthe truth about grades
Dan Qua\ le managed m do it. Bui
that doesn't mean ever\ < ollege stu
dent will f iiicl an employer as forgiv
ing of a It >w gi ade point average .is
flu* Americ an voter.
Ou.in lr w.is .1 '( "siudcniai DeP.ui^ l .
ilot t*x.u ll\ a aril.n .u .kIciuk let old lot
hr nation s lot me t vie r ptesident. Quavlr. though,
managed to rv ajx* 'hr shat low ol his (»1\\ on t hr
11 »ad to Mic t rss
So is the* emphasis ollege s and iiniveisities put on
gi ade point averages ill a aunt h of h\jx - I hat drjirnds
11>fii (Jivton. duc t t»»i ol human irsnim rs foi iViuv h \
1 <»mh tilt ItMiks at i*f adrs first when hr hut s \N c air
sHUtniMel with irsuinrs turn il dies atr not in fhr *»\ri t 0
« ategotv ihrn they air not going to Ik- given niut h tonsid
elation.” hr vtis
l hat s not tint asc the High, at 1 astman kodak
\N t 1» m ik at (.1* \ as only onr mdu a tot «*1 I lit tile sue
i rvs, sa\s I iv.i lift/ manager «»t ptolrssional stalling at
h* wlak
YVt Kastman Kodak. like most i otporatioiis. still main
tains a “hiring floot ” «»l stunr soft Stutlrnfs whose ( d* \s
fall Ik*l<iw this tl«m>« don’t havr mm h ol a « ham r ol grt
ting hurtl
(.i adrs air a fat toi ol t omprtifi\rnrss < .1* \ is m»t a
tiiMjuahfir? as long as it meets a «retain level.” m\s I r\hr
Mass, dim tot <d »ollege icdatmns at Keebok
In tr mat it mal 1 td
Strvr Moinmri. a juniol at fhr l «»l Rot hcstri sass
that's thr vsav it should Ik ”\ stmlrnt with a g'M*d (• PA
piohahiv ssill grt a gtwxi jol» lastri hut having a loss ( »|* \
d«H-sn t mran that a jm i%<»n vsilt Ik a |kh»i employer
I hat s \sh\ thr Woi t rstri l*olvtrt htiu Inslitutr in
Masv.ti huvrtts ti«M*sn t t alt ul.ilr grade* |M»ini asriagrs .it
all 1 don’t vs ant ms futuir rmplosri to use* ms l .1* \ as a
m.ijoi indicatof of whrlhri I grt employed, sass
Won rstri srmoi R it k Daigle
f \rn \\ t»ii rstri (hough, givrs students tianst iipts that
list « otiisr gf .ul«*s liom \ !o “(
Most rmpioyrts ask lor a ii.tnst ript. sass Datglr. prrsi
drill ot thr Won rstri Stmlrnt (.osnnmrni \ss<Hiation
“ I hrs dunk in thru mind dial this is a IV student, an \
student oi ( student. Hut it’s hs no means the only
means t if evaluation
\nd most emplovris undeistand that
“Von i an get some » omputei nerds ot some engmeei
ing tr< htr \st>»» < .in grt a -I 0 bill can thrv v%*»ik in thr ical
uorili " asks ! < on S< niton, vi* r pf eMilrnt «»1 cot |h>iale
rngiiHTi 11114 at Kauv h \ l mnli
1 hr\ would nnn look .«t 'iiinniiir vs ho »I a mega
(iP \ it i he- <• \priisr of rvrrvthing rise- " s.ivs F mil\
\cwioii, <itftor »»! (hr ( rntrt Ini Work and harm
Drvclojmwni at the* I of R<m hrMei l( t an t lx* gi.ulrs
lot (hr sakr ol gi aclrs
I nirss, of t ouiv, von plan to go to gl adtialr m honl
lli.il‘s niim iinpn-Nsivr ih.in .1 (.1’ \
(<on\iih mu Minli niMil llul mav nni litvi eas\
■|| iH'tiimcs pail ill .1 sell-eMeein tiling, '.i" !■ Ii/atx-th
Nrimaini, .1 lophomore at Sianhini I ‘ \ Ini nl |x*tiple
hrir t min- into Stanlord alwavs netting good grades It
Mameath in prep m In ml when- vom tii.i|<n hxus iv I’d
ting intn t <>lk*n«'
I hat Iih ns i onimiu-s thnntnh college-, where alintiM
e\ en <x hnlapihip award and *( hnlastu hirnnr tain (.l’\
Bv Phil Kwacft, The Isimput Tima, l!. of Rochotrr
I>an»rllr IW « htold .i v>phom<»ir at the- l • >! lovsa. viv'i
\|ic s hoti had .1 \n\ ^<km! .tUimdr about grade* until
now llri htold is planning to go to lavs m In m»1
I in drfiniU'iv taking .1 moir srvimis attitude* to
glades." shr va\> “I know thrv air impoitant Mv prr law
advisrt vivs \on t rallv havr to wot k on gelling vom gi adrs
tin I hrv don't talk about vshat vou Irani
Kvrn hrn grade** bre nine levs mixmant 'or giaduatr
s* hool admission altn sltulrnts spend line in thru
| >11 >h|m*< tivr fields
**\ol>odv has askrd mr foi v«\iis vsfirir I vsrnt to s< h« * >1
tnd vshat ril\ grades were." savs Hathat 1 |a<kv>n, market
ilia difee toi loi Rrclnik Mthough Ja» kse»n ne*vn attended
an Ivs league univrnilv. h<*i irsume mdudrv such high
profile e ompanirs as Pe psi I » in employe! shr savs.
uualtin .m« mi
"Wr'ir having eveivthmg oil these irMs ami on these
grade’s sa\s |nd\ Ni< astro, a srnior at the l ol
iitii theie's .i lot imur to a jk-ivhi tiian then (»PA, she
savs "If I have- .» <1, thr\ vt\ she s brilliant.' a J b. shr s
ail idkm
Professor* like tlemaid Feldman. who trailies ph\si< s
at the l of Missouri St I tuns, knows labels like that
aren't. ail act male assessment ol a student's }>otent»al “I
have veil students who were not vets bright and put in a
lotolelloit m«l lone phenotnenalh well
1 hat mav be but when e ollege graduates tts t«» get a
job. the empJovei lias the last woici "Bottom line (»l* \.
ves it is nii|M >i taut. Kodak s Tiel/sa\s Q
“Things blow in the
reel world, end those
already in
it are going ►
to screw I
you just I
like they got screwed.
Kind of
like hazing. ”
It ( mud mvsrif »t one«»! those untveism s|*msot rd “nriwoi king
the »thet *la\, surrounded by mam lumc tagged
iltrmlicrs of ihr work four, .ill of whom had pirih miu h the
same tiling to va\ I lungs blow in the- iral world. and those
ah rath in it »tr '4*)*ng to Mirw vou just like the\ got screwed
kind of like ha/mg i did pit k up a few things alfcnit mtemewing and
itMiinrs and stuff s«*I figured I’d pass thrill on to you
I ui.iiim lr.mu d lm lUKen lli.il Inc mu\l im|»n i.tni
tiling i<> liMiu-intx-i m .in inii-mi H i\ in |>inu lu.itc vnui
item.mils uiih .1 j.ililimg. |M>itiung motion .it mm mn i
\ ii-wri Inontri m piovr to vout mlrrumri lh.it inti .nr
nui mm .t weil-edm aied, ii-sjh mvihle .idull hut nisi> nt- mu mit- to lx
trifled with. it iv generally irgarded as ^mxl limn In Ihhiii the mlei
m il niiNr» In shuttling up .uni leaning light down into vmu intei
nrwri\ latr while- veiling "give me unmetpunt tualnig t at livnml
with .1 (pin k finger jah In vimi inlflMt-wt-i 's nuitsei linn
I Ills Is all i nnsidei t-d pi n|H'l Ik-i ause vnu art- .t 11 rsh i nllt'gr ji|;»ct
naif, anti lu-ntc. know all ilit-it- iv In knnw Vnm inlerviewei has
must likt-lv Ik i-ii mil nl t ollege several vi ais and unit h nt (lit- t-tiut a
linn has pinhahlv wnrn of!, heme. you ait- obligated in lakt- the
ilnininanl mlt- Pit k mil Haws m rithet llit- inlrmewet 's |KI Sim m
11 iitip.tnv sii ut nut- ami t all them in attention No I law is ti hi small in
lx- nvt-i lixikt-d Kvemhmg from a paint ulai mole vnu hint unaiii.n
live nil the mtervirwri in I lit- minpam sinii line is Ian game
\lid when you’re finished wuh that, hand thr miriMcun muii
icMimc. whit h iiiu%t represent vuu when you air not amund.
(Wine h is why imwi e\pn is agree tin using a proc c*ss known as
“lying" lo wi Ur voui rrsumr.) h vert without I hr benefit of mu h
sophism atril teihiittpies In hfoadming your system of • lassilua
Hons, you would be surprised how impressive unit resume tan
sound I’d ventuir dial all of us muld list on tun resumes that we
the signpost up ahead
reads 'Real World’
oiuc managed extensive real-estate holdings, financed mii h bust
news as hotels and utility companies, owned and operated three
railroad lines sunultaneoush. all while zipping alx>ut town in a silver
s|w »i is t ai. with a guai an teed iiu < mie «>( onh $2<M).
I low" hver placed Monopoly* See' (Id leave out the part alxnit
voiir repeated jail terms 01 it you drove an iron or an old shoe
around town.)
Just reitietnlNM to remain i aim and always hold onto the firm i on
\i4 tiori that you are doing the company a hig favor It also ne\ei
hurts to bring a magazine |ob interviews tend to Ik* really tedious. ■
Jason Torrhinsky. Daily TarHrrlt U. of North Carolina