Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 19, Image 28

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    Jobs & Careers Report |
Il\ Kami ( >nod, Thf Hilllnf), I Inward U.
At Frrrnuii tni//r\ alioiit Ins Him.ml l offue
ruminating on «mir students molds. using
(u figure oul if lie will alios* i he siuilciu mm 11 if
(aillcge of Fine Ails He's just finished filming
ho role as f lij.th Muhammad m Spike 1 ee s lal
esi tin k. MaJiuJm A. and is relaxing mm. tiding
oil lhe tremendous media Irs jk- dial's (ollimed
And then it happens like it alsvass happens
Someone Intel 1 upts his solitude It seems she is living to
gel het iliusii tan boyfriend to meet freeman
"She kmms I'm in theatei and tealls not m iiiusH
It (itK'Mi't really mattrt, though Herman haNconnet
tM>iin .md that make* him a lomin Unit
I h* irlU thr story ol a Homan who approac hrd him one
<ia\ with a hurl outline olav rrenplay she d written " 1 hr
woman left," hr savs. "ami thru i.iinr light back and
asked, 'Oh, bv thr wa\. it you don't tim! it interesting
could you pass it along to Spike* toi me - ”
Non know thr lingo (xmtacts Hook-up*. Cionnrt tions
I hr whole it s not what-you-kiiow hut who you know
thing It's a game e ollrgr student* plav <»n« <• they find out
that a le vs well t Iiom'IU ontac In t all make all (he* chile tem c
Average starting salaries by major
$32.53* f
$27 566
»nr«,'n« n
$40 173
S36 619
S3S> 14!
$32 574
131 572
fc?9 S92
$29 452
- Ft*,***
IFi 367
%27 750
126 165
S24 607
S?3 643
$23 319
$23 103
$22 779
$22 601
$22 554
V22 060
' $21 390
121 • •
520 833
$20 687
j !
S20 346
% 19 776
$19 H4
Source ( ullcguLc Employment Kcvearvh ln%utute. Michifin Stale l
ill getting a '<*<*1 in III*' dooi
\mv ( .iIwimiii, .1 juiuoi .11 San Diego M.ilr t
knows turn to play il
(.ibeivon, who hi milt's elementary ethic alum,
volunteers in a t< m al gt ade v honi, tiding to make
11mtai Is lo iih iimm’ hri shot al a )• >h
"I'vr Iramrd thloiigh ms family you ha\r lo not
only drveli >| > i ■ nuiri linns bill lo keep I hr ill." she
says "I clou t think anyone s going lo hnr me
hr i ausr inv moms in I lie si honl ilisi i n l, Im l
I ties Tr gi niig lo take a see i mil li«>k al me
\iul that's thr krs
"1 think U s way loo iilrahsin lot a person lo
think they call make il on thru own.” says Mikrl
Husband, a sen lot al Howard I "I mean (here
air people out there with I’h D s and matin s
degrees who do not have jobs that irflec I these
honois and it doesn't make any sente I lies ir just
silting around thinking. Damn. I’sr got a I’ll D .
and T111 working at Mi Donald s
Husband says that's not going to ha|i|>en to him
I Ir joined Phi IVta Sigma fraternity. Inc . to make
thr kind o| lonnci lions that will keep him from
thr Mi Donald's rut
"I go to conferences and meet older fral broth
els," hr says "A veal ago I went to this c onlrielicr
and met two graduate i haplei I rat brothers who
weir teat hc-is in Honda 1 lies gasr mr thru i aids
and told me to i all them so they could keep me
abirast on how the job mai krl for tear bets was
down their and jxissiblv hook me up That's what
II S .ill .if* >Ul
Vain ic* WiKon Wrslrv, »rnioi nhtot of t \\rtnt inaga
/mr. \av\ student* have 1«» Ik* i air fill with i onnr< lions
“I (funk (fiat i( in iin|x>t!ai)t to do somr nrtwot king and
fiavr i ontat in, hut (fir Initiom fmr i* (hat vou icmIIv have to
have* voui skills together." she* *avs “It s kind of like the
old rxpirvMon that if vou I».isc a tonta< (. it rnav get vou in
(fir diMit. f>iif vout skills and talrnt air what » gonna krrp
vou in (hr rex»in
"It's ivay tint i(tvalistic Jor
a person to t hi nit they can
mala3 it on their own."
— Miltel Husband, a senior
Wr'lry va" she ' llllri\ir"rd 'liiilml' who think thru
i ntiliri tilin' .nr going ti> krrp them in flic room il alwav'
h.u klilr' mi thrill, 'hr vi" '|luiui|j .in interview I li.iil .1
lining milt 1 who |ii't lli.iitr il .1 (miiiiI III (riling llir ni l'
one 'hr knew .mil lh.it ho parent'wrte vrn piiniiinriit
|H ii|ilr'hr '.I" \■ icI 11 kinil.i tinned mr nil I hr lii'l
thing out 1 it ho mouth wav like. Tin vi-and-vi .mil 1 know
v>-,111(1 vi Tt ».i' 1 r.ilh klllilnl ohnnxinu' "
In .1 tight )i>li ili.ukrt. though, "hoi thnii'.inil' nl ml
Irgr gi.uhi.itr' "Ith thr light (|ti.ihlii .itinii' air i niii|x ling
lot the '.line |Mi'itmu', it1' haul to (iinvint r 'tudoit' that .1
■ linnet (mu i .til l tin amthing hut help thou
■ I hr joh inaikrt tight now i' '<> tough,- '.i" ]nr
f’irtr/vk. a junioi at the l nl \n/onn "You tired cirn
edge win i an get.*
Slcllanir ( an. a vnini at Howard, '.i" 'ludoil' have
little 1 hniir the' rlthrt plav the game ni 'land on the
'llIrline' unrin|ililyrd “You1 mild li m>k in thr want ad'
Ini a |nl> and nine linn s out of |U. ihmc |oh' arc allraih
gone gi'rn to vimrhodv ' Il lend 01 fralonit' hinlhri
"In 1 in rived a hook-up.~ 'hr \a"
“Ur h\r m a [mlitii al "olid and dial ' what make' thr
"i 11 Id gi > n mild It doe'll t have to Ik- a I an m 11 Id m a tail
"'ton. but that ' thr reality of it." Q