Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 17, Image 26

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    In touah times
Joba & Careers Report
A degree isn’t enough
hen Scott
Wire law
()hio State
l four
years ago,
he never
expected to work in a ware
house after graduation.
Xow Wieclaw assembles,
loads and delivers furni
ture for a company in
Columbus, Ohio, making
$San hour.
“It's not like putting on a
suit and tie, " he admits.
“ You go through four years
of school and you don V
want to ride around in a
delivery truck and deliver
furniture. "
You need a bachelor a decree to do thl»?
Km -IVvc.ti old V\ ui l.iw whii m.ip urihn iM.iliott ni.iiui'niinil
.u ( )Sl naving .1 itillrgr ilcgirr did mil r.iin him i Ini'll paung
in i-\ 1*11 vitiating |oh
1 mlc*.id, i In* i in i i*i11 in r«ion li.n Imu d him tnri t
i ill it* i i i*i cut i{i at In.no into wi rt-i.iii.il woi k. loud «*imi r hi ni.nl
|><isllKili% low paving Ml (oils .i* lain li d hi (.rttnuti ri \
.mlImi Douglas ( oiiiil.ind
"hviMtm s alw i\> n»l<! mr that it'% tough to tint I a job in journal
mm, tut I frh that it i hail hr drive md <h irmunation I rmilci
find a job m mv lick! no maitri what the ri onoinit situation
l tilottuiiatrlv dial s not »iwa\s the • avr I didn't know am
thing atioul the iral woitd. Now sa\s I thought I wouldn I liavt*
inv problem getting a joh
Mam tounsrlois i itr miealmtti job < \po taiiom of (ollrgr
'll makrs mr
Ire*I a vs hi I. »av s
I ii/aheih \ <»vs a
I ‘Ml 1 >41 .idlMU' » >1
tile* ( o 111* g r of
W ilium and Marv
vs ho maj«n re! in
psv t. Ik>I«»g\ \ «»vs
(lot's le* llipol .11 V
Vs oi k ill I hr
(>irenslxno an a
lot an average of
y> an h<mi
Tvr hustrd im
l>ult toi list- \rais
going through
t ollrge ami now
I’m answering
|x-< iplr s phones
When I hr 11
mono i uns out
hi vs hrn si title lit
loans . omr due*,
todav s giatls inav
have hide t lioftt e
hul to lake am
paving joh. vs hat
ever that }t»h inav
\ **• J sui ve\
ot | businesses,
l ml i i .1 I lev 111(1
i»i .Hiuuic v Hiu tnri
thrv \\<iv aboil I
t.ll.li v I il |W »Mll( III
" ( t»l Irgr i a (I «*
♦ iMilt' (»(K thinking
NVIu'iri rm
$ 10,000 oi $'>0,000
|iil» \nd |iim likr
anvbods rlsr. l hr v
h a v r in rain
that." t hallrngri
*va\s “It s in it th«*i»
|ilht brt atlM’ f hr \
j^i aduatrd f i otn
hut i ithri t1 >llegr
M iniii s ait* .ill tini
awai r nl thr Iran
)<>h inai kct anti
havr bee omr <!is
< iini aged as a
result, %a\i Stanh*\
Blown. thr cliirt ft>t
nl < aim Sri's it v\
at W illtain and
“ I hr %rn»i il ^ air
mil s ii h in 1111 n k*
(ir%unirs| in mini
m i % (hat thr\ haw
hr loir, hr i.tw
“ami that’s also
gnserument Uffrilt tt\ uMtdtli led by Mulligan Stale l pjillh <i
glooms [in mrc ill (he |i >li market lor ■ ollege 41 ulium
\i i01 ding in the Mu«l\. 1 nnipam utter 11 tuns ut Inimg new 11 »l
Icge gr uduatrs hair del Iraw'd li 11 die ti nil ill ill .light seal
1 sen unite sobering news t miles 1111111 he ( r 11 lei till 1 nlnn
Mai Lei Sluihes.il \i 11 (heaslel 11 l Hi Massai husets, isijuiili ll ill
Hu 11 tie si tWA maga/me ihe incilian ini uinr !m hiitivehiilils brad
ill Iis |K-iipk- millet age 'M) - $LM.VHi has dropfied L’l |ieiteni
m uijusieil loll.us hum IM7H
" 1 hes lair a tight maiLet —une ul the lightest ill a If'-’ seal hiv
ins." sas s I I’ati it k Sheet /. dil ri 101 ut I he ( ill leg late
h ui|iliismeiii keseali h Inslilute ul Mu lug.ill
I hen- s 1 Ini mine ioiu|M-t!tion tm nm lesel jobs than theie
useil in be," sass John ( halleiigei. met uiise sh e president ul
( halleiigei. (.1 as and ( hi tstmus. a rat eel 1 utilise ling firm ill
t .his agi 1
Hint S paitls lieiause newls imelliplnsed seterans ul die wmk
tune ale nilii|>eling Ini these join. sass Mildieil ( nip. a 1 aieei
. iinstillunl with 1 xei ultse Resumes mil l \ei utive Duel trims.
Iniernaiiimat in Seattle
Jennilri Hei k a 1WJ inmmuiiiraiinns gr aduate 1 it the l ul
l)elaw.tn*. tell the vpiee/e when she applied Ini (uhs .11 newspu
tiers and hrnadi ast stations ihruughnul New |ei vs
■ lie I a use ut the job muiket there aie so mans uveripiuhtied
(leople applying Ini these jobs." suss llri k. who now waits tables
and winks pari time at a ■ lothing store lor mmimuin wage “I'm
i ninpetnig with them
I he 1 uinpetiliseness ut the (till 111.11 kel 1 nines as a shot k In
vime grads, who did nut tumult then college's career 1 enter or
liegm then job seal 1 hes until graduation
“1 should base been looking while I was tit v liuol.” Bn k says
true on othrt lainpuvs What happens is. people gist-up I lic-\
sav, 'What's I hr use •
I hr Iii!ui r toi t ollrge gt .id' mat hr Miinrnh.il hi iglilri.
though, .11 ihr MSI studs |>it>|r< lr«l a slight 11111 raw ill luring loi
lair 1 ***•'(
*1 'hink 11 depends on what the ii«*h [( Hinton | administialmn is
going n> iln with 1 hr e«onoim ,* ( ul|i <an I nlm tunatrls, I
hrilc\r new . ollrgr gtadualrs air going In hr l.n tug hlliilril
opportunities anil have- in Ik- inorr 1 iralivr in ilieir (<>h van hrs
hm dies avoid some nt ihnv liuutalinns In not taking a sum
inri v .nation, ( hallrngei savs "A Int nt gi adualrs itnn I stall
looking haul nr taking thru joh van h sriiouslv mini around
Sepieinlrer nt < h ii iIm-i . ’ hr vns
( hallrugrt irininmriuU holding nut Im as long as possible
lielorr 1.iking "Mi )nhs
I lies ihsiiai t Mill troll 1 liilding a | jki in.inrnl | (nt), hr savs
“Iletlri In gn out and krrp looking Ini ihr joh von want lalhri
than wm king lot ihr Ii •• al irsiaili anl
( .urn 1 niinselnis and ■ onsullanls alikr ri Im ihr vsatnmg not
In grt "Mm k~ 111 Mi |nlis and in onillirlid glads lake- nighl jobs in
krrp then dass lire
"You nrrd in lakr llmsr hours dial vou'rr noi working and
krrp up vnin joh van It," savs him r Rirsenbrrg, jsvm lair dun
loi nt ( aim IManmng and I’larrinrnl ai ihr l nt ( alifoinia.
"If vnu don't set goals it's rats u> let lime slip Inhr savs
Yows ads 11 r ii> srninis on how In lind a g<Mid |<>h is sin 111111
"Stall nnw looking Ini a job." she sass "Don't gn to Honda
during spring hrrak ( m on mtrmrws Kids trnni [thrrlassnlj
‘H will Ik- (nui|K-lmg with ihr < lass nt I'fH) and (hr 1 lass of hi
anil ‘‘Ii! Ik-i ause dies still don't have job*." tl