“Any major college or university that seys it doesn’t exist isn’t telling the truth ** —Ll. Jack i (jiidlrv, Florida Stati »«• l DELTA UPSILON --* Police arrested 14 students In a drug raid In March 1991 at the U . of Virginia s fraternity row \i>rnr namrx haiv htrn (htingrii <>t unthhrld at thr rrtfur\l .>/ thr mdivuiualx Attain rcmrmlH'n thr happt ticsv ihr kaleidost optt swills. 111<- sensation ol tteing a pa» t <>t r\ r i n t lung |rn i rnirmbn % ihr roisri \ , heaving toi seven limm into a toilet bo vs I she lielievrd would t\»l hri alive lhev air no! ttic mlr \**i tan tins In- mlrt! out \hnoM percent »*t all college students have taken I Si), and out* in tun students vsill take some kind ol illegal drug Indore giadua turn |en, a jimit»i at Mu higan State l has dioptied at ul live limes \dam. a student at the St.*t«- l u| Ne\t \ oik Stum Kn*»k has done it dozens tit tunes Statistit allv I Ml.tHMI students leading this t an lelate t<* using at id M hethei thug use staits out at a parts oi eutls up rrplai ing htmks. tt has become a prevalent part o| htghri rehie a tie>n josh kn and <*t stasv a mclhamphrtamiiic that pur dtu e*s a stair ot rtiphot i.t \s a drain \\h<> rat ns an avrt a^r o! $-00 to a week. it s his joh to km >w thr mat krt "1 sell most In \%rrd and at id." hr >a\s Mmth I do it tot th<- merlin It’s v;»>od, and it's irlativrlv sale It s simplv supplv and demand IVopIt* want it It thr\ won t grt it hum mr. thn II grt it hum soiucwhrtr rise It 1 1 an do a srmir. nsIin shouldn't I make* some* m< »nr\ I he* mat krt tot he*a\ in dt ugs like t ot ante ami hrtoin is too dangrmus anti too si aie 1 josh sa> s " ( 1 lie* |>olu 1* j 1 e*alls tn to go altc*i the* tolks selling thr hateirt stutl But thr\ mosth lrau* al<>nr wrrd anei ae inh stupid drains grt hustrei Se unrtimrs l he* l «»t Yiiguua's hairmitv row was thr site* ot a massive* ell ug 1 aid in Mate h 1001 Foils M \cn friirtal. st.itr and countv n.iitnliis agents taided thict liatrmitirs « bulging l I students with }x isvrssK »n an But the national mrdia attention that tins opri.ition hiought to \ ni'im.i pmmpted a lengthv debate about ding testing and sub stain v abuse «»n t ampus 1 he laid made its jHiitit Dings wrtc not just a thing of tin- t»(K and 70s Mthough tin* limn Ih is mav in- dec teasing, college students still ate- smiling smoking and swallowing mind aheting substain es in itlativelv large amounts "It diK-s exist, no doubt alxiut it sa\s I t |.n k 11 audio ot Honda State l s t am pus hut r \11\ majoi college or umveiMtv that savs it diK-sn t exist ist» t telling the tiulh Hi * »<»k« a student at Boston l savs then is an easih at t * -ssible netvsoi k through vs hit h stu dents c an ptotuir vit iuallv am tv pe of mind* aheting drug i Valets on hei < ampus alHiund. she savs llirie ait defintteh enough t, niushiooms and tutious as vseil as < lank and t tx ame. Steve supjwu ted tin habits of others m oidei to supjxMt his own "I dealt Vs halevri I vs.ts using at the lime " he savs "It was a wav of making if pav hu itseli \iui |m>ln e ln*|K* dealers like Steve and Josh will provide the in with what thev want as well Most major uiuveiMties have voung undeit ovn ofliteis who jwM as students and move alxiut the < ampus |(M»king foi a lavs enforcement fix l nti( ltovei jm>Iite oltitris at the l of Rhode Island found more than a fix last Doemliei I he 1 lit la ( hi fiatemitv was banned linin t am pus aftei tin piesulent. Mu hael Ragosta. was < baiged vsitli tleliveimg marijuana Ragosta allegedlv sohl a total of '» ountes of manjuatia on live till lei rut occasions to undeit ovei ofli teis (>thei membeis of the house* were appai mth t ogm/ani of the ding dealing it rv.iti ■swrnson. an omc ei .in iHinatio i s ixiltt r tiepai tment. vis* mans students «I » onnet tmns Most students maintain dm^ 4 onnet Cions from thru hometown I «»light this 1 lightol m.u 1 juana .inti 14h .line 11114> thru tn 1 mm, ( 4»it>i.icin’* |x>11< r woik wit)i nnghlx u mg unisersitie* and jxdur |4» slop tin* tlur.it .it Ms v mu r Sometimes tiiat s not sii eass \i tiir l 4»| Kansas, olfit ri Buttlel Wrlsh visa most signs «>t nan tit 14 s air underground Students 1I011 l adsrrlise thru iiabils, hut thr\ have tiinn \Nrlsii sa\s jwilur usuailv ills lover maii|uana. pipes 01 tot amr as pail ol 11 >1111 nr 11 at lit stops I hr lew tips thr\ do gel 4 omr hum jiroplr tinning in thru loommatrs Besides the plants and vslutr |M»wdn. polite irpoit imisiiiiMiins iiMiiprting t«>1 populaiitN with a trends resurgent r nt 1 Si) and ec stas\ iku k in the sesrntirs. the* writ vising student.* did it for a mind altering e\|>ei iem rWelsh vis* “ 11 kI.is tiles ill»it tret a use it * c iirap Miiooming is quite populai among students not onls loi rtonomii leasons. hut also In iansr the* consider it a natmal lugii Brooke vns fin r\|H ilent es ssitii sinooms was intrnse "It was phenomenal.'' slie viss She lias less flattering irteiials lor 1 si). By Bill Frischling and Jeff L. Kart, The State News, Michigan State U. whit h she* tiled foi tin* first time* at the age of 1 > II was thr vm»im expei ic* tti e«»t im I lie \ci th.it nightmare did not drtet lltooke from gi\ mg 1 SI) auothei < ham e while at Boston l 1 hat <*\|x*t lene e she vavs, was "a gtral hit I his disc lepane v hr tween the tups is testion siblc lot the \ at ie«l t ejxutson I Si) Bee auv < >f the recent te surgenc e of these hallue inogens. most students ate unawate of the jxivsible side effects I >i Hems Abiahain of St I it/alx th s Hospital in Boston has studied the effec ts of drills on the- neivous svstem lot 2H \eats 1 Ic* vavs taking 1 s!) is “like plaving Russian roulette with voui brains “ 1 aking I Si) is difleirnt lot difleirnt |>eo ple. he sa\s Some people svseai bv it. some sweai at it Some lake it and sav it s a pat t\, hut otheis < an take it and develop a series of life l«»ng disabilities It a ptlson is susceptible to | Si) s advetse effec ts and then is no wav to e hn k lot Mis c eptihilitv —even one had trip c ould lead to v tsual c list urbane rs and rmc hotic divot dt* is in It nus take tiiinm.i) » haigrs to reform some drug usets. lull mmt students ate undaunted bv ihr thrr.it «»f .mrst IVrhatw it is south hut the i oiifuirtur that the\ vwtil not grti aught and the* tlippunt attitude* towatd the law petsists Brooke* sa\s she ne\ei worried about attest while undei the million r ol hall in mogetin v ‘ I he\ ( .in t prose that Von le hit ked tip She is moie < at etui about iiianjuana You *7n general, it seems that social norms are changing in relation to drugs.** — Patrick lPhial ley, researcher tan alv\ as s get busied 1111 weed a bag pa|>erv l*»wl diet r is alwass residue I sen this soft ot dtug etlcjuelte hasn't (let teased substantialls the juesaleme •»! dtugs I he numbers, though det lining Somi brltrvr thrsr dt't M Msrv hoWrvrt slight. tr{»fc Nt iil .» i hangr in sth irt.il at i rj> • .tin t t >{ ill it it dnig 1 ,vr I hough < ollrgr . i m }hi« n li adtttonalh havr U ( n (hr last bastions loi lihri.iliMn (hr ding wat fin.iltv ittav havr lull .*n dirt f on student attitudes In grnri.il it wrim that so< ul uoum an i hang trig in (datum to ill ugs," saw I'atiuk t > Mall* \ a 11 m in h s« iriiiim at Mi. htg.iti h in Ik <« »ming Irss 1 >1 ,1 thing to do It irat hrd a peak in thr railv righllrs and is tm tltr [tit t Imr) 1 hr tlrt hut . an hr aUiihutrd to 11 it teased rdut ation and t hanging attitndrs toward dings n.ivn lieiuv Wrthslri a leetuiri at I lat \ at d l who has studirt! nattoitts use 1 hat j»rn nvrd 1 isk t tun ri rung <11 ugs has drt 1 rasrd populai ttv aim mg t»illtgr students loin, a jiinnn at Northern \il/ona l sttipjw d using thugs aftri hr saw an old room matr tn t ot a 1 Hr and dmn out ot st lu ml two • lass late 1 altri b< < ommg addit trd I hr wav I see it their s a definite lint' that s Trends in drug use hiah school. Piaures are in Dercents which reflect who used in the last 12 months. J 1reakdoMk^l_ DRUG1981 1991 Marijuana 51.3 26.2 i Inhalants 2.5 3.5 i Hallucinogens 7.0 6.3 LSD 4.6 5.1 Cocaine 16.0 3.6 Crack NA 0.5 MDMA (Ecstasy) NA 0.9 Heroin 0.2 0.1 Source: U. of Michigan Institute (or Social Research .1 [h i viii n lilt- \hraham sat' Brenda. .1 wniot .11 the l <»t (alilornia. I o' \ llgl le'. smokes |M >1 (Hl.lMOII.dlt "Im .HIM- I h.nr .1 fine- time with weed “ Hut she Men s 1 le.ii nl tiaidrr dt ugx ln-i .him- ul the t onvijiieiu es Mind alteitug ding' .ue .1 tiling; ul the paM Ini Brooke lot that ten vmie te.ivin She h.i> d.ihhled ill virtuallt even t\pc of 1II11 it drug, mi hiding 1 Ml, mcM.ilme imishiiiiimt and cocaine. Iliiite davs are met "It s like Russian roulette, a great high 01 tou die," die \a\v echoing \braham. "It's not wonh the risk Hut drug'. 111 whatever form. continue to taint tin- txiliie hlmtei' I’enn'vltania State I mtesligatoi Ron Sihielllet tats cocaine use has diop|H il oil in the pact lew teat' \t one time it w.i' more ptetalent and lev' rx|x-nsite th.111 matijuanaon his nut "Ue hate group' that think theie's nothing wrong with it." he '.it' "But onee we 1 ateh them and they go through the legal "Mem. they mat 1 lunge then minds remain high, and |x*opl«* !tk« Brooke*. |c*n and \d.»m art* >UII Madstii s on ihe l of Mu higau's ImiiiuU* toi S** ul Re-seaith annual on naiinuwtdr drug use Ihe* IWl *hov\\ “There are defin\tely enough dealers to supply 20,000 bids with what they want." — Hrooke, a user use ul .ill dings has <11• >|>|>< < 1 11■ 11111)4 (hr Iasi less scals <)nl\ I S|) use has slaved (onstanl and, m vmir uir\, iiurr.i«-il Man}iian.i use. mi (lie mhri hand, remains (he most |»i|>nlai illegal pastime In IWI. Hi 1 perreril ul rot lege students admitted lo Hung marijuana 1 lie same smses rrsealed dial ‘.Mr percent had med I -SI), 9 I |H-(< enl dahhled in < ih aide and 2 pelt eni had used e« siass crossed lietwren p«*t anil rvttvthing else,’ hr savs I haven l smoked |k»i m almost .» \eai | sii >p|xd Ik’< .him- k wasn i .1 new e\f>ei letu e loi mr am mor e 1 01 Mime, it is sitnplv flit* new expel letn e the\ aie seeking Mam ma\ find themselves unable to gel enough ol that expelletic 1 oth ( is will dislike the effect* clings have on them Whalevei the* impetus to uv’dings 01 the out come ol experimentation, the fa< t lemains that < ollege students < ontinoe to do them "Kids aie s|M*nding then parents’ mone\ get ting high It s not woi th it," HnMike sass “Until sou want it, you can get it " Sometimes esen those who do get it dec ide it s not lealh for them "I used so often and so mm h that it lost its no\elt\ ~ Ste\e sa\s I just figured it was time to get serious about school." a Jttutn S nrll. ( o) ( ah joint a, Hnkrlrs, ton tnlmlrH to Oils artuU