“ONE DAY MOTHER MADE US CHANGE OUR SHORTS THREE TIMES.” —Tim Hoyle, President, Columbia Sportswear Mother Gert Boyle, Chairman I distinctly remember thinking “Finally, something my mother can’t possibly find fault with. A nice, simple pair of lightweight shorts. They don’t even have a fly, for heaven’s sake.” Wrong. First she tore into the waistband. “ It needs a dash of color-put in a belt,” she barked. Then the inseam. “ It’s as obvious as the nose on your face. Add 1/4 inch.” Then she had us zip the back pocket And make the shorts A bigger and blousier. Use double pleats instead of single. She even challenged the very fabric of the shorts. “We came up with Perfecta ClothM to be the most comfortable and durable nylon around. Now use it!” What can I say? My mother s always right. Or else. A> Columbia ° SfxrtswtarC kmipanv 6600 N. Baltimore, Portland, OR 97203. For the dealer nearest you, cal -BOYLE. In Canada, 1-503-295-8000.