Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 8, Image 20

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So hrM* you .ur m
l astet 11 b innjM 11 s not
like* the I.»•*i nmr you
'mu Jiric ihin mas I w !«»Ui
\c,ih ago III lac t the lost
thirr veais have* hiought
mii li sWrrjitn^ i hallgt v
vou’ie not rvrn vine* you arr
in b .*ht«■ i n I in ope So you
consult \oui Ueikrles Mast I
guide, (hi tf>s /,/tftv itt hfistnn
/ uurf *r
I hr i r sou find a!) v on
wed to know .dn>ut traveling
the r\rt « hanging tenain
1 In guides tell you the
• heaprst places to eat. tire
places to sleep, hot pl.ues to
visit and sights you don't
want to miss \nd their are
• leal, detailed maps t<» he lp
sou get thel e
( hailenging Marsaid s
ttavrl guide series. 1st \ (>o,
tin Betkelrv guides provide
(intent inhumation on tias
el sights, tanging limn the
u\ and dangeious teiiam ol
Maska to the hit athtakmg
(.i and ( anvon to ( enti al
\rnet u a all plat es th.it tit
into a college student s bud
l he luniks ait put togeth
ei hv V* l <»t ( alifoi nta
Beikeles. student writers
and II rditoiv lra\elwnteis
ojxiate oil alwuit a $'»<• dally
\mliew iiaibotii. pro jet i
coordinator, sacs Berkeley
was < hosen l>et ausr it is < on
sidei c*<I tile antithesis til
Harvard lie* savs the wt11eis
take an irreveient tone not
iound in the more traditional
I latvaid gititles
“Ik* ike lev seemed the logi
< al < holt e IViiImuii vivs It s
lot .tied till the W< st ( t »ast. it s
a nubile instiiution anti at at It
This guy would have found the Alps with his Berkeley travel guide for Europe
Berkeley book takes on ‘the
other guy’ with trip advice
mu alb rated vrtA high "
I he l ft * (*' m i u n also student vuttlen im !u<Ic-n
17 v'liulr books Both book « rit s cost about the
same with the Bet krle% l*>oks pin ed Inmi $1 I rv0 to
$1 r» M) and the 1 larvanl senes < ostm^ ttoin SI 1 hr> to
$17 «»'»
"Win ii is ihe llerkrlet (nudes
have II.i'll tlu* year, tse have suit
slant e saw Mark leinplrton .1
m mm .11 Harvard t and publishing
dirmoi Ini (hr /rf't (*> series “the
sltle is uni I asl I nasi U'isns West
( nasi it's an minimal versus plat It
i al appiiMt Ii
11 mi IVtla irs guides an* mil mm,
with tour mote set 10 It 11 the stands
lliis seal along vsilh updalt-d vet
sums 11I die fiiut originals irlcavd
II itie experiences ihr nuns
endured shots thinugh in itieii
tsoi k. die luniks stiimld tare tsell
“We had nne tsriiei in Komania. in
I he reunite ruial area, who tot three claw « ouldnt
line! am f o< mI , ” K.hIxuii saw “He had moiin hut
jusi cnuldn t find a place He* exentualh l>egged a
lartnc i to let him do choirs, milking cows and
thing*. ill oltlel local.
Wiiteiv in (■ 11 a t r ni a I .< nin
detained in llit u bus twin' lot loul
hour* h\ giiririllav < >ne mi tKMtrll in
Managua ami anoihei got taught in
I'anaiua in lh<- irakr of iiotv following
lhr I S intrncnllon in I'I'Wi \ntl\rl
anoihri v|kih a night in a livri valid
hai in \la\ka aftei a plant- wav ft nerd
In make an cinergrnt v landing
l oi dir lime being, / rl i and ilv
<;V\rai rxivtfiitr remain* tfw hudgel
travel vriirv liavrd on il* cndin.int e
and reputation Ifm Harbom think*
dir time hav i tune lor a i h inge “I
expet 1 we re going to do lienieiidoiiv
h well,* he say* Q
By John C. Coley, Oracle, U. of South Florida
► TSU gets dis-banded
I hr on< e m »nllu! I mi id .ii 1 e\as Southern I is shutting to a
votnlw i tune these days the sound of silence
1 he tumeisitx tempotatih disbanded the Ocean ot Soul
man lung hand alter members went on an alleged $22,000
shop!tiling s|>iee last Dec eiuhei in I ok\o, whne the band was
|K ti«»iii»ing at haltnme of a (oothall game In-tween the l of
Nebraska and Kansas State 1
" 1 Si students have man bed tot the last time under that
t(ni e proud name sa\s 1 c\as Southein President William
! lar tis
( HTu ials suspended 12 ot the 01 offii ial hand metnlwis and
plat ed 17 ot tie is on probation I he hand duet tor and thire
assistants weie it assigned
I think the \%holc tiling was hiovsti out «*1 pio|>ortion, va\s
Lifom.i ( .itt.ulv. a 1 Si |tmt*>t ()nl\ 12 people out of the
I kind were shoplifting "
(.buck Smith, an assistant viee president at 1 SI , \avs it was
enough to mat the reputation of the baud, whit h gained
piomint in <• to peifoiming for Jesse Jat kson and Nelson
Next seat when hand members bring then well-tailored
m.noon and gia\ uniforms out of the closet, lhr\ will heal a
dtllrtrnt name
“Dtshonoi has been brought to (the old name]," Smith says.
• Fricka Schiehe, The lkul\ (Uwgar, L . of Houston
► Slam dunking French
Students in die I ot ( o|oi ad«»\ minnlm lots I iem h t ours
t*\ let rived an eail\ hohdav gill touittsy ot the women s has
kethall (ram \~sontheii tali semester tinal
I lie blanket gi ades weir given to moir than »D<) 111 and
weouti-veai I n in h students all* i a si hrdutmg ei mi In-mec n
the ( l I inn h drpai tinent and the basketball team
Both had anangrd to use the < nors hentv < entei ( I \
l•.000 seat liaskethall arena «»n the morning ul Dct 11
\limit an hour and I 2 into the 7 *0 .» m test, the l-idv Bulls
lKg.iii to take the t out t bn then st heduled 0 a.in j»iat tn t
\f tri the gi aduate student pr»M It us and basketball t < »at lies
tailed to irsolve the impasse, the pun ton emled the evaimna
lion and announced to the t heeling throng of students that
thev would ail let eive " \"s lot their uiuoinpleted tests
"I was ps\t bed." savs jumoi Km Staples, "but 1 also (In night
it was cornpleteh udit ulcus."
( oath ( e.d Hairy savs she nevet anticipated am trouble
We ptat tit e every dav at the I vents ( enter, so I thought
st hedtiling it would Im* no problem
( l ( liaiu clloi James ( oi budge t rpor leclh blamed the
Finn h depaitment and the u>at b lot tire mix up but said at .c
demit s must come litst in the future
"Fveivihing was hung up on the st heduling as it thev were
etjual issues and it was just a matter of finding it on record, but
:»<><) |>eoplt have i«» take precedence over 12." French proles
sot Minn Mortimer savs "Asa professor, I would savvoucan t
just stop a final \< ademit s should t mne litst ■ Greg Avery.
Campus Press, l . of Colorado