MftStfttm FROM CAMPUSES ACROSS f*t »UTI0* i -V I $ I ft S 3 Bama student millionaire pyeched: I can order more ptua.' ► Hole in won Winning $1 milium in .» ihaiity hole in-one goll thoolnol h.n done hide to change t ol \iahama mphoniorr |a*m Bohn Rralh 1 hr IfO-ieai old du vn tin 1^1111-1 .ii Inn in tin umr ap.u i nu-nl .uni hat the tame gn Hi lend he h.tii llrlolr lie Ini tin illot that in.nle llllll .111 Ili-UHt llllllliill.llle " Mivoluirh nothing h.n i hanged, van ihr allahle Bohn I viepl now 1 can IIIdri inon pi//a at night Bui life li.i' i hanged lm tin Milllmhulg, I’a . name al a link ( overage o| Ini leal ran in the Vnr ) 0.lMX) checks r.u h seal toi thr next 20 seals ■Tom Buckley, I nmsoFt and White, U. of Alabama ► Financial aid quagmire ii sounds casv Congtess passes .1 l>ill lo le-aulhnri/e the llighet f dotation \i i. rssenliallv iiu reavingfiiiain ial ai*i lo college students funnel President tirorgf Bush signs 11 mlu law \nd l»\ next ve.n mote students should gel help paving then bill* Si uIi.ii i the pioblcnr Well, 11 vrms nohods know* foi mih how the new law is sup|x>sed to work — who will real!v benefit and from whrte the mono to fit tain e the newfound generosits will c ome 1 he law aflei t.s the wav student imam ial need iv 1 alculalrd. "Need is the dittcrciue In-tween the «nvl of attending a w liool ami how mm h students ami then families i an t ontrilmte Joseph C ami lie. duet tot of linam ial aid at the l of Missouri, savs the < lunges deal with how to determine what families tan pav 1 he lev I Stuns, si heduled to go into el let t this fall, itU hide ■ 11k-value oi a house 01 farm owned bv a familv is no longer consid ered an asset and doesn’t figure into how ninth patents should pav. ■ ll a student's patents earn less than $5t),(XM) a seat and they tile a 1040 tax form, no assets of the parents arr considered. ■ l bc maximum fell grant ts set at $4,100, whir h is $1 ,(HK) more than Iasi seat 's high, and the limit has been removed on how mans rears a student can receive a fell grant. I he ■ rstilt ol the i hanges- A wider range ol students eligible lot assistant < While the aid regulation* received substantial changes, the actual amount ol monev given to the program has not been increased. An 01 ding lo the office ol Congressman William Salt bet. If-Ky., t han man ol the appropriations committee which composed this seal s funding bill. alMuit $5.8 billion was set aside to fund fell grants in the l'.ffMH srhool seal With this amount ol money, tfie program tan give out a maximum $2,JUKI gram. $ 100 less than this year’s top award. "The appropriation tot fell grants has never been enough to lulls fund the program." saw Headier Bodell, a research associate with the educational finance Rescan h Council in Washington, D C. While student reaction to the changes remains to be seen, one financial aid rhange — the change in defining independent status — has been met with resistance. Undet the new policy, fewer students will be considered independent. Students at ft. Ilavs Stale l\ in Kansas have started a letter-writing campaign in hopes of getting lawmakers to reverse the changes, savs Rogci Barnhart, a ft. Hays senior and leader of the Committee for Student Independence. "Desjieiate times require desperate mea sures," he says. ■ Justin Hyde, The SUmeater, U.of Missouri ► Signing up for casual sex \\ ant wx? Sij^n on the doited line. At least that 's what tlie Ness Yoik -based National Outer lor Men would like win to do. I he rente! has been distiihuliug a document known as a -Consensual Sex Contract lot about three months on college i ainpuses at loss the nation I he dor timenl wit of a prenuptial like aver ment — is designed to ptotect a man Irom lieing false Is at t usr-tl t it date i a j x sass SI el fell, direr toi ol the renin I’rioi to liegmning an intimate rela tioliship. both pal tilers till out the contract, whit h t( insist' primal lls ii! .»i tin kliit ul options rallies < lin k mi wnrtnri tries want a monogamous relationship or ihr freedom to s<-c other [x-ople Or dies ran deride whether to have sex as an expression ot an ernotiorul romtniltnent that mas result in marriage ot stmph to hasr a sexual relationship 1 he Ixittom line- 1 he tonllai r features a rhs< laimei reading “Neither ot us mas i larrn to tx- the vu tint of sexual harassment or assault oi rajx- as a result ot the arts sslut h are the subject of this agreement ^ sette (.taessle, a sentoi at the l' of Delaware. rsit'l cons mi ed the t oll Iran is a good idea 'Neset m a million seats would I till one out I think it's i ulii uluus that terms of a relatkiriship need to lx- written out anil set in stone like that. Although it has not lieeii trstrd in rourt vet. Frit sass thr contract imild Ik- used as another piece of ev idem r for a jury to consider Patricia lovelevs, an attorney and a cntuinal |iivtice professot at the l'. ol Delaware. says that may lie, but the contrac t would not lie consid eted com lusive evidence. "II you can prove she signed the contract, it wouldn't be exonerating evidence,” loveless save "Mir tnav have been forced to sign it, told she'd lie lieaten il she didn't I hr ini idents ol false at t ovations exist mils in the minds ol men When you consider what women go through in t ape trials, no one is going to make a t charge.” \ alrne Green, the manager ol the (etitei lot Rescan b on Women at Ikitnaid ( ollegr m New Yolk, sass die believes the contract opens the wav loi men 10 jihw women .mu get awav wun u "In rape tasrs, juries and men like In lielieve the women asked lot it.’ C.recti savs " 1 Ins nises them proof site signed a pa|>ri asking lor u and then t hanged her mind." Duncan Walgei .at . ol Delaware junior, agiees "I ilunk it's a t op-out lor guvs vs ho don't want to take responsibility lot their actions ’ Kelt savs the tisks lot women asvnialetl with the contrat t need to lx- balanced with the risks that men late. "Women have a free lit ense to accuse men of rape," he vavs. "Men on campus need to piotci t themselves from false accusations." ■Jonathan Thomas, The Review, U. of Delaware