Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1993, Page 5, Image 17

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    it ic >nal
>1 lc\UC*
l t> flic unK tuiioiul rtumthh puhlit ation drvotrd
toIcK to college' Mudrnt* I hr edit*>rtul tontrnt mu
ror% college life, kimm^ *• muihhi.iI jimficctivr to 1*muI
t uifuirv .u jimiicn jihI ttitrirM* / w writtrn 1»>
Mudrnt* for studmi* / » four nlttor* on trlk.»w*hif».
M-lrc trd from t<>j* gruduutr* ,«mm iIk . oumn mm
mivMi hi uth Irv pht *«• >^iu|>fi\ uad i^i nphu % fr\ dir fni
P luinuliMx In nit niiur thun 1d*> < ollrxi i diui uir mrto
f**t\of ( \.\inriHUii< ollrguitr Nrtwoik
hitiluhri unit Kfitorial Ihrrtlor
( i\Vt r M« IKKIN S\\M I I \M»
\ VMM 14If I- (iilfM
\<ivi*orv F(bun
In Wts«.»K
I S \» wins
| \< Kl H WIKI ON
Kuitohs On FtmmsHir
|\( Mi SrissiK
Southern lllnmn (
Klim 11 THU I
I ol Nolle lUtm
1 ill lk-l.rn.nr
Kill IORM1 AiniMWI (ill M il
Du lUvtnt Nn'M'
Illtlt4IM (
K<»h*mi Hi UAKti
Mm |ti£4ii Sl4tr l
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M\kk ( * »• »t»vt\S
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I ># l*sllu»tH
Smiihrrfl Mrih'ili'i l
t Kit J \I i Ihs
l til iVmiivKAitii
K urn I .***»*< t
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Kh nvm»C l vm
l •>( I r\j%
It SI M MsilMUt
\h h«*||* Muir l
Dm ) Dss u» Km»
Dsinii UlmiM* I
I < >U k. lI Mt XI
\»%«* uir < olkyiiir hf"
Km iimiii V m» i n
H**iut,* Stair l
K*h» VVihim i
l nt Oklahoma
I .M k \ VS
NitfOiwru Miuiiurt Si I
|*l I *Uju Moll A Qtulltt
( A *ulloJ I ill n tOI
( iratfvr l>nr« tor
( >jk iat 14>i)4 I>iir« tor
( to ul.moti Vlaitatfri
Viai VrMlig l>trr« I***
Sjw» ul Pro|r« «4 MafUgrt
I »MMA> j Mll< MU 1
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\nnmm Ks\s
( .u Bi:M ! HmsAMtt/
1 Ihunis
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j. »* <»« >mhi«. P* ir*C,i rvtm*
Mix# vuum
Hit ix(Mmaiimrvsv
Hit) MX' M2) fc?04i»»V>
Mkmiiii /itt.<im mmsIiunh
ntKNiN k ( OMJ*\Yt
rj141 I \\i2H» ’/ant,
C .» M M \>ti * H I IN
tntriUmmriM AdvvritWMig Ihirrox
11VI M< i .INI M
vi on, M\*smu . vu uMn x onvtt
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R- >H \k« insos
SjtMMul AtivnUMug Utiri I.N
If IS) *W0 2?M*) t \\| .*12! l**M^-**»H
P» II K Si l»n. PATKK k !>mi
VI I >1 I , UMtVIlM l . W» I.ism X lurtl »
HIM <21 7\»V» IA Xi i I 'i' Vtnni «,
AlIWt^M «-Ml IN
(MO) %M l VI tVX'MOi V»| Ir'.v*
Amuican Couj&iATt Nrn%oBK, Isr.
\ P VdouruMrate >«i
Ndituntui iinr V**m.u>t
(«AYli Vfnn*^ Sutl HASH
M \M1I Ml K< \I*»
< m uluiMM) 1 5 ttiilhofi»U)>ir« l Ihtf ( iMrgr
Wagmin* i* (Hibiiihrd umc timr* -» vtMf I* \nM-nun
< nllrgi.Hr NriH^.ik In. IHOOC nilun l*4fl b»t
Suitr 820, | jh Angrir%, ( \ ‘MKHn I rl » »I
1 aml (SID) 5M IftfW Copvnghi l*Wl Ml Right*
Krvixrt! Suit* npUom $1*
Staples hinder recycling
Is It trails netessan l«» u\r Maple s ft»
hold \oui maga/mr lo^rthn Staples
should n«»t lx- reeve leel along with the*
newspapet, hut I'm Mite th.U vet\ le w
students think to trmo\r them Irrfoie
plat mg then eop\ of / in the reeve ling
Inn You should e ousidri eliminating
thrill, as the\ trails atrn t nee essai> to
hold the- paper logrthrt answav
Jeanne* A. Nit*Ken, graduate student.
Duke l '.
) r\. \tnplf\ (ttr nttrsuiry u'hrn tlif rruiga
ztnr rxttfds 20 pdgrs I hty should hr
rrrrun'fd htforr ifcythttg I d
Education - worth the cash?
I beli<*\e* simlrnh do get then
nioiirv s woiih as long as the.-\ put a
good edlort into it II noii ir skipping
t lasse s and partying, vou’ir just wast
mg money
It \ou do studv and go to < lass and lis
trn to noiii mstiuc lots, you «lo grt vuui
moiic\ s vsoith \ lot ol jM opIt \rtl atxmt
tuition. Imt it's not that had unle ss \mi
don’t go to t lass tr Mik.«• KJirkovieh,
junior, l . of Nn» Mmico
I trails don t brltrvr I m ge tting mv
inonr\ s worth feu an relocation I think
I’m getting robbed I think dies tc living
to ge t as mue h mono as they « an ane! use
it for as little* as possible w Dalontc
(iriffin, sophofliort*, (.rambling State* t
|o be te*alh hone st, am I ge tting tm
m< urn s worth' 11 «* 11 n«»
M\ tuition ke e ps on going up and the
({ualifv ol im education kt e-ps on going
down I’m paving tiioir money every
semester and vrl staf! is ge tting » lit, the
oroduc tivitv *»l students is going d«»wn
I 1 1C*
/VI; IS4: ixii ic‘
and tin* ec|utpinrfii we ait* able in uic
the «< dirge is able lnhu\ is going ct* »wn
I (lull l kill»vs what's going nit Ibis
t minus drhuitrls has a ptoblrill < )tn
edut aimn. weir getting In al In all thrM*
countiics and dies wondn vshs I don i
Wimss whctr dns iimnes is going Inn thrs
sure is he ll base in find .1 ss.ts in s|wnd 11
v>i%rls w p#ul freshman, < ollegr
of DuPitj'r
i don’t dunk we ate getting mu nmn
r\ s wm th} bet .iiim- nu»si < >f dir 1111 inrs is
going fni dir < ollegr c a minis. inoir nil
appr.ti am r (had the education 1 dunk
tollers base thrinsrlvrs now nil (hr
appearance of what thrs look like, not
what the education is north Nowadass
it s not what sou get hut what the- c anipus
looks like tr |)an Panto*, sophomore,
Indiana Stair I .
\<>. I don t In*I siudcnh ^rf thru
monrv > koi th from .» t ollc^c rdu< .»
Uon, r*p«*t i.iIIn kIh*ic I vj*» to m hool
It s \ tl lu.lllv lllllX'Kihlc to i*i ! .ill lll«
» I,i\sc■ s tli.u vmi nn-tl and nhrn sou
tired thrill I in .» M IIIUI 1 have tv%o
mt.ittri’* left. .uni 1 >r111 < innot i»rt tin
< law s I K.mt w ( ol Johnson, senior,
Mankato State l
I have U rn at (.t ambling State l f«»«
one semestri .me! 1 t ouldn t tell \ou
anything I learned from tin Inst semes
tei and I have a 't 141 .*<!«- jxunt avei
age S«» 1 don't think we ir getting om
mono ' worth I he onlv thing 1 vr
learned is u>get up < at h toi < lass and t<»
t'omr home at the end id the da\ n
Anthony Franklin, freshman,
(•rambling State l
I don't think students ate getting
then nioiin s wot th from a i ollrge < du
t ation Mv tuition lias iik rrased ovet
SI ,2tM) sun i I Ik gan iii I of ( i and tin
teai lung has gone downhill We’ve gotten
a lot ot stufl ( ut hotn the « uiik ulum With
the budget c uts and the tuition iih leases. I
don't fe el I’m getting m\ m< »ne\ s vvoi th n
C Linds Bingham, senior, l . ot < >regon
\<ldi rns vuui < orirs|Miiidrn«« t«»
1 c iu-iH Kctiti >i. 1 I hr Sutumal <
Magrtitnf. lHO(M rntlllA l\t! k KiM,
Suite* M'Jfl, | n\ Angeles. < \ 1 H M M > / , o|
t.i\ it i<» ( d 111) V» I H>:V» Indutie \<nn
name. xf*.ti se hnol .inti |>h<»ne numlxi
lot vent it .ill* »n I x'ttrt x should lx*
wmei* of levs ( i r \ei vr* the light t«>
rtlit uihmtsMon* h »i length .mil»iat uv
opivon pou*
Do students get
their money’s
worth from a
college education?
Do you believe
drugs are
a problem
on your
To* ,5*hHyOulh?»
s* cm K* b« mfntwr
I80D 668 4J9/
(>f ihc fnM 721 ,iil» retrived from Jan. 29 through Keb. b. 24 believed students wor nctnnn anrdui anon worth* of iht
mono dies (Mid and IM said student* writ- not gelling thru mono swoilh
"Students do get thru mono \ worth mil of a college rdm anon, i onsidei mg dir nliu ati< >n is deter mined In as
muc h iimc and effort they pul into n ' -R.J. Bock, junior, U.ofPiittbtuxh
■\o I don l art m* mono * worth I liens liltlr or no at adenm < uutiseling I hr* hr id people through hrir
like t arilr and ihr* don't t air it *011 get grades or it *011 make an intelligent t reaturr out of yourself "
— lkarlina Shaw , sophomore, Inrhaita LI .-Purdue l'., Indianapolis
"I think that m stair nnlion is worth what you pa* I'm personally getting ni* mono's wot th at thr l of lennessrr I hr
education I'm getting is sen good and worth the mono " — l-arr* Minton, freshman. 1. oflrnnrwr
•fhr I Stutk-iil ( hxliMMi Pi at» a unipling = a cunimrnb ll**m < i .lleiji uurirnu jom> ihr ojtinln thr udlhcr murder * . qm irwr.irirs i>. * quruimi purrl I., uu
ariiurarhtmmth pj,,,,,,! I /V -sp Urj-iEmr thr |«>U u urn * trtmfir and prrirnugrsair fnpinstbwrrt .m wrtsil .rs)«Kiir> tr. rrrr.1 rm li immlh