Circulation - t .ROO.OGO National Aim Amkrican Coujociiatk Nki woiik. Inc. Publication Joes and Careers Joining the Rat Race (>11 (he Inil i/iin limills llir w1 I os \ngeles and Ness \ 01 k ( us to die i oss pastilles ol Iowa But ssilli these lieil/ied d.ilM e lesls huisl mg onion illege umipiises nation ssiile, has die ness si cue lost the edge' Page 26 In Entertainment A fusion of Colour I jving (4 tloiii is I mi k with .1 thun derous album full of driving h.ud n* k lifts and heartfelt sural* Bui don't expect U> hear it on tfu- radio As fiontinanCairev (dovei savs, dies |iist don’t make formats foi hard-edged, funkadelk rock'n'roll PagrM Are students just saying not — Page 12 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION 8V PAMCLA WWAY DC %Vifk.HO, THf PfVifW Of Df tAWAwf Minorities struggle for a more inclusive curriculum - Page 25