Softball opens with two losses The Oregon softball team opened its season with two defeats Friday, hofore the rain postponed its Saturday games at the Spring Fling in I -os Vegas. The Ducks lost 7-2 in their season opener against Sacra f:v:;nt« State- -Friday morning The Hornets scored twice in the first inning and four times in the second inning to put the game away early. The Ducks picked up two runs in the third inning, but wore unable to catch the Ladv Hornets. Third baseman Uuinne Brooks w«nt two for three tor the and l-aura Schmidt drove in Oregon's only runs with a home run in the third inning. The Dm ks committed five errors, and pitcher Natasha Dumoski gave up eight hits and got the loss. Oregon fell behind early again Friday afternoon in its 7*0 loss against host UNLV. The 12th ranked Kelads took a 1-0 lead in the lirst inning ami added two runs in the third, fourth anil sev enth innings to pull out the vie tory. Pitcher Raihelle Taylor gave up nine Inis and walked three batters while picking up her first loss of the year The Ducks struggled in the field once again and committed three errors Schmidt and Kathy Stahl led the J)ui k-% with two hits each Oregon's game against Oregon State was rained out Saturday, and the Ducks were scheduled to face Gal-Poly Pomona and Utah State Sunday, hut results were not available at press time. VICTORY Continued from Page 9 Tigard, surpassed her previ ous umr-nigh of Ifi points set earlior this year against Weber Statu iieaiea scored only one point in nine games last season hut has become One of the Pucks’ top long range shooters this season Center Sara Wilson scored 17 points and grabbed eight rebounds for the Ducks, and Debbie h scored 17 points and pulled down 12 rebounds Arizona entered the week leading the Pac-10 in rebounding, but Oregon outrebounded them 42-29 Saturday Oregon head < om h Klwin Heinv started seniors lean Mnree l.illard and Peggy Swndener in their final home games, and they responded with strong performances, l.illard scored seven points and had three rebounds, and Swndener scored nine points and dished out five assists Stacie Tave led the Wild cats with 20 points Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 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