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Suite 300 EMU Applicant* muk be U ot O Uudenis m good Mandmg The Oregon Otaly Emerak) 4 an Equal Opportunity Employer and 1* working toward a more cultw aky averse workplace_ "ElP wanted Camp Counsetors warl«1 to» (i»i Scout residential iuimw can© near Pupal Sound Must anfOy Children and ouMoor* SatarymeaHodgmg trammgr'on rob etperwnc* provtoad east fe3S600to» appkcafcon* EOf Crulaa SMpa Mow Wring - Earn BOOCWmontn «»w travel (Mew*i. Mauro. toe Ca«Mv ale) Monday Summrn and Career employment avoaaWe No espeneece necessary For program cai t-306634 0466 art caoaa_ Earn cean stuttmg envelopes at home At material* provided Sand SASt to PO Bor 9643 Springfield. MO 66601 BE SEARCH ANALYST ON SN RES PROGRAMMER Mall time programmar or analyst poo> bon depending on quaMrcationt tor group d grant* on adolescent smoking 6 drier problem' behaviors Saa |Ob deecrptions tor rang* ot duties M« mum ot 8S to MS, Pit 0 pralarrad. mill 3-4 yr* eipenence wilti social so anoe data leguired Mutt have working knowladga d common Mat.sir a proce dures. aapaoairy bncar and togstic re grestion A SEM (EOS) Thorough knowtedga ot SPSS S997 50-S1624. plus tu« benefits Applicant* must com ptata an ORt application A submit a re sume at Oregon Research Institute. 1699 Willamette St. Eugene Deadline NOON, SI. AA/EOE Sales rep* wanted tor locoi business Cat 666-6138 216 WORK STUDY Wort-Study atudeo* to supervise ww*gft! room oyw Sprang Bre#> W&Qi ftubtfctuto (Juriog Spring t«*m. pf®*er teoes-s anovriadga Appfy aJ TQ3 G»ft*>Q»_„ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available March IS t bdrm S studio apt. quet buiSSng. Btt from campus. S3sos3oc .w;m __ A large. da an, quiet t bom mkUoi O Big wats if closet F utty furnished Center island kitchen Coveted parking tauncky 484 4103 Campus Apartments furnished it! Bedrooms Winter rates U7SSS2S 46V2S23 CENTER Of CAMPUS One bedroom new carpet, quiet, pars mg.saeo 40^7070 or 607-0821 CLOSE TO CAMPUS nee t bdrm apt no pets S335 a»»i March 1st Caf 3466201 Immaculate 1 bdrm apt Prune loca bon O-Vr Parsing No smokmgfpets S460 Cad 606-0736 trite. 4 PROSPECT PARK t and 2 badroom apartments eras now quart country atmosphere wroonvemenl t*y location, other tea lures indude pool. tenmptia*ke«baft cts. rec room and playground, fighl p«U 26th and Chambers 404 6663 Taro bedroom apt upstars NEW carpet windows, man bands pamt. tndge and aiore. wait to UO. esc loca tion laundry j&OO, nca 406-6107 t bdrm. S406 2 bdrm. $66&month Laundry parsing, sacunty. dosa to campus 404 992! 1 1! BLOCKS f ROM CAMPUS StucSos on sae laundry taciSUrs *306rtnonlh 406 O79C 1 bdrm w72 bams. S466 Dose to cam PUS. available March 1 Pets negoba Me 344 7319 T7 OJUtaX-YuLUisAG T? r aasa—ara- JLu A fjljny Q« beauty of wmmIh and wildlife la tuprr floar |>Ua 2 BDRM, I 7.BATII *495 A 'SlS/moiilh • Out tn outf** • SwitiwtNaf Puol • WeiiJtiAifaeai Room &L CafTM (Ha—M A Maiw) 687-1318 r5t71 gHyinrifirmTiTm M7 Patterson Eras spaoou*. fcqhl •no mee ) bdrm, peso, laundry, par* ■ng *320 pm* dap 741 2504 CEDARWOOD QUADS Ml E 17th Private room*. AIL UTILITIES PAID on *4* laundry Great rale* Cad Brian at 486 0597 £^*#Minings+Co CENTER OF CAMPUS 3 bdrm, fireplace patio, parking. qu> at. $750 486 / 878 or 667-06?' _ Redwood Park Apts. 0ui*t. Country Using With City Ceruwnienc* IMumMwa 1 ■dam SMS. (starting Nov 1) Low Uttlltlee-On Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Park * Playground Laundry Facilities Aleo Furnished Sullse Studio. 1 * 2 BtR *600 to *67* Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Bath t Kitchen On Site Management Teem 4103 W. 18th 484-0775 _ SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS 2 bdrm. townhouse, laundry, pod. sauna near U ol O Can Dann 3454471 Sparkling clean, bright, large studki Covered parking. Laundry facilities Greet location. *365 1150W 11th 6 bdrm house. ] bo. 2 kitchen* Fenced A charmer $1250 (Can dwdei 39 Coachman On Willamette Si. 3 bdrm house, huge family room. 2 balh*. oouOle garage $960 2917 Spring Blvd 3 bdrm house. 2 baths. hardwood hocxs. fireplace. dec*. gaiage. $900 190 E 24th Ave 2 bedroom apt m quasi bmldng laundry $400 199 E 24th Ave 2 bedroom apt laundry. $400 934 E 14th Ave 2 bedroom apl laundry $460 include* al uMities 1949 Herri* Street 2 bedroom apt in small building near campus L»mdry. $450 2919 McMillan 2 bedroom inpiei Fireplace Feel* kke a home 2 Wocfcs west ot WAamette $6/5 2799 Oak Street 2 bedroom*, iaundry $426 ptTI WtOWfO Shown by appointment SPYOIAS8 ASSOCIATES 99$ tt3C 2«QUADS Oreat location' I urn quad, t b* kom camput $2<9. as uW pd Avan now1 Cal lor alto. 983 44 73 1390 Auer SPRING RESERVATIONS Quad* avan lor Spring Term Futnithed. utn pd. esc location and qutel quad male* S229.S239 United unit* apply now 1360 Alder Si 34$ 5049 ; ROOMS Nice hrmiahed room* Food, ata laundry A* tor $360 piu* dap Foreign Mudenl* welcome 4*1-4573 Room In houae. laundry, utn mel S27Vmo b*e to campu*. aero** kom Amaxon ham Chuca 484 0504 Room m 2 bdrm aider ac*. near campus Fireplace $iB7imo $75 dep Avan * io 346-0191 No *moke>vpet* Rally/Lobby Day MARCH O rd Salem, OR W Buses leave 13ti & University ^ 10:30 am. Sponsor iiyASUCiOre^SUeilatty f« not* utoMoi a»Ud M ASUO (A> SuMM aMlT#