xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*; WATCH THE BLAZERS TONIGHT H on our BIG SCREEN TV! CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE c CD'S FROM $5.95 ] { TAPES FROM $3.95 1 -m In th« FifthpMn Building 207 E. 5th Avenue OPEN 7 DAYS 343-9000 j Student Dinner Special Buy 1 Traditional Combo Dinner (# I #14) with coupon and get the 2nd for I I EL GRAN PAVO Authentic Mexican Food Cocktails — Delicious Margaritas Open 7 days a week U(Xf»» 1/14/9! 535 Main St., Springfield 746-8145 * i ■ SPRINGFIELD I SMOKE SHOP Tobacco • Pipes • Lighters • Incense • Knives • Gilts • Candy 1124 Mam St.. Springfield. OR 97477 503-747-8529 M»vS« 104 Sun l?-6 fesa ocxsecceoooooo 800-782-9495 ( Mil < Ml I Friday March 5,1993 EMU BALLROOM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EMU MAW DESK, CO WOHLD, FACE THE MUSC. HOUSE nr ncrnom Awn nrmnn oarofn Sade back on track After a four-)far hiatus, Bade is now on the Love Deluxe Tour and performs at the Hull Center Feh 27 with nfiening act Me Hhi Me. Born Helen Foltade Adu in Nigeria 33 years ago. Bade moved to Great Britain at the age of four. She grew up listening to hop, soul and folk Her singing career happened "by chance," she said, as she had planned to ht‘ a clothes designer before she wos asked to sing for the tondon hand Pride. Love I kiln was recorded in Italy during the sum mer of 1992. The following is an excerpt from a taped interview with Bade, released on CD as Interview Deluxe Q: What's the definition of Love Deluxe? SAUK: (It is) one of the few luxury things you can't buy. You tan buy any kind of love, but you can t get love deluxe. Q: Listening to Ixive Deluxe, personally I seem to notice a little bit more stark sound, maybe some experimentation with strings, cello. Is there, maybe, a slight departure* musically on this record? SAUK: I think we approached Love Deluxe sort of quite blindly in a way, like we did when we made Diamond Life ... there's a certain amount of inno cent*. We were quite adventurous. I think we need ed a break, you know, in order to want to make another album. 1 think the break, actually, being away, was good for us all. you know, because it gives us a chance to realize why you're doing what you do, and actually want to do what you do, and not just do it because you're already there and you're on the roll. It is quit© raw and stark, in the same way that Via mond Life was. but it's very, very different We've come a long way since then and changed a lot. Q: As you well know, it's been said that the songs of Sade (the singer) are of friendship, love, lost love Where do theselyrics, or stories, come from? SADE: Those songs come from inside me, inside my life. I sort of dig around and find the stories hid den there somewhere. Sometimes things just come almost magically into my mind, sometimes I see something and f'm compelled to write about it, other times they're just pure fantasy. Q: Uh. on "Pearls.'' very ... straight to the heart story. Could you talk about that? -*SADE: "Pearls” came about because I saw a news bulletin of a mother collecting grains of rice at the roadside, you know, scrubbing around in the dirt and just picking rice that had fallen off a relief truck going through to the North in Somalia. And what really struck me when I saw the bulletin was really that that could have been mo. but it just happens by chance that I was born in Nigeria. I wasn't born in Somalia. Really that song was about chances, you know, and about fate and the fact that we are reaily ... we re like one huge race and any of us could be bom anywhere, could be any color, and we re just circumstances of our birth, really. We are victims of our circumstance. Q: Is Sade (the (wild) considered soul? SADE: It's soulful music. It doesn't necessariry sound like the soul people recognize, but it comes from inside, and that’s what I consider to he soul music. I mean, l think a lot of folk and a lot of jazz is Courtety Pftofeo On the Love Deluxe Tour, Sede performs Ssturdsy el the Huh Center with opening set Me Phi Me. soul music. Flamenco, even classical music can come from Ihe soul. If it gets you there, it's soul music. Q: Some bands look forward to just going into the recording studio and making their record. Other hands live for the live performance. What about Sade line rwinnir SAUK: I think when we write soi^s. we re very conscious of the idea of getting on a stage. One dav Turn to SAOE. Page 8 iWiiiiliT7iifl>tiiii>'iWfffi1^Mi'>iff|i'i'trin»'i'~lTlwrrr KAXJTHP»y Jambay performs In a night ot rnakxHc mayham with a tap* rata*aa party at tha WOW Hall. Jambay turns on the tape CULTURAL FORUM — Jambay. that "technically amazing quartet of jazzy eclecticism,” is returning to Eugene Sat urday night to rock the WOW Hall along with the local reggae band Unshakable Race. The show promises to be a night of "musical merriment and melodic may hem.” said Eric Peterson, the Cultural Forum's regional music coordinator. "Jambay is coming fully prepared to take Eugene by storm." Matt Butler, the band's percussionist, said This show will be the band's first stop on its live tape release tour. The tape was recorded at the WOW Hall in October when a sound tech nician there noticed the above-average quality of the Iwnd's sound and musician ship, Butler said. When the musicians listened to the tape, they instantly knew they would use it to get their new music out to the public, he said. The show is a first time ever ( o-promo tion between the University's Cultural Forum and the Community Center for the Performing Arts because booking agents from both places agree Jambay is on the way to the big-time. Peterson said. Jambay has been likened to Edie Brick - ell, the New Bohemians, Crowded House and Phish, hut the band also defines its own style, Butler said. Chris Haugen, one of the hand's gui tarists. explained this style "Jambay is what happens when we play together ..our unique styles and our musical individual ity all come together to create an inde i rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: scribahle phenomena." Adding to the phenomena is the hand's unofficial fifth member, a multi media film and light artist Traveling up from Humbolt County. G.B Ha|im will provide his choreographed visual input at Satur day's show "He completely rounds out the experi ence." Haugen said "lie clips films together to heighten the effect of the mush and to provide a visual jumping off point for the hand to expand on a musical theme ' The hand is always excited to play in Kugene, Butler said, partly because it is where he and Haugen grew- up and played in their first hand in 1987. Turn to JAMBAY. Page 8 txzxxxxxxxxzxxzxzxxxxxxxxxxxxx; “Cold Duck" Hockey* University if Washington vs. Oregon L rcoriuary *./ o:w r.w. At Lane County Ice 796 W. 13th (on the fairground*) SpoitwrrJ By (Ml < lub Sport* sr "AH BUEOAirr I VTLMr SCX. MURDER. BETRAYAL. NOTHING IS WHAT n SEEMS TO BE. HE CRYING GAME pliy it it pur ran risk mwm£NL,Zt* BROTHER'S [ *» l l \ I \| \ i: I I \ lit i;i:\ui\.,i i; • ^ < Leap"/Faith ONE FALSE MOVE 720 E. 13th across from Sacred Heart The Best Espresso Drinks This Side of the Big Boot1 ^poppi **-> _ytna4olia. ’The land East* TradMonal Gr«*k b Indian Food Winter Hours Moa-Thurs. 1130-930 Fri. & Sat 11304000 Sun 5004000 992 Willamette Eugene Or 97401 343-9661 The McKenzie goes Duplex Classics this week' The Marx Brea go bananas in MONKEY BUSINESS RB6pm »SW2pm SUN 2 43 30 p m * MON 6 p m FH7 30p.m »$AI3 30pm SUN5pm .MON7Mpm Adufls $2»Saras suderis and ane-aWe $1.50 • Ms (10 ana jx») HB The Mekenzie 430 Mar* Downtown ScnrgfcW* 74 ?«349 KX* KSIIAKAM M IMTHMIlMHI' IToOkTI J yjum f The Finest Chinese and American Food Open lor lunches and dinners until 10:30 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. and until midnight Fri. and Sat Restaurant & Lounge 947 Franklin Blvd. 343-4480 :xxxxxxxx WATCH THE BLAZERS SUNDAY on our BIG SCREEN TV! xxxxxxxxx jxxxxxxxxxxxx: Guido'S * 13th & Alder University Theatre Second Season Presents 0, r H Ve r ipm preaeniniUm ia retfuireti fo interview for the Summer/ ^ fftU VI IjMegr Ihn^rum. 9 Imervftrw* will br* l**M «»n Moo#Uy. fcfcirth 2 Tl#* follow ing uuforn ar»« rfM'dufjg'**! to 4ttrii«i S! 'MMI 8 - Boiinrs*. < omnium* .it #>n, R« f<*jtlOfl/l/ttUfr S(udki. 4n*i Tfttatfe/Drama FAU, Ail hum* writ our For morr informal ton (onuu ti Stutlrni Employment Hhonci 346-.U14 An Equal Opportunity Employer th « llhcoln rl Ur.ur-r. r.X %t\\S‘ m