SASS, law journal get increases By Chester Allen and Tammy Batey Ernetald Reporters An Incidental Fee Committee member walked out of Thursday's budget hearing after learning a legally required public notice of the meeting was not published in the Emerald IFC member Ed Carson said the hearing was in violation of Oregon's open meeting laws, which require state officials to publish a notice of the meeting's time and place. "I don't think we should he meeting," Carson said as he left the hearing Neil Sunneli. who was the ASUO representative at the hearing, said he also believed the meeting was a violation of state law However, IFC Chairman Steve Masat said he had placed a notice of the hearing with the Emerald and moved that the hearing continue. Emerald News Editor Jake Berg said he could find no record of having received such a notice IFC member Lvdia Lerma said the meeting should proceed. "We can hold another meeting and «:all hack nil of tonight's groups if we have to." Lerma said After deciding to meet, the IFC increased the 1‘to.1-94 budgets of four ASUO-sponsored student groups. The IFC allocated a 66 percent increase to Sexu al Assault Support Services. Part of the money w ill be used to conduct rape awareness training in the greek system, said SASS Executive Director Phvllis Harkharst. The Vietnamese Student Association received a 19.2 percent increase from this year's budget. However. Tri Bui. academic adviser for VSA. said the group needed more money to expand and improve its cultural events. "If we could use the EMU Ballroom for our New Year's festival rather than the Condon School, we could make it easier for more students to attend and experience cultural diversity," Bui said. IFC members said VSA could submit a special request for money from the surplus account. The IFC allocated a 1.1 increase to the Recre ation and Intramural program. KIM asked for an additional $1,000 to improve its weight room, but the IFC rejected the request. Kathryn Russell. KIM weight room manager, said RIM would submit a special request to the IFC for the additional money. The Pocket Playhouse received a 20 percent increase from this year's budget. John Harrison, Pocket Playhouse publicity direc tor. said the theater group would use the money to stage at least nine plays a term next year At its Monday meeting, the IFC approved increases for four of five budgets reviewed. groupi2ffi:aa !«3-m s JELL V.ora $7,222 *1*1 ChUun vJbMty 214 320 214.320 0 SUN 250 523 . 87 5 Orvgon CommanlMor 5.845 8.088 * 381 M*d«t.on 22.096 22.981 . 4 V«lnaimw Slud Auoc 2.480 2.967 * 192 R*c!t*iilKX' and int«ffrx»J* 80,000 81.000 • 13 P«*«t PlaytiouM 1,782 2.151 * 20 Soaudl Assi# Support 5«* 12.000 20.000 • 66 Ottcrnc tn J*x e»e*» Th«» Journal of Environmental Law and Liliga lion, the Oregon Commentator. Students for Unit ed Notions nnd the ASUO Mediation Program all received increases, while the ASUO Childcare Subsidy Program budget remained at S214.320. JELL Editor Hob Shavelson said the journal's staff wanted a substantial increase this year to improve the quality of the journal nnd to enable the staff to publish it biannually. instead of annu ally as it is published now "With the decreases in past years by the IFC, we've been si raping by just to survive.” Shavelson said. But IFC member Efrem Meh relab said the I EC's allocation, a i!47 percent increase from last year's allocation, would enable the journal to publish biannually. though its members would have to continue to si rape by. "We re taking a step forward." he said. You i an't take all the steps in one day." Commentator staff member* requested a 98.97 percent increase to pay for such things as a new computer and to mail an orientation issue to fresh men shortly before fall term begins. Karma said she was concerned about the journal because it does not offer stipends to employees Without stipends. some students could be deterred from writing for the monthly journal, she said hernia suggested a friendly amendment for the IFC to allocate $1.f>20 in stipends The stipends would pay the salaries of four reporters, the edi tor and the publisher But Commentator staff were reluctant to accept the stipends Owen Brennan Rounds. Commento tor editor, said he would rather have the increas es added to other parts of the journal's budget. Mehretab said the IFC should not force the stipends on Commentator staff members if they don't want them. K, (l1! ■W; Center and Photo Equipment IS FOR SALE BY OWNER! 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