ROOMS Ntc« room, n«a hOu*». n«* n#gh©«nooil on *o qu*< cIom to camou*. &2?5 • ut» d»po»i» .M5'7099 Jaaof _ ftooumMI wantod. 2 room» barn, toung* mcM)** uW. laundry. phon« totoJton. TV S22M2SC Ca* «ft« 6. # OfiUKetQ.___ Dlfnct your appoHt* lo —ctton 300. 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Clow In Mat Mda 120(Vme mduda* utt 484 -370? avannga__ Fun, warm, cozy' r*ma*« tooking ky roommato. 2 bat»oom tumiahad at*. ■Tv.ulatlto miO Karen 4>4-4 1»l To than 2 bdrri .ypi Oap. on t>t« I V Avail OK'ing Mat S22Q » ubf 5 wm by ear, 10 mm by bu» 4B4-487S Room mala naaHaO1 (Veal tocabon. hrapiace. t«g bousa. SJSO^Jep, avail now. 1272 Penonon 6&3 5481 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Bargain prices? Stereo*. TV**. VCR*, futon beds, kitchenware h*ater*. handbag*, clothes Sat 27th. 12S3 Ferry $t {between 12th and 13th) 280 MEETINGS EMU BOARO Public Hearing Re Budget TOOAY M? Straub Hall, ? 30pm Sexual Harassment Forum Speaker Patti Smith Video Presentation Feb 28 at 7pm Cedar A dn B in the £ MU 285 CLUB SPORTS BILLIARDS CLUB Organizational Meeting AH students, staff interested please attend Place Oak room. Date Wed 3/3 Time 7 8pm Sponsored by Dub Sports 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 290 CAMPUS EVENTS POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Glengarry Glen Ross Directed by Dave Sikula March 1,2,3 at 5pm Room 102, VHIard Hall POCKET PLAYHOUSEj PRESENTS Breeders and Brooders Directed by Beth Peterson Written by Russell Dyball Feb 26, 27 at 5pm Room 102, VHIard Hall 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT THE CRYING GAME HOWARDS END BROTHER S KEB ■■•iPwiiilTimn Ntffttfj n sort* LEAP OF FAITH hhahttf It »-l*i >NE FALSE MOV 290 CAMPUS EVENTS »+*************************************44 M M ►4 M M M M ►4 M M M M M M M M ►4 ►4 STUDENTS Get ready to go to Salem March 3 to tell the legislature why your education is important. Come to a meeting on MARCH 1 and learn about the University’s budget and what you can do for your own future. 3:30 p.m., EMU Fir Room. Refreshments will be served. M M M M H M M H M M M M H OFF LINE by Rick Ball HANDLING E-HD O1 THE. TERM PRESSURE ,/NMy I FttL GOOD' 'ibAHs, I GOOD. WARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT h£*KI['lU»4 From Boulder, CO PolyatKnk Cajun Slamgr— TUMi^l 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT 300 FOOD 4 DRINK It's new! It’s hoi! Chile Pepper Markcl/Deli i^airWfr • Vo*ih «tf the P»tr» i>wrn 310 MASSAGE i BODY WORK pmosumst om u« Ow>» im to< Km ametpnovt a *in ana i*«ewif* Krar* Madav -V |, 7 .R) and » !'.pm 320 SERVICES 320 SERVICES The University of Oregon Career Planning and Placement Service presents si((i;ss SKILLS HRIIX.K TO YOUR FUTURE Do >ou have the skills lo gel the job vou want? What do employers look for? Take this c lass to find out. TNI FAR SIM By GARY LARSON ■ I * ■ * '' ‘ » ' I 1-J Hummingbirds. ot course. haw to watch nature rum* with the action greatly speeded up Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TO VKMD DETECTION WHILE CHANGING IDENTITIES, MILD MANNERED CALVIN : LEAPS INTO UIS UX*£R ' TWEKi HE MAKES THE WEHDOUS TRMtSWRWiaN wTMavUJMUJM7 r>WkTM^lUMTVM GOSH, ITS DfcfcK. IS Vftftfc HHERl'S TWIkT DARN HAKOVJE. * 3?o SERVICES FRf C PWiONAMCV TfST Pr«gn«ncy Support C«o|«f t04 • 345-0400 • 134 f HP WtA-«m m*ce*m Pt*«o«Kl P«»»fimood ky Pap sm»»n tf'Nwtwyt GtMKfcJt twtf> cootro» p*egp Cy <«*v* and uob4*Md counvHing >44 M I t Ngnmi? Nfcmd NNP** Fr«* pegn,^ cy imi { a>*> hoo Cft0 CHRTH [ cijiHttinKO oompitkk4 ATT* Ntu4*nU Irviutirw* w % «H-|urT 165 YCH'K CAM!*U* COttNIUTlON? I V»f«n It+tJy Kmermld 34« 4343 FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZ^NOS VXZZA s2.00 oft large pizza w/2 free med. drinks s1.00 off med pizza w/1 free med. drink 346-0776 Oner good mm winter term Doonesbury by garry trudeau HARR/S ! YOU UfT xxk mnv surf 0OARPlNTH£ HAUMAY a&vn / I NfARlY RJUSPMYHU ccMtNc-mfiir NIGHT1 f7S SORRY, MAN mrtc w mm nvwm > jwwm icuFMuxGcm-’ lOSWPT actjm UP Arm' wuesHt • hfy i sap I *&• 5loppy AlMl WHAT m />«** H>\U ' < 4V rut 6ARAG6 •• UM*At ocn. HXSW (JUMP* nmv CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 Ho art or ‘.part* 4 *>hnoo‘ lUi 8 Gofla# ttGi rmU'latn rnont o#q 13 Chith and 14 Not I ar* 15 Amary&s 17 f Um 18 l ong r.u»p 19 Shako ‘•{Mtiiftt !>t*i word 21 22 Call it 28 B*»a o! pato <10 Ioi0 gra* 29 l*on 30 M4*f SoOa&tuin 31 Hopuht t*on 32 Uno . uno 33 Tian^iK. lion 34 Hatr gunk 35 John R4*4tu* 5 ix n w *k» 6 Small H Rkn(' « »uH5« 0 C4*vU« «**!V 10 SpotB ■« uB» 11 Aa>irf«.m **tty 16 20 l ov* .wj W »w* costa* 23 0on« >n. ¥•»!•* day's answrtf T.—5T Sly I# 24 Tool fpoop * 25 *.hlt't»fy 26 Cabin mokoup 27 lrtv*>t ft)#'** 2d H -■ »t*«i of 79 tk>'400 short 32 Band drop 33 Imp#©** I 15 l SfM»d. to f wooty 36 No* Jfl lUfllM* 19 l aqtn*i % CIMlOf 42 Mo* 13 InW 14 Pmp.wo lultovws 15 Non Gonliki 16 t «ad*xj lady 17 f VWQBBri 19 *N#4li#i snow #4in * 5—RTT rr~i