Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
- PN*c Oy P»I MaiMCfi
to. Blanchard, University President Myles Brand s main media representative, will head north to
manage a news bureau at the University of Washington.
News man heads for Washington
□ Concern about job security
motivates the news bureau
associate director to move on
By Colleen Pohlig
Emerald Associate Editor
LG. Blanchard is used to change.
From covering research in the depths of
Antarctica to writing speeches for the Environ
mental Protection Agency to reporting the ongo
ing effects of 1990 s Ballot Measure 5. the Uni
versity News Bureau associate director is
headed for yet another chalfenge — this time
at the University of Washington.
•‘He’s taken a position at some school up
north, but we won t say the name, University
President Myles Brand said jokingly, referring
to one of Oregon's rival schools where Blan
chard will become Manager of Communications
at the school’s Central News Bureau March 31
But University administrators, faculty and
students who have come to know Blanchard s
humor and talent over the past year and one
half may not like the change created when he
"I've moved out of denial over his departure
and into irritation," said Jan Oliver, assistant
vice president for institutional affairs. "All the
humor will certainly be missed and certainly,
the talent."
Turn to BLANCHARD. Page 4
look close to home
for new role models
j Students say they
respect people who
helped community
By Scotl Andre
EfTtefdfcJ RopofU*
During th»* 1VH>Oh. ( iv»1 rights
luatlrrs sin h as th*? Knv Miirtto
l.other King |r and Malcolm X
served as role models for mil
lions ol Afrit an Americans. Iml
to whom do they look today '
"I don't consider It-ssi’ fat kson
as my roll* model. ' s.nil Leslie
Warren, director of the Him k
Studnnt Union
Warren and other Airman
American students at the Uni
versity find their role models
closer to home
"My role models, growing up.
were the guys who i ante bai k to
the community and helped keep
me on the straight and narrow,"
said Kd Cabs, a junior sociology
major "(They) tutored me when
I needed tutoring They came
hai k to try and make the com
rnuuitv better "
Andrea Dehnam, co-director
of the HSU. said she looks for
role models who have had ex
periences similar to hers.
So who are the nationally
prominent Afru an American
role models for the 1 990s'
Clarence Spigner. assistant
professor of anthropology, lolk
and ethnii studies, points to
U.s Secretary of Commert.e Kon
Brown. Texas Sen Barbara Ior
dan and Virginia Gov. Dougins
Wilder. Spigner also named
authors Alic e Walker and Toni
Morrison its modnrn bhn k rol«>
"Thoso arr bl.it k utniwn writ
iiivj about gtuidnr itroblnms with
blat k iiifii and ahnut pot it it ii I
[irtiblnms of Hit' Uniltid Slutiis
and the world." Npignor said
Whilti Afrit tin Amorii an stti
tlt'iils al tlif Univtirsilv a^riTtl
will) Spigll
i*r’s list of
roll1 moili-ls.
thti> omphii
m/ixI ihi* im
portant o ol
looking for
in tit lor s
t losttr to
' VV h ’ r c
starting to
roali/t* tli.it
Leslie Warren
imiIi niiti
victual hits the potential lo bet
grunt." said student Michelle
I’,irks "Wo have in ac t on that
Wet have* lo be our own greatest
heroes. And we have to (mi our
i hildren's greatest heroes and
not rttlv on someone else to be
the* typo of person that our chil
dren look up to "
Spigner agreed.
"Sometimes IHttng a role mod
el can mean |usl litting function
al. rather than dysfunc tional, in
sni iety," tie said "belting peo
ple know tliat you can do your
part to try and make tint world
a (letter pine e. And sometimes,
that's just done by getting up in
the morning, taking care of fam
ily, or tieing a significant other,
providing respect to your loved
Legislators meet with
citizens to get advice
j Carl Hosticka and Cynthia Wooten
seek opinions on tax relief plans
By Lisa Kneefel
Eme'ato Associate Editor___
Juigene citizens asked two state representatives to con
sider carefully the value of education and health care as
the Oregon legislature works with reductions in the statu
services budget imposed by 1900's Ballot Measure
State Representatives C.arl Hosticka and Cynthia
Turn to MEETING. Page 4
OPS says four assaults reported
j Public safety director wants to
raise awareness at University
By Matt Bender
Emerald Reporter
The University Office of Public. Safety released
informal ion Thursday regarding four recent incidents
of sexual assault in an effort to keep the University
community informed of criminal aitivity.
OPS Director Catey Drayton said the assaults were
reported to OPS Wednesday and the information was
reieaseu so muiviumin i.uum ..
The following incidents went reported Feb. 24 and
are currently under active investigation by the Fugene
police deportment and public safety officials
• A date rape that allegedly occurred Feb. 21 was
informally reported by a female University student
The victim has not decided if she will press charges
hut has discussed her options with police. Drayton
• A University student reported an incident of
Turn to ASSAULTS. Page 4
Expect mixed clouds and
sunshine with temperatures
ranging from th? lower 40s to
the lower 50s.
Today In History
In 1951, the 22nd Amend
ment to the Constitution was
ratified, limiting a president to
two terms in office.
The ASUO Women's Resoun e and Referral Center kicked of! on
Thursday a week of activities celebrating the artistic achievements of
international women
A film festival will feature films from around the world directed by and
starring women The films will be shown at ' 30 and 9:45 p m. in Room
100 Willamette Feb 26-30
The films show strong women who rise above political and cultural bar
riers. saf8 F-sther Wong, women s center co-director.
Other events will include a coffee hour Wednesday, a potluck nest
Friday, and a fair next Saturday.
A young Oregon softball learn begins its season this week
end along with 19 other teams at the Spring Ring in Lis
Vegas. Nev
ille Ducks kick off the season against Sacramento Slate
this morning at 9. followed by contests against Utah and
Oregon State in the afternoon Oregon will face L'NLV
Saturday morning before it liegins brac ket play later that
Oregon head coach Tami Brown s 15-wornan team will fea
ture sis freshmen and no seniors The Ducks plan to start
four freshmen this weekend, along with five juniors and a