Oregon Daily ElHCFflld SpOFtS By Dave Charbonneau Emeiaid Sports Editcx When thf» referee's whistle blows, (off Kdom has his cue Known by most Duck basketball fans as 'that guy who sings during timeouts." Kdom bos at times been the most enter taining part of Oregon basketball games this season. Edom. 27. is the director of the Oregon tuisketluill band, but he has taken his job a step further, besides leading the hand through the ritual "game songs" like "Mighty Oregon” and “Louie, Lome," Kdom re casionally breaks up the silence during timeouts by picking up the micro phone and singing a few liars of his favorite songs Edom has done Ins own renditions of (lab Calloway's "Minnie The Moocher" and Screamin' J Hawkins' "Riot In Cell Block No 0." but Kdom has gained an almost cult following for his version of Frank Sinatra's "New York. New York". A former student at the University, Edom originally joined the band in U)B3 as a freshman tmni|>el player. It was during his stint ns a band member that he got his shot at stardom "One sear a! tin* Far West (Hassic in Port land. the band was playing 'Now York. New York."* Edom said "It was the after noon bracket, so we wen* kind of just play ing around Halfway through the song. I picked up a mike and just started singing It went over real well with the fans in Port land. so we started to do it more often." Ton years later, after singing the song hundreds of times, Edom said he still enjoys the crowd’s react ion to it. "It may not lie as fun as singing some of the stuff that. say. Harry Connie.k |r. is doing," he said, "but my feeling is that the band is there to entertain the fans And if that's the song the audience wants to hear, then we should do that.” Edom grad unled in 19‘K) and took over as assistant band director at New Mexico State Edom returned to Oregon and is now a "consultant" for the basketball !>ond this year, as well ns dins ting the band depart ment at Hamlin Middle School in Spring field. Edom said he does not expect to return next season, but said he would have to Turn to SINGER, Page 12 Puerto by J9* P*si*y Jeff Edom, Oregon’s basketball band director, sings hla rendition of"New York, New York," at a recent Dock basketball game. It’s Time to Register... So here’s your chance to get some Hands-on Practical Experience and University Credit in: PEERHEALTHADVISING) _ * •/-»b '”J Undergraduate: Hep 410 CRN 2658 Graduate: Hep 510 CRN 2663 You can get experience in: ' Coordinating events ' Public speaking ' Writing articles for the Well Now ' Facilitating workshops Cal Joanne Frank at 346-2728 for an interview appointment and to property enroll. Sfrnscmatrt rm ‘\»» •ng Pragram. Hearn CwWr J V r University Theatre Second Season Presents ti Vessel A comedy by Jon Klein Join two ex convicts on a rollicking adventure as they struggle against corruption and racial injustice. February 24, 25. 26, 27 March 4, 5,6 ARENA THEATER Villard Hall University of Oregon 346-4191 BIST KISSERS IN THE WIILD THUR.FEB.25n WOW NAUSJ TKXFTC AI WOW HAU, EMU MAIN DCH. f*a THE MUSIC If (OH) GAIOtN, HOfJSf Of IKOtOS CO WOHC HAfft TURS noouao m asuomion wth bmi cuuuui fonw KAVE Ducks to compete in Reno meet Oregon's track and field teams will complete their short indoor seasons at the Mountain Pacific Federation Indoor in Reno this weekend. Neither the men's nor the women's team will take full squads to the meet, which fea tures teams from the Pacific-10 and Big West Confereiu es. The Ducks will have no entries in the distance events, limiting participants to jumpers, sprinters and hurdlurs. Among Oregon athletes com peting in the meet are kellv Blair, high jump. 55-meter dash and 400-meter dash; |ulie Beck, shot put. Todd Bleakney. triple jump: and l.isa Bedwell. 200 meter dash , CUSTOM PRINTED " "T-SHIRTS Lowest Rates: BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS 10% OFF «wiri in* coieon ! (tot results... sdwtl— In ths