■V if Students invited to attend Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:0() p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. fct 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. <* 10 p.m. Daily 5:15 p.m. Wednesday Student Mass 9:00 p.m. followed by social 'Tlfto'L. //neuimoN /' CGNT6R I H SU tmi-rald i ufjrnc OR 343-7021 1 .1 urn 11 ran CAM PI IS MINISTRY Bible Study at Christus House, 1834 Potter Monday evenings 9:00-10:00pm Topical Studies at 1810 University Thursday evenings 8:30-10:00pm Occasional Sunday Suppers Call Pastor Ray at 484-1707 theCHURCHof JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Eugene Institute of Religion open from 8:00am until 9:00pm Monday through Thursday Come and study at the institute • Student Counseling • Religious Courses 768 E. 16th Avenue 687-9419 Collegiate Christian fellowship Sundays 11:00 a.m. in the gym at the First Baptist Church 868 High St. • 345-0341 (comer of Broadway (r High) Casual, relevant, practical, fun...with lots of great opportunities to meet others! Christian Fellowship secking to discover the relevant t oi lesus C hnst to us as college students Join us lor tKr weekly gatherings for worship, teaching and fellowship 7:30 p.m. Monday ft Tuesday: Small group bible discussions/studies Robbins Room 207 (Mon ) 0* CouRoomJOSftues) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Worship ft teaching It's relevant and a great time. Straub tsa Sponsoring Michael Card in concert EMU Ballroom Monday. March 8th. 7 30 p m Tkkett eveiletofe at fMU Ticket Office Contact Eric Porter 1942 Agate St., Eugene • 484 2928 IHILLEL Celebrates Shabbat every Friday with pot luck & service. • Rap with Hie Rabbi Tuesdays, 3 30-5:00 p.m. •Torah Study Thursdays, 4:00-5:00 p.m Special events Include: Purtm Saturday, March 6. 5 45 p.m. Meet at Rabbi Kinberg's 2475 McMillan St (2 Mocks omsi o< wmanxmti op ?b«H) For momofy information caM 14UII0 Wesi.ey Foundation Campus Ministry 1236 Kincaid Street • 346-4695 AW 110 I If U() Hookuarr Wesley Night Fellowship Group Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. • • • Firm United Methodist Church 1376 Olive Street 345-8764 Sunday Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Contemporary II:00a.m. Traditional 1 Our Common Ministry: The koinonia Center Open to all: inclusive, diverse Meetings: • Sunday, 5:00 p.m. Supper, support, discussions • Tuesday, 9:00 p.m. Worship/communion Unlimited opportunities for fun! Natural allies, friends who are committed to being faithful Interesting people, lively discussions Ttore Mathson-Bawie. minister You're Invited!!! 1414 Kincaid. 404-1707 'I/**' International Student Christian Fellowship International Studenta Welcome 7:30 Fridays 1332 Kincaid, Eugene Luncheon for International studenta 11:30-1:30 Wednesdays For more information contact: Martha Peterson Henry Tan 688-5542 344-3685 CoOege Youngiife Meetings Thursday Nights 6:30-8:30pm at Young Life House 417 East 13th, Eugene •ALSO: YoungLife Malibu Spring break camp March 21-25 Contact John Franklin 342-7513 5===== % vbungLife Christian Science Organization 1:30 Wednesdays in EMU, Century D All Students Welcome Lecture April I st “Healing Intolerance; Rebuilding The Community. * 7:30 • Ben Linder Room For more information call Cynthia 344-0924 •UGENE =OURSQUARE :hurch Sundays 900'SrK) 30 a ow 600p m Wednesdays 7 00pm College-Age Fellowship Sundays, 9 00 am Fridays. 7 30 p m 13th & Polk Streets 686-9244 Partners in Ministrji to Students Baptist Student M Union • Weekly Fellowship Meeting - Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. 2520 Hams St. • Weekly Women's Bible Study - Friday afternoons • One-on-one or small group disciplcship Call US 3393 fur details James Sanders, Director ane _et Ounty Jirtit B aptist e Tellowship irsi Contemporary Worship Service Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. 2520 Harris St. Call }4S 7726 for detail* Jim Light, pastor McKenzie Study Center durvit f* the muW ‘ Fn*m « v beginning in 1979 MSl har» spn.uk.rd m helping Mudrnu who »irale *«h Irving 10 unrirnund how hitoinaJ i hmiufirt) um pOMUO* or ftscvaru in pnu modern «ouciy and culture Mom coUegr «udrfM»%srw refcfpoet-and t hmtaniiy in pan* ubr-us "ami Mrneilntual MV n a pi*e whrre »hr rule erf sersou* thinking integrates (utt> with pursuing spiritual btc At MM. siuderu% krI genuinely lire to air the* doubt* and quoi»om without tear erf bring labeled umptmual' With five lull time and three pan time ujiWacultv MV n. in rflevt a mmi vcrflegr ' MV n j non-drnoimnatioruJ C hrntun oqpntranon that goes beyond the typ«_al campus Irllowshtp and outreach group to crflct vlawes tutonah, a Ine *n mdrtxr a* well M ( hmiun lounarbng and academ* guidance to students MV. ofler* supplemental education to l nnerwty *rf Orgw students w i>hing to hast in depth help in fcabk-al studies rm.kjdtngoIctmgs m the tabUal br^uagr* of Greek and Hebrew -m we* a* class* s hotoryof ideas, philosophy and the am I hr um versus a a marketplace trf ideas “ MtKrnrte Studs C enter » a pfc*c where students tan gn ugnrf*am hrip learning how the Chmiian world view internts wuh those ideas You are wekomc to Mop by MV -at the comrr trf l*rfth and Lntvervty streetsr-dunngourcdfcc hoursIromVOCXs m to l 00pm Monday thru fnd®> Or. please phone us toe more information about our (Hlowship and v knars at 485-4001 itmacopal vlampus fUtmameH All students welcome Every Thursday - Eucharist at 5:30pm Supper and program follow. At the Episcopal Campus Ministry House X 1329 E. 19th for more information call Ann Kloeppel, Lay Chaplain The Rev. Bryce McProud, Priest Associate 686-9972