COMMUNITY UPDATE Graduate appointed judge Gov. Barbara Roberts appointed a University School of Law graduate Tuesday to replace retiring Lane County Circuit Court Judge William A Be< k ett. Judge Ann L. Aiken, a Lane County District Court judge since her appointment bv former Gov Neil Goldschmidt in 1988. will replace Beckett when he steps down Feb. 28. Prior to her Distric t Court appointment. Aiken practiced law privately for five years with Thorp. Dennett, Purdy. Golden and Jewett. She was Chief Clerk of the Oregon legislature from 1982 to 1983 She was also a law clerk for Judge Edwin E. Alien, for former Governor's Legal Counsel James Brown and for the I-ane County Public Defender's Office Aiken received her law degree from the School of Law in 1979. She received her undergraduate degree in political science in 1974 and her mas ter's degree from Rutgers University in 1976. CISCAP sponsoring caravan benefit The Committee in Solidarity with the Central American People will have a benefit dinner Friday for the "Building the New El Salvador Caravan." which will take material aid to community organi zations in El Salvador. Drivers will take ahout 35 trucks from the Unit ed States to El Salvador. The trucks will remain for the use of various organizations. Catherine Harris and Ross Bondurant of Eugene will be among the drivers. Donations of health rare items, construction and agriculture materials and office and si hool sup plies have been requested by OSCAR The dinner begins at 6 p.111 at the Central Presbyterian Church, 1475 Fern Street. A $5 to StO donation is requested. Speakers will include William Hernan dez of the FMI.N, an opposition party to Ft Sal vador's government For more information, call Cl SC A P at 4HVHt> n Substance abuse program set The Universitv's Substance Abuse Program is sponsoring a conference on "Drugs and Sex on Campus,” this weekend at the Valley River Inn The three-day seminar is designed to pros ule information on substance use and abuse and its connection with sexual behavior on campuses For more information, call 34fi-4t36 or I4t> 11<»7 ET ALS MEETINGS Ciri lr k International will meet tonight at 7 JO in EMI' Cedar Room A For mom infor mat ion. call 4«4 0069 Dean of Students will sponsor an Altema live Spring Break Informational Mart mg tonight at ft JO in Room 225 Fnondlv University Hooting Rftidrnri Hall Cio* rrnanir Committee will have Spiritual* and the Minot la Thant a Conflict*' proton tat ion bv Prof—Of Ed Coleman. Ethnic Stud les tonight at 7 at The Schafer Hall Lounge Hamilton complex For more information, tall 34ft-5393 Cultural Forum will present free imuic with folksinger Peter Wilde today from 12 to 1 pm in the EMU Fishbowl. For more information. • ail 345-437 J Alpha Phi Omega will have an exec title* meeting tonight at 6 30 in EMI 1 Gaidar Room B There will alto be a general meeting tonight «t 7 in EMU (iedar Room B For more information, call 5117-0579 EMU public hearing will be Friday at 2 30 p m in the KMU Board Room For morn information. call 146*3720 Soulhtail Aitan Slud»*» Program will pretent "Nurting Service* in Thailand 4 talk by Dr P«rm»ln Nittmanop lodav from 12 30 to 1 30 p rn in Room 810 PLC For more information call 346-1521 friend* of lk« Honor* College will moot tonight at 5 APASlf will have a workshop for it» ww#k hr mooting tonight at 6 In the Cmmteling (writer Fur more information, rail 346-4342 international Student Atamtalion will have a budget hearing tonight at 5 in Room 214 Allen For more information, call 146 4367 Rf.UGRJN l ruled Method**! tampu* Mmttlry will have a reading and dt*c ruMiCtti group on Mar cu» Borg » book |mui A New Vision tonight from 6 to 7 at the VVeeley Foundation. 1236 Kincaid I 'nited Met hodiat taropu* Mlantry will meet f»r Bible Study ami prayer littw cm imumw of M*!f MtMtm itwiav hum 12 K) to \ JO pm ii th« Wealey ttiuncUliim. 12 H* luii' caui Fof mom information tali 14fi 4604 ( athoim Mraitum ( rnlrr will have father M»* haei Dodd* give a lacltat *»« Suffering and the (iod of Tuva tonight at 7 Kt at the (at Incite MvwttiAII laulM lf»W> t.meraid MtM U l-ANUX S Stale Representative* < vnlhia Wooten and (lari Muelu ka will *pun*or a Town tiait Mooting on Wlmt t.on*tiln«mt* Want to know tonight from 7 to <9 at City Council Chamber*. 777 Pearl For more information, call J?» 6.174 Newman ( an ter will leave to um a go»;wi ensemble iomghl at t, to from the Newman (enter 16th Avenue anil Fmeraid Street Fof more mformattoo. call ‘4 1 7021 IMmdltiw for itibmitimg h i Alt to tin? i nter aid from dv*k bktff Strife JOV i* noon ih$ dav befvrr pttbiKOlxm I I A A Give your resume a professional lcK)k, by having it I JfV/B typeset at Letter Perfect Graphics. Suite LOO I MU l\Lc/ V/l T 1 L.kJ 346-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri GOSPEL Continued from Page 3 them long to got the basic techniques down.” For the past few (invs. the gospel ensemble has been working with Rickey Grundy, to* Angeles gospel recording artist, to pre pare for tonight's Kith anniversary concert. Grundy taught the group several songs he composed, and ho will Ikj conducting the group, playing the piano and singing solos. Grundy offered the group words of inspiration about the sen timent that must be expressed when singing gospel music "Gospel is about feeling and emotion," Grundy said. "The melody should take you somewhere. If it doesn't take you some where. why waste your time?" Orders for t,i|>es of the concert with Grundy will lie taken at the Hull Center The concert is tonight and will feature two performances, at 7 and 9 3U p in. in the Soreng Theatre «t the Hull Center Gen eral admission is $ti. and student and senior admission is S-t. TRIVIA TIME: A student organized cultural night that has been a blast for 7 years in a row. Watcnout tor a clue next week... \JW\ O l (> l) l» < * aZXIXZZXZZXHXZUXUUUU “Cold Duck” Hockey University of Washington vs. Oregon JJXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXl February 27 6:00 p.m. At Lane County Ice 796 W. 13th ion the fairground*) \pnn\orcJ Hf £Mt ( lub Spott* §] MOYER 'THEATRES^ STUDENT NIGHTS MON At D 'HUfl $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION WITH STUO£NT 10 Kf !ER« t»M (movielandn at WEST 11m 808 SENECA ST. . 342 4142 & TKiHTWAD TUESDAY S-VOO ALL SCATS I tCIPl SPtCIAl IMGAGtMtWIS CALL fOO MOHi INFORMATION BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL good ist uAriNtt BWNGTHSAOINFOfl SHOW ONLY MON TMUfl $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE Of f ER GOOO THRU *11/93 Eng»p«m*nl Dacounl Coupons F Dscourfl* ,..l, '■'tT’fmni ii~ GROUNDHOG DAY ( 1 15 3 15 5 15) 7 15 9 15 ~~FALUNGDOWN ( 1QO 3 15 5 30 ) 745 1QOO LEPRECHAUN (200 400)6 00 6 00 6 50 THE VANISHING ( MO 320 535)745 lOOO HOMEWARD BOUND ( 120 3 06 4 80 ) 635 8 30 LOADED WEAPON I (135 3 55 5 35 ) 7 35 5 35 SH0WT1MES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 2 26 THRU THURS 3 4 DON'T PANIC OVER ESSAY EXAMS!! INSTEAD, LEARN HOW TO CONTROL YOUR ANXIETY AND IMPROVE YOUR EXAM WRITING SKILLS Taking Essay Exams with Confidence A Workshop for University Students This Saturday, February 27 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost: $10 Room 336 Gilbert Workshop topics will include: Coping with anxiety; learning to relax Predicting test questions Organizing notes for effective review Organizing ideas efficiently Using successful exam-writing strategies Overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors Using study questions for effective review Creating your own study questions To Register: Contact Academic Learning Services 68 PLC 346-3226