2:5 APTS DUPLEXES SOUTWGATf APARTMCNTS 7 bOm. townhou** aundry. poo». sauna. U e< O Cl# 0#** 34 6-4471_ CENTER OF CAMPUS 3 bom. hrmutc* p»o Mrtuflg. »»■ i *L S7S0 iSS-7878 « 687-082’ 1 Sparkling claan, bright. larga »tud)o Co«m8 parking Laundry faciiittaa Q'aat location SMS ;2£i& OBtST VILLAC1 _tfMDUMll-‘ l.njny lit* beauty of wood* ami wildlife in super Hot* plan 2 IlDKM. 1 '/.IIATII '495 A'SlS/mmilh • Du* In • Swimming P»r»l • WttjJii/fflnew Riom • Snunai it fjlgrflt lD.n.l t V «c3a T Do^^NMk K T ffto. M Robert T Ch*r>* V l-ft* G The** »lud*nt» have bean **i*c ted on * comp* tit tv* b#»»» to be the offi cial UO representative* for incoming student* Congratulation*. you U do • great job W* tOOA forward to wording wtth you 280 MEETINGS EMU BOARD PuC*»t Hearing Re Budge* Feb». 1993 142 Straub Ha«. 2 30pm 285 CLUB SPORTS BILLIARDS CLUB Organizational Meeting AH student*, staff *nforested pleas* attend Place Oa* 'oom. Date Thur* 3ft T»me 7-apm Sponsored by Dub Sport* _ 290 CAMPUS EVENTS POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS The Intruder Directed by Barry Childs Feb 23, 25 at 5pm Room 102x Villard Hall POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Breeders and Brooders Directed by Beth Peterson Written by Russell Dyball Feb 26. 27 at 5pm Room 102. Villard Hall 280 MEETINGS FUTURE of Higher Ed. Rally/Lobby Day MARCH O rd Salem, OR Buses leave I3ti 4 Unmffsilyai 1030 am Sponsa^tyASUOlQ^SUlertL^ F« son Bfcrnilon. conud tt» ASUO aSc» SukM aM«r» . CAMPUS EVENTS rzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz CAMPUS EVENTS 1 rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi STUDENTS Get ready to go to Salem March 3 to toll the legislature why your education ie important. Come to a meeting on MARCH 1 and learn about the University's budget and what you can do for your own future. 3:30 p.m., EMU Fir Room. Refreshments will be served, kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tixxzzxzxzxxxxxxxxzxxxx Calvin and Hobbes 29S ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT mi Fantaay «aaatoaM la fa Sarvj SASt us ' fid Ha*> .«« Btvd Apt 09 Eugaoa Ofl 9740% AH T CINtUAS 492 t t Jlh ■ t>8b-24b8 iflvtujt mm—mt wn l UP OOP RIM HIT CAUNOAP w**? %«om tib i*5 mMW nM • mc/umn i»mm »r Aero* « THE CRYING GAME Nf»( *44 m4 ;1UM) ivtwn HOWARDS END tkMmoLmmiaA.... mmj: 4 *» <*i> • n • SSSS&S&mSrlmlm'** mmsmi If *-**«» tf McWt ^ kTHE BODYGUARD, W«t 1BWWBI m.fKMv ram glofccr'i CpracWa , fT4*T|«*Mn (A HiAPrWAAMMQ TALC Of MUHOtP BROTHER S KEEPERj EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 320 SERVICES RTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT HIIIT7IYI1 From Boulder, CO Polyrthnk (i|un SUmgr** 300 FOOD & DRINK A &4M» mr 'muttrmn* jwwie »«of w»tfv>e» • flwj Sc**#« Tv «*5 hrwfci o# *> j VV X I---—..—.. How altac*-«ton«< dog* are irainad by Bill Watterson Tesi s' 1 When iif®USH 1 i'scov'( Co«3H • icew*f. CAN l SET A DRINK OF WATER’ 3C5 HEALTH & FITNESS Rowing IIkNm $.’S 6*6-9803 315 COUNSELING PROfllEMS? C& ' * Uo*0 (>•** l** Vw trim* WftfTr'04^0400 • J-»t nth ■*■% ««tco*w Pregnant’ Wornac!"’ *V« v ?■»'■-, pnujjrva^'n-K r«flpt 66*4M&t -fHwHfcity «v« «m4» * 1*4 |Vatfy I'.iwniU FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZ^NOS *2.00 off large pizza w/2 free med. drinks s1.00 off med pizza w 1 free med drink 346-0776 Oll»f good thru wnlf" I win Doonesbury by garry trudeau aj&ru coKneu THIS! a OCKftU ' HI. :T% JXJNHfX' Hty. AWV. marque' (XCWHO NtUJS M4\ irAf-MfP' IT', HUH' m 7 m' \ UHATS wfir * uvr‘,r •>VY (J *Y, i’HW MS UU>< AUtfP r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shttffer rwktukj m * A 1 Common people 5 M’fry gam 9 •- Sara Sara 12 longest •holly Spanish rtvar 1] Man Without a Country author 14 Cotlaa malt at 15 Square danca variety 17 Pail 19 SmaS apartment 19 Irritates 21 Dorothy » auntia 22 Intimala 24 Atty a title 27 Whammy 29 Panpomts 31 Second person 32 Maady quail 13 Wehout a —- (broke) 14 Dutch Choate 36 Buddhist sad maneuver 36 T»*mI •mbtam 40 Sound o< r«iM»( 41 Arlhu t Man 43 S«iu«l 47 Ova of tha (Wfsh^tns 46 Mtf n4fn* fing* a bail 51 Phtlanlfwo p«»l l ***y 52 — • »ms (angry) 53 Survey 54 Bad to Momar 55 G»aan acrM 56 ”ftos«bud. • Q 1 Nwu'.m has alitw 2 Touch 3 M#ff » mat* 4 Raw 5 Cotum but bom* 6 Tup potoons* produce G#ofp« 7 Tb« *ho*«i t)4U of *41 • l och«fou« bokt 9 Naota atod 10 Of*#® 11 Adam » or and too 16 Edge Solution tkno: 7t mini Sift tha OppOSlt* thin* * 22 Urartian c*y 23 T ha yotia l on thorn 24 Storm camar 23 Turt 26 f Our tin* poam 2/ Mr*l 26 Gr**t th* vi*»m 30 Dina 33 Janaor * «am 37 Orta* hard 39 00*4 titling cap 40 Jactua » taoond mala 41 G«