Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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    Aloha man starts Packwood resignation petitions
At.On.A (AP) - A
businessman who
says Son Boh Pack
wood should resign
over sexual miscon
duct allegations
announced Tuesday he is spending
$15,000 on a petition drive to send a mes
sage from Oregon to the Senate Ethics
"I can't be fooled by his lies," said I’ |
Mulcahy, a landscape contractor who
says he is acting independently
Mulcahy. 50. plans to distribute up to
200.000 petitions asking for Pack wood's
resignation or expulsion from the Senate.
The petitions ask those who sign them to
mail or fax the forms directly to Sen.
Richard II. Bryan, D-Nov . chairman of
the Senate Ethics Committee.
A spokeswoman for Pnckwood said the
senator would no! comment on Mulc
ahy s efforts.
"It's jus! more of the Betty Roberts cot
tage industry to get Boh Packwood." said
Julia Brim-Kdwards, a Packwood aide in
Portland, referring to a former Oregon
Supreme Court chief justice leading the
effort to force n resignation.
Multan) ■wild h«' decided lorn t because
In* believes tin? claims made by 23
woman who soy Pa* kwood made Improp
er advances, including grabbing them and
kissing them
The first of the allegations surfai ed in a
Nov. 22 story by The Washington Post
following Pa* k wood’s re-election to his
fifth term. The Oregon Republican since
has been the target of growing criticism
that has led loan Ktlucs Committee inves
“1 believe the allegations are true, in
my heart." Mulrnhy said at a news i on
ference held at his Aloha office
He said the senator’s refusal to publicly
discuss details about the allegations
makes voters believe he is trying to hide
from the truth
"We’re not asleep out here in Oregon."
Mulcnhy said. I don’t personally know
Mr Pa* kwood. nor bis ai t users I’m just
a citizen concerned about morality
A longtime Pm.kwood supporter.
Charles Slepian. said Mulcahv is ignoring
the duty of the Senate to dei ide what
action, if any. should he taken
"Whether Mr Mulcahv distributes 10,
a thousand or a million petitions, our
‘I don*t personally know
Mr. Packwood, nor his
accusers. I'm just a
citizen concerned about
PvJ Mulcahy,
culling lor senator s resignation
answer is still the same." said Sleptan.
who helped organize Oregonians lor a
Fair Hearing to support Park wood "We
are not ready to give up on the Constitu
tion of the United States, and it says you
have right to a fair hearing "
Mtiicahv said his petition dme was
one of the few ways an average voter tan
make his feelings known He at i.used
Packwood of using the Hthu s l iuniiniltee
as a shield from public opinion
Slepian responded that Packwood
expei is a full and fair hearing from the
committee He said many of the senator's
critics are simply using the charges .is a
weapon to get rid of a polite al opponent
Sen. Bob Packwood
Senator to avoid Seaside conference
SALEM (AP) — Embattled Son Hob I’m.kwood has
decided to skip this year's Dorchester Conference
because of fears bis opponents would trv to disrupt
the event he founded years ago.
Pack wood, who faces a Senate Ethics Committee
investigation into his alleged sexual mis< onduct, ear
lier had announced he would attend the conference
March 5-7 in Seaside.
Hut his top aide, Elajne Franklin, said Tuesday that
Packwood tiad learned a group that's trying to force
him from office planned to register its members as
Dorchester delegates and then disrupt the meeting
"The senator lias too much history with the con
ference to allow that to happen." Franklin said. "He
did not want to be the cause of this disruption."
One of the loaders of the anti-Pack wood group, Ore
gonians for Ethical Representation, denied that the
group had plans to disrupt the Republican meeting on
the Oregon Coast.
"There is no effort of any sort that I know of,” said
Betty Roberts, a former state Supreme Court justice
who ran against Packwood in 1974.
"He is bowing out because he has become 'radiation
plan.' No one wants to be close to him," Roberts said.
The president of this year’s Dorchester meeting.
Peter Cray. said he was disappointed that the founder
of conference had canceled out
"The senator is always welt unit* at the Dorchester
Conference and I will look forwartl to Ins attendance
at our ilOth anniversary in Cray said
Cray earlier said the t ontmversy surrounding I’at k
wood had helped generate publicity lor Dorchester,
yvhich was created by l\i< kyvood in lltt>.r> to provide
a forum for moderate Republicans
Pack wood, in a prepared statement, said delegates
to the annual Republican meeting "deserve a forum
free from disruption and demonstrations ”
"1 have concluded that itiy presence will distract
from the real fix.us of tile conference." the Republican
senator said
Pack wood has been dogged by protests and contro
versy since November, when The Washington hist first
reported allegations from women who said Oregon's
junior senator had made unwanted sexual advances
Cray earlier said he had heard no negative com
ments from Republican Party activists about Pack
wood's plans to attend this year's Dorchester meeting
The Republican senator was met by protesters at
nearly every stop ho made during recent swings
through tho state
OCA initiative plans
fall behind schedule
NAI.I.M (Al1) 1 hr ()ri'v;on (ali/ens Alliance is push
ing tiai k ihf projis ti'il «*!#•« lion dale fur soma of its iiuli
gav rights initiatives from lone to Septemlter
In some i ases. the delay s are Ihm ause of i hallenges lo
tho measures. alliiini e Chairman Lon Mahon said Tims
das In other i uses, it is taking longer than ox per tod to
Sot signature-gathering drives under wav
The CM .A plans petition drives in cities and eight
counties The group originally planned to have the issue
on the liallot in each of the Iim ales, il enough signatures
were obtained, on June ii'l
Now. the OCA hopes to have about half the nle< tions
hi June and the others in September. Mahon said
So far, signatures are tieing i ollei led m uboul a third of
the areas where the initiatives have been filed, he said
The (X:A sponsored Measure ‘I. the statewide anti-gay
rights initiative that failed last year Another statewide
campaign is planned next year
The alliance's local initiatives would deny minority
status for homosexuals They also would prohibit the use
of local government funds to assist or condone homo
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