MlNTIO SWEATSHIRTS • JACKETS • CAPS "WORLD CLASS SERVICE" IMAOI INNANCIMINT OROUR 300 WIST 300 AVINUf ewixT to mm "30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene. Oregon, 97402 TTTTTT'rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'n “Cold Duck” Hockey University of Washington vs. Oregon (XXXXXXXZXXXXXZXXXXXXZZZXXXXXXZX3 February 27 6:00 p.m. At Lane County Ice 796 W. 13th (on the fairxnninih) \ponunrJ By f ( lub \pvrft THE BLACK HISTORY MONTH COMMITTEE PRESENTS guests include Kathleen Cross & Jefferson Theatre Cm eijiy torts from Africa I Africu-Ameriea Cultures Sitortiy, frtrury 27 Bpal am Fsiitato Curt liiiii lam - TICKETS: $6 STUDENTS 4 CHILDREN; $8 GENERAL PUBLIC. AVAILABLE AT THE EMU MAIN DESK STORE. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT LESLIE OR ANDREA AT THE BLACK STUDENT UNION, 3464379 UNIVERSITY ASUO sponsors phone bank today By Chester Allen f me? aid Reporter Students opposing a proposed $4(K) increase in nest year's tuition will have the chance to use a free phone line today to lobby state legislators in Salem. The ASUO and the Student Senate are sponsor ing the three-line phone bank, which will be locat ed outside the ASUO offices in the EMU from 9:30 a m to .130 p m. today. budget cuts mandated by 1990's Ballot Measure S are Ion ing state legislators to consider cutting 20 percent from the University's 1993-95 budget, causing the tuition increase, said Student Senate President John Thomas. Students will be provided with the name and telephone number of their state legislator at the phone txink, said Student Senator Matt Hasek "We're looking at an increase in tuition from $2,700 this year to $3,100 next year.” Hasek said “We're encouraging students to make a free call to contact their legislator and oppose this plan.” Because University administrators plan to reduce all programs equally instead of eliminating programs, all students will pay more money for fewer instructors teaching more crowded classes if the budget cait passes the legislature. Thomas said "We need to show the legislature that we're not invisible,'' Thomas said. "We are the future of the state, and our university is on the chopping block." If the tuition increase is passed, student enroll ment at the University will decrease by about 500 students, said University Budget Director Trent Spradling. Calling and writing legislators is the most cffw tive way to fight the" 20 percent budget cut, Spradling said. The ASUO is hoping between 75 and 100 stu dents call their legislators today. Thomas said Although many student callers won't personal ly talk to their legislators, a stack of messages from concerned students is a powerful message to am politician. Thomas said. In addition to the phone hank, ASUO is spon soring a letter-writing campaign and a March 3 stu dent lobby day in Salem, said ASUO President Bobby Lee. POLICE BEAT The following Incidents wore reported to the Universi ty Office of Public Safety and the Eugene Police Department Feb. 14-21. • A University student reported the theft of a wed ding ring from n locker in Esslinger Hall, 1525 Universi ty St.. Feb 16. The student put his ring in the pocket of his pants and left them in an unlocked locker. When he returned, the ring, valued at $125, was gone • A pair of University stu dents reported an intimidation incident Feb 16 The students were walking on the 1300 block of Kincaid Street when a pair of black males drove by them and yelled. Honkies," and said. "Were blood, we're black, and we re better than you,” according to police reports One of the victims then said, "Did you say something?” One of the victims said he was hit two or three times in the face with a closed fist. The two victims fled the scene and hid in some bushes as the two suspects circled around the block looking for them. One of the victims suffered cuts to his lip and said he believed he may have a chipped tooth. •The Emerald received a letter Feb. 17 that warned there were two cars in Eugene that were rigged with bombs. The letter, which was sent from Salem, was a "letter to get the public alerted about a car theft problem that goes on in every city." it rend. The let ter said two cars were packed with dynamite and left for car thieves. It warned, "‘If a thief breaks into the car and turns the key. guess what happens to the tar thief, tee. hee, hee, hoe. hee!" The letter also said, " This is no prank. Neither is it written by a crazy, wankle, t rank." • A University student reported an assault Feb IB The student was walking out of the Oregon-Washington basketball game at McArthur Court when another student allegedly pushed her into the bleachers. According to police reports, the victim and the suspect knew each other The suspect told police the victim poked him in the back with and umbrella The victim denies she poked the man, She told police the suspect turned and pushed her into the stands. The victim suf fered abrasions, and soreness and pain in her knees, triceps and knuckles. •Two University students were charged Feb. 22 with the assault of another University student at Cloran Hall. The assault, which was reported Feb. 14, allegedly occurred, in the room of the suspects. The victim said the suspects had verbally harassed and spit at him in the past. He said he confronted the suspects in their room when he was at Cloran Hall with a friend. According to polk* reports, the victim said he was kicked and punched by the suspects. The suspects said they were just trying to get the victim out of the room when he attacked one of the suspects. One of the suspects said the altercation was started by the victim. “He was trying to beat the crap out of my roommate,” he said. The other suspect said* he was "trashed out of my wits." but "not in a violent way." and described the victim as "a macho weirdo.” University Theatre Presents A Play by Eric Ovenneyer Robinson Theatre February 19, 20. 25-27, March 5, 6 8 p.m Box Office 346-4191 136 E. 11 th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Wednesday m m$4 Tempest Rakish Paddy Thursday m » $4 Bluegrass with Tony Furtadoanj Sugarbeat Kentucky Rose Friday m 26 $6 The Daddies Caveman Shoestore Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Musk: starts at 8pm Sundays