MEMBERSHIP Continued from Page 1 railing me "Bill against rape.' ” Brotzmnn said the two directors before him also quit because of burn-out. Foxley. the current dint.tor. said he definitely won't be Men Against Rape’s director next year. “It's a struggle every morning to wake up and have to think about an issue like this." Foxley said. Men Against Rape member Ben Novinger said he believes one of the reasons more men don't join the group is because rape is such a tough issue to work with "It's not a lot of fun being involved in this issue." he said. "It tears your heart apart to constantly focus on this issue." Men Against Rape members present rape and sexism awareness programs to students in student living organi zations like dormitories and greek houses Novinger said a big motivator for men to become involved in fighting rape is knowing someone who has been raped. The current members ail have friends and family members who have been either raped or physi cally or sexually abused. Freeman said he is not burnt out yet. but he is disap pointed only four men on this campus are involved with Men Against Rape. "Men should be coming out in droves to re-examine who they are." he said. Until more men are involved with the group, members said they'll continue to be overloaded with work — sometimes so much work they give up. "You have to recognize when you’re not doing enough and when you're doing too much." he said. "You can't change the world overnight. No one has that much ener R>’.' RUMORS Continued from Page 1 "They just didn’t get reported to us.” Birr said tiio rumor that police kept the rapes secret is completely unfounded If a rape was reported to the police, it would appear on the public log. he said Poiice will withhold the identification of the victim and details that may compromise the investigation of a crime, but will not withhold that the crime was reported, he said Numerous citizens have been calling police since the investigation of the recent rapes in the north Eugene area began. Birr said. Police are investigating three rapes and one assault that have occurred during the past two months in the north Eugene areu Though the attacks have some similarities. Birr said the police are not ready to say there is a serial rapist in the area. “There are some similarities, but there ore also some significant differences in the descriptions of the suspect and the attacks." he said. Despite .the differences, many people have called the police with sightings of the rapist and rumors of rape by the alleged serial rapist. "The problem with the alleged serial rapist is it starts all sorts of crazy rumors,” Birr said. "'Hie amount of rumors probably exceed the number of actual rapes ’ Birr said police recently heard a rumor that a woman was rapud in a crowded grocery store parking lot in the middle of the afternoon. Yet no victim or witnesses have been found. The rumors put police in a tough position because rope is an underreported crime. Birr said. He said police can not say the rapes didn't occur, but they cannot act on unsupported rumors. "What are we supposed to do? Go door to door asking people if they are victims?" Baker said. “That’s not prac tical." pticfto try AMtfeotfVr f Otr+y Sigma Phi Epsilon tratarnlty mambar Will Stalbarg looks at tha damaga dona to his fratamlty housa attar Tuasday 's lira. FIRE Continued trom Page 1 unit other fraternity members, including Nguven. i hei ked the third floor Swartluy said they could not find any evidence of a fire and dlsconnm.ted the fire alarm "There was nothing No smoko, no smell, no heat," Swart ley said. The fraternity members went l>ai k to lied and woke up about .1:30 a m. to the sound of smoke alarms and fire alarms Swart lev said a separate fire alarm was pulled bv a frater nity pledge in the sleeping porch who woke up and smelled smoke Hirr said even though the mem tiers didn't smell any smoke after the first alarm was ai tivated, the s|m( e heater in Nguyen's room could have been close enough to something to cause the alarm to sound. The total damage to the fraternity was estimated at $15,000 Hirr said the structur al damage to the building was about $25,000. and the damage to the contents of the building was an estimated $10,000 Most of the damage to the building was contained to the third floor I’he flames wore contained to Nguyen's room and the third floor corridor. Hirr said The rest of the third floor suffered extensive smoke and beat damage and is unfit to live in Swartluy said the second and first floors of the fraternity are still livable, even though the fraternity has experienced numerous power outages If the fraternity 's fire alarm is fixed, some of the displaced third-floor residents i an move into the lower floors, Swartluy said The fraternity is also looking for other hous ing options for memliers "We have had a lot of support from the greek system," he said. "We might move some members into other fraternities or into our live-out members' houses University Housing is also working with us " Itirr said the fraternity' find a good repu tation in rei out years for keeping up to fire codes ET ALS MUTINY EMU Hoard will meet inday a! 1 p in. in EMU CxUi Ruomt A and H for mom information. cult Jah-3720 Aatarkan Indian Atlanta and taginaariat Sectary mil meet lunighi at 7 In I ha EMU Map!* Room. For mom Informal ton. tall 007-7127 Anmaety lalarnalKmal will mat* tonight al 7 in EMI1 Cedar Room C For mute Information, call .WO *350 Alpha lambda Doiia/Phi Ela Sigma will mem tonight al 0 30 In EMI I Cedar Room F For more nilomiation. call JMIOJ77 Ctinuien Actant* Orgaairation will meet today at 1 10 p.ui In EMI! Cent at v Room 0 For more infomtalton. call 14*-»«aS lapannaa Stndwt AaaoclaTian will maat today from « ■ JO to 5 Klpm in EMI’Cadar Room E. Tor more information, call M’ I MU RELIGION Newman Coaler will have Ath Wedneeday matter today al 12 15 p m 1)0 p m and tonight at 7 10 al tha Newman Canter. I»!h Avenue and Emerald Slmat Tha ttudent matt will ba luoight al # For more inform# ttun, call MJ 7021 Called Methndua tamper Mm wiry will have an Ath Watlneaday wn vtcn and fallowtlilp lima tonight from 7 to 8-30 at the Wet ley Foundation. 12.10 Kincaid Sttnal For more information, call MO-MUM MlNCKU-ANEOUS AM!() and Sludanl Sanata will tponaor 'Phone Yout Lngidatof 10 Sava Higher Education, today from l» a m to 5 p m in lb* EMU Udrhy For «M»r« information. tali Y4ftW>10 l/n(«f for Alton and Pacific Mudtaa will • llida them and talk fry .Senior lodga Kuban Y Thornton, titiad Wavantin§ Crime in Aiwrl cm and {apart Immuii fur America'. on crime problem* arid volution* in liar »i«ltfdtMa of &ilatt and Kawagor. Sadama. (apart today front 12 10 to \ JO p m in tha EMU Mapia Room Kor more information, call M6-I52I ESCAPE ragniration for »prmg term (hit door School, public * bool and human mr\ u:m placement* will t aka place today from 10 am loj Mpm in the EMU Utbb> Kw mom information, tall 14B-435I Unlvenuty Mmaut»'ASi<) will atmvum S on !) fighting (or You/ Future panel diM.u*«ion with .San Cynthia Wuotwi, My la* Brand, A.SUO Vita rrmuioitt Karmen Kora and other* tonight at ? in the Hamilton Gumplea. Harney Room Pw more tnfurmalton. call 349 )313. Tha Oregon < ommeotetor wtll prevent a lacturv today on how to talk your way out uf Rotting paid stipend* (awiali Student Ummmi will *|M>n*or Israeli Polk Uanring today at 4 p m In fh# EMU Plr Room Per noti information, rail 346*4166 Ta« wurkthup for internalinoai student* ami faculty with a**i*tant« on U S non resident tan forma will lake place Malay from J to S p m in tha EMU Gum wood Hoorn A la* attorney will ha avatlahla Por morn infor mation call 14&-J20T> ^ 18th Annual University of Oregon HawaTI Club LU’AU PILII KA POLI • CLOSE TO THE HEART Sunday, February 28, 1993 EMU Ballroom TWILIGHT SHOW 3:30 p.m. $8.00* EVENING SHOW } 7:00 p.m. S13.00/S15.00 (reserve seating avaikjCHe) Doors open cm half hour pocx fo show Docx pfires avartaPte LO 'ou T -ttwH and Hawaiian Cram wd bo told at tho door* Tick oh avaUoblo at Ifmm kxahont Carton Ha«: fee 15. 17. 19.22. 24. and26 • 500pm-; 00pm UO Booktfor* Fet> 15. 18. 19.23.24. 25 and 26 • 10 15am 6 00pm IMU: (Twtkght Show Onty) fet> 15-26 ticket counter ‘Hawaiian entertainment and Hawaiian food ncluded For more information please coll 345-2773 M March is National Nutrition Month EMU NUTRITION TABLE In the Main Lobby, outside the Fishbowl - Wednesday, March 3rd - • Free food • Recipes • Information on healthy eating