ROSES ’9.99.W t of O Oort ns 13(li M Prtct*» C »t» (Towi i«s ANDc.irts n*( Mm. o» r*:. m i:»i trt natir».o «wi,«nw Cash For Textbooks Mon Sal Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th I BlocK From Campus 345-1651 RECYCLE THIS r PAPER! HMMMHMMiii Bosworth wins case SEATTLE (AP) — Former Seattle Soahawks linelmcker Bri an Bosworth is entitled to col lect $7 million from Lloyd's of London bet ause of a shoulder injury that cut short his NFL career in a jury ruled Tuesday. Uosworth filed the U S Dis trict Court suit after Lloyd's refused to pay his claims under two policies totaling $51 mil lion that were taken out by the Seahavvks The seven-woman, five-man jury ruled Bosworth should get that money plus $1.0 million in interest His lawyers liatl asked lor 12 pen ent interest. Lloyd's lawyers argued that Bosworth'* three-year, 25-game i aroer with the Soahawks was ended by arthritis, a condition they said was not covered under the polit ies The jury deliberated about 10 hours in the three days after a 10-day trial before Judge William Dwver After the verdict was read. Bosworth hugged a weeping Katherine Nicnstro, the mother of his 14-month-old daughter. Alena Bosworth "It 's not the monetary thing at all,' Bosworth said "To me, this was more of a i ase of principle It's been very emotional." Bosworth. 27. of Plano. Texas, said hi* felt the jurors didn't have any choice but to award him the money. "I'm not sun* if there was any thing that swayed the jury," he said. "I thought it was a very simple case This was the right thing." Gary Wichard, Bosworth's agent, said Bosworth rejected a settlement offered by Lloyd's before the trial got underway because Bosworth wanted all his money as a matter of principle Wichard said he advised Bosworth against accepting the settlement. "Whether it's $100,000 or $7 million, I believe, Brian believes, Katherine believes, you lust fight, you just fight." Wichard said Henry Jameson. Bosworth's lawyer, said he thought it was an easy decision for the jurors. "(Lloyd’s) owed the money under the policy and I ultimate ly thought at some point in the legal system that somebody would tell them that." Jameson said Tom Merrick, a lawyer for Lloyd’s, said the insurer had not decided whether to ap|«-nl "We're going to take a very (lose look at that over the next month or so," Merrick said. ONE IN TEN THATS WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY. THEY LOOK LIKE YOU. THEY LOVE LIKE YOU. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID. SPEAK OUT AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA! NccJ support ? Feel haravsevl! Tell us aKnit ii (Wicr M PuMk Sifrty 546 S444 AHtrmjiivr Action jnd fc^ual t^pportunuy ASUO StiMirm Kdmxa v V46*5722 Ir^hun. Gay. Bi*r»ual Allan*:t 546*5560 l**bi*n, City, Bm*u*i Concent* 546*1142 Coumrlmf Center 546*5127 C nttt lane 546-4488 0»kad Officer 546-4125 tV*n oi Student! 546- 5210 The students, administrators, and faculty aivl staff members of the University of Oregon are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment tor all students Player robbed, shot at SAN LEANDRO. Calif (AP) — Seattle SuperSonics guard Gary Payton narrowly escaped injury in a confrontation with a gunman who fired once during a struggle before fleeing with $60,000 worth of cash and jewelry. The shot was fired into the ground when Payton grabbed at the robber's gun in the holdup Sunday night at an apartment building parking lot. There were no injuries and the gunman remained at large, said Lt. Ted Nelson of the Alameda County Sheriffs Department. Payton, Seattle's starting point guard and former Oregon State star who is averaging 14.5 points per game, sprinted to safety after the shot was fired and the gunman disappeared with Payton's valuables. A native of Oakland. Payton had returned to the San Fran cisco Bay area with his girlfriend, Monique James, to visit friends and family during the NBA All-Star break. They were staying with James' mother, at whose apartment building in unincorporated San Leandro, 25 miles east of San Francisco, whon the robbery took place. BALCONY Continued from Page 9 limited physical statures. "We sit here because we’re short.” Tierney said. "Besides, it's a better view up here because you can set* the whole court." Although closer seats are tisu all\ available. 20*year Eugene residents Merlin and Isss Hill have made it a habit to sit in the third balcony. "The seats move with the crowd," she said. "When every one cheers, it's like an earth quake up here." For some people, the third balcony’s distance from the floor proves to be optically advanta geous. "I'm far-sighted," said Univer sity freshman Justin Miller WtdBiri wanjfoiiti jiisl join oir sorority, taiimiljefOrepn Infornal Rish Mar. Z-5 For information please contact Debbie Cole, 414-1337 STUDY ABROAD APPLICATION DEADLINES 1 )ur A tan h 15 C/M HOSI OVAKIA Semester and scar limy linguae and jih studies programs arc ottered in cooperation with Council on International tiduuiintul Fethange (CtEtl at t hallo Iflivspul) ITAI.V A in week sutnmrt program in Italian language ami culture is ottered at the Italian t nivmili fc* Foreigners in IVrugia POI AND Sena*vlct ami >cat long language ami aica studio piogtams arc tillered in CtarpenUnm vtith CtEH at tile Warsaw Cenlral Institute nl I'lannmji and Statistics III All AMI Oflcml through ( II I at the Khun Kacn Uniecrsity. this program prtivido a lundamcnlal grasp i»l tlic Ihai language and a broad understanding til contemporary Thai culture, society, and politics ll is tillered tall and spring semesters VIETNAM Participant* m this CIF.K sponsored program take Vietnamese language. Vietnamese culture, history, and society, and conicmpotaiy Vieutaniesc history lire cemcstci long program is oflcred tail and spring Due Apnt I DENMARK Hus academic program at the Cmvetsily ol Copenhagen tillers semester and lull year programs in architecture, cnsironmental studies, international business, and liberal arts Fie Is) trips arc integrated into the academic course stork A summer semester is also offered ISRAEL Historic lerusalern is the site ol a one year or semester program Course ssork focuses on the social sciences and humanities ttilh special concentrations in international, urban, religious, and Middle Cast Studies There is nu prior foreign language proficiency required for these programs. For more information, sisit the Office of International Education and Exchange, 330 Oregon Hall.