Oregon coach returns Oregon men's basketball coach lorry Green returned to practice Tuesday after missing Monday's session with knee problems. Green had his right knee drained on Monday after it swelled up over the weekend. A week ago. Green had to undergo arthroscopic surgery on his left knee after it too swelled up during Oregon’s trip to l-os Angeles. Jamie Klund. assistant sports information director at the Universi ty said it is still not known what caused the mysterious knee prob lems. Green had steroids injected in the knee Monday to keep the swelling down and bacteria out. The first-year conch is expected to make the road trip this week when the Ducks face Arizona State on Thursday and Arizona on Sat urday The Ducks are coming off a two-game sweep of the Washington schools this post weekend. Ducks win indoor meet Defeating Washington and Washington Stale was the easy part. The real challenge for the Ore gon track loam at the Portland indoor track meet last weekend was just getting to Memorial Coliseum on time. Had weather made the trip to Portland difficult for the mem burs of the men's and women’s track team Despite the trouble women's coach Tom Heinonen and men's roach Kill Dellinger had in rounding up their teams, Oregon won the Northwest Team Chal lenge over the two Washington schools. Oregon narrowly out pointed Washington State 113 102 for the title. Women golfers eighth in opener By Steve Mims Emerald Sports Reporter The Oregon women's golf loam began its spring season with on eighth-place finish at the Chris fohnson Invitational Tuesday in Tucson. Aril. The Ducks started strong at Randolph Park Golf Course by firing a 306 in the opening round and were in seventh placet, but they slipped to 310 and 311 in the final two rounds to finish eighth. The tournament field was lough as nine of the top 11 teams wore ranked in the Top 30 after the fall season. Sophomore Karlv Mills led the Ducks in the opening round with a 75. while the rest of the team all shot 77s. Ore gon was ahead of third-ranked Arizona State and t6th-rankad Oklahoma after round one. Sophomore Leigh Casey shot a J-over-par 7,1 in the sec ond round to pace the Ducks, followed by Mills and Shan non Maier who shot 78 and 79, respectively. The Ducks entered the final round tied with New Mexico for seventh place and were only seven shots out of fourth-place. Oregon's final round score of 111 led it five shots behind New Mexico for seventh place, but only dropped one spot to eighth place. Oregon's finish was its lowest this year, but came against the toughest competition they have faced all year. Casey led the Ducks with an 11-over-par 227 to finish in 11th plac e. Casey's 73 in the second round was her Iwst as a collegiate and went along with a 77 in the first and third rounds. Casey's finish was her third Top 15 finish this year. Mills and Maier tied for 31st plac e at 232 Mills followed her opening round 75 with rounds of 78 and 79. Maier opened (he tournament with rounds of 77 and 79 on Mon day before she finished with a 7ft on Tuesday. Oregon junior Cappy Mack •hot a 77 in the first round but finished with rounds of BO and H3. Becco Giursdorf shot rounds of 77 afid 79 in the first and third rounds, respectively, hut struggled with an B5 in the second round. Oregon's Shan non Hare, playing as an indi vidual. finished in a tie for 51st place with a 239. Oregon was ranked 19th in the final 1992 poll and fin ished ahead of Oklahoma as well os 24th-ranked New Mex ico State and 27th-rnnked Texas Christian. The Ducks will take two weeks off before they play in the Brigham Young Invitation al in Sandy, Utah on March 8 9. 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