Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Two injured in Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity fire
j Smoke alarm was deactivated 45
minutes before fire discovered
By Matt Bender
Emerald Reporlor
Two University students suffered minor injuries in a
fire caused by a space heater in a fraternity early Tues
day morning.
The fire started in Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity mem
ber Mark Nguyen's room and was reported to the Eugene
fire department about 3:30 a m. Nguyen, who was taken
to Sacred Heart General Hospital for smoke inhalation,
was found unconscious outside his room on the third
floor of the fraternity shortly after the fire department
was called
Dave Swartley, Sigma Phi Fpsilou president, said
Nguyen woke up after a fire alarm was pulled Before
he collapsed. Nguyen went to the room next to his and
woke up his neighlnir, yvho called 'It 1
Tim Birr, fire department spokesman, said fraternity
momlMtrs Dan Bradley and Ben Palmer found Nguyen in
the third-floor corridor and carried him outside the
Fellow fraternity memlier |uan Martines jumped from
his third-floor room to escape the smoke and flames.
Swartley said Martines was treated and released for cuts
he received from breaking out his window and landing
on broken glass
Another fraternity member. Malt liny, was rescued
from his tl)trti■ floor window by .1 fire department ladder
truck Hirr said I lav was trapped in his room by smoke
and fire
About 40 other people who were in the Sigma Phi
Mpsilon fraternity. 1000 Abler St , escaped without
inpirv. Hirr said The street was dosed and firefighters
had the fire under 1 ontrol by about 4 a m. Alder Street
was re-opened about 7 a m
AIkiuI 4'> minutes before the fire was reported, Swart
ley said a fire alarm on the third floor sounded Swart ley
Turn to FIRE. Page 3
Men Against Rape leaders burn out quickly
j All four members say
they have friends or family
who have been abused
By Tammy Batey
f rnc'atd Associate Editor
Sean Foxley ami Koss Freeman sat
across from each other at a smal!,
round table by the Skylight Cafe. The
men conversed comfortably as if they
were holding a casual conversation,
but they were actually conducting a
weekly Men Against Rape meeting.
l.ouie Dickinson approached the
pair. It was his lirst Men Against Rape
meeting. He was considering joining
the group.
Foxley and Freeman smiled and
told him to pull tip a chair. Dickinson
fold the men lie expected more people
at the meeting.
”Expe< t apathy.” Freeman said
Men Against Rape is a group of the
dedicated few. The four current Men
Against Rape members said they are
frustrated at how few men are in the
group. A small number of members
means they must t arry a heavier work
load than if there were more men join
But the small number of men
involved in Men Against Rape is noth
ing new Burn-out and frustration are
common in this group, which lias nev
er had more than about JO regular
members, said Bill Brotzman. Men
Against Rape member.
Brotzmun directed Men Against
Rape tilt1 past two school years He
finally quit his position because tie
was physically exhausted and "emo
tionally raw." he said. For a month
before he quit, he iiad nightmares
every night of men getting up and
arguing with him during a rape aware
ness presentation lie was giving
"For awhile, the organization was
my child." he said. "People started
Turn to MEMBERSHIP, Page 3
Ptioto by A/Y0*tfiy Fo«n»y
Sean Foxley. Man Against Rape chairman (left), and Ross Freeman compose halt ol Men
Against Rape's membership. Foxley says he won’t return as chairman.
Police deny
rape reports
j Police hope the rumors
will not cause people to stop
reporting rapes to authorities
By Matt Bender
Emerald Reporter
Rumors that Eugene polit y are keeping
two campus rapes mm r«»l have surfui ed iit
lln' woke of the recent reports of three
r.ipi's .iihI omi assault in tfit* nortli Eugene
( .111itin t wain. ASUO safety affairs
coordinator. Mini falsa rumors that polit t*
aru not telling anyone that two women
have been raped on campus ti\ a serial
rapist arti sc aring University students and
their parents
"We have had parents < ailing President
Brand's offWa asking why nothing is lieing
done about these rapes," she said
Twain said someone started the rumor
that |Milk.e knew ahmit the rii|ies. tint were
trying to keep them set ret so they ( mild
i.ati.h the serial rapist themselves
Twain said women should he < on
i erned about the rei ent north Kngene
rapes, hut should not helieve the rumors
about the police
"Rumors like this might keep people
from going to the police.” Twain said
"That would keep the people who slMtidd
know about these things from knowing,
and that is not healthy."
Sgt Dennis Baker. Eugene police
department's campus officer, said the
minors are untrue and they are laid for tin*
police's relationship with the community
“The rumors kill us.” he said. "People
are saving police are not telling the com
munity what is going on. That's bogus
Tim Birr, KPD spokesman, said no < am
pus-area rapes wore reported to the police
last week.
"Not that they didn't happen,” he said
Turn to RUMORS. Page 3
Skirt will be mostly cloudy
in the Eugene area, with the
sun peeking out later in the
dav Highs will be in the 40s.
Today in History
In 1803, in its Marbury vs
Madison decision, the U.S.
Supreme Court ruled that it
was the final interpreter of coi
stttutional issues
PORTLAND (AP) - A man who says he routinely answers his door with
a loaded shotgun accidentally shot his neighbor to death early Tuesday,
police said
The victim had gone to visit Vincent Wilson, 34, in north Portland.
When Wilson answered the door shortly after midnight, the gun he was
taming accidentally discharged, police spokesman Derrick Foxworth
Wilson, who was holding the gun. said he keeps the weapon near the
door for safetv purposes.
Wilson was questioned by police and released
NEW YORK IAP) - Minnesota rookie Christian Laetlner
was suspended without pay by I he Timberwolves for
Tuesday night's game against the New York Knicks for miss
ing a practice.
Laetlner. who started the team's first 47 games, was sus
pended for missing a mandatory team prectiie at Morristown
ifigh School in New Jersey
At the time of the practice he was receiving the 1992
Carolines college-amateur athlete award in Charlotte. Last
year. Lacttner led fhike to its second NCAA championship
Laettner is eligible to be bar k in uniform tonight at
Min i- .;>■ Ls against Seattle.