Gently Used Thrift Shop Quality clothing for men. women and children, books, housewares, collectibles and small appliances ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF EUGENE 1149 WNamette Open: Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm *G«*r UMtT pattM *» fc/xing *» Qp«*o«on School M Op»e*on Ca»«»>w»Wtrdlduco«onc(Oi**ocn Ooro*or» aw ok**Mv occ«pi*J SECOND THOUGHTS QUALITY NATURAL FIBER RESALE CLOTHING FOR MEN & WOMEN 77 W 1 im. Suite C • Eugene • 683 6501 • Mon Sat 10-6 Sun 12 5 EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY CONSERVE ▼ REUSE ▼ RECYCLE It sounds good to soy *Wo support recycling* or “We low Mother Eorth.' At fonko's wo do rnoro thon poy tho onviroranont lip sorvico. ▼ Environmental papers available for resumes and flyers ▼ Unbleached bags and boxes br customer orders ▼ Recycled paper In all self service copiers T Recycled FAX pope* T Reusable coffee mugs Bring in a cup and save 10< 1(0 foil 13tk kmm IflRMO'S* i 97(01 copy cenier y *v IN TOUCH with Recycle DAVIS Continued from Pate 5B Texas, where the consciousness far that sort of thing wasn't really prevalent-1 remember picking up scrap metal along the sides of the highways and road ways and taking it to the local salvage yard. 1 estab lished regular beer can pick-ups at local bars My efforts only payed for the gas it tixik me to do it but I felt good about doing it. ODE: Was it difficult to learn all the details of effective paper recycling? Davis. It wasn't for me because 1 was exposed to it everyday and in order for me to feel satisfied about how I was doing on the )ob I hxskcd at it as a mandatory sort of thing, very challenging, hut not unlike any other sort of job where you have to stay up-to-date. ODE Do you educate others as well when you are working on campus? Davis Yeah. I really enjoy that. As far as I'm concerned, any questions arc significant... regard less of how simple it might he. I do my host to give them a lot of positive feedback it they approach me ODE. Is the program self-sustaining? Do you make enough through selling the paper to cover your costs? Davis It depends on Ih>w comprehensively you look at the situation. Il you take into considera tion ih.u if it wasn’t material being recycled it would have to he handled some other way. When I first began the program there was an average of 10 tons a month that was more than likely going into the garbage, into tbe landfill It yt>u incorporate that into the equation and add the fact that the markets have increased significantly just recently, ait wig wuh tlx- overwhelming response from the people across campus that want the recy cling program to happen, you can make an argu ment it's making money. ODE Are other universities following your lead m regards to recycling? Dm vis We have been contacted somewhat from other universities who heard that we had a really good program and wanted to see if we could try to help them out. We feel honored to be able to help them. ODE: How much paper do you collect in a day or month? Davis: My service jurisdiction incorporates a little over 400 collection sites across campus and a vast majority of those arc picked up at least once a week. Right now wc are averaging around 35 tons a month of paper material. We have done a maxi mum of 50 tons a month. ODE You have student workers that work for you picking up paper and sorting, but how much of that do you do yourself? Davis That's the beauty of my job. It's not set in concrete how I activate myself on a daily basis. One of the really beautiful things that suits my per sonality is that I'm now in the position to keep it all balanced. I do managerial level things and bal ance those with the labor aspect ol it. The two often overlap because I'm a walking-talking PR person everywhere I go. ODE: Is it difficult working on campus where there is the possibility of having so many differ ent people asking for separate things? Davis: It’s really interesting, sometimes it gets to lx- the challenge of my job. But, due to the Phys ical Plant's efforts to recognize our program and try to set us up with the resources to provide gtxxl, quality service, it has improved dramatically. I adore the challenges that I’m faced with because it inspires me to go beyond myself and learn new things It's like I'm growing with it and there is a real beauty in that. We all choose what we experience in life and we are all responsible for what we experience and it just depends on how much quality we want to put into that. I enjoy the process very much and 1 really feel like 1 experience that in the process of doing my job. Carrie Fenelon Ever-Increasing Our Recycling Efforts Since 1988.