IN TOUCH with Recycling QUESTION: What do you do that is Earth conscious? "I con serve water. I only bathe on week ends." DAVID WHITNEY grad, student, architecture "I recycle my beer bottles by giving them to bums." RICHARD WEYMAN senior, humanities "When it's sunny I ride my bike or use my roller blades and don t use my car. STUART STRIBUNG senior, german "My rule is that if I'm wear- i ing a shirt, a sweater, a flannel shirt and a scarf, and I am still cold, I turn on the heat." SUZIE SOTKA junior, int. studies "I recycle p my l Oregon | Daily Em erald." HALUE BOWKER freshman, undeclared "I recycle my Snap pie bot tles and old tests and newspa pers.” KYLA BERMAN freshman, undeclared Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth. •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All made witn organically grown tomatoes & beans t% tciles for Ecology ft Hunger Projects AVAILABLE IN THE EMU A Full Line of Environmentally Friendly Mountain Bikes Starting at $299 Financing sfvnflaWe - 90 Days Same As Cash ioao 1340 Willamette 687-0288 The Mountain Bike Specialists Student discount • with valid 1.0, Tbrneu Vf*>' HaanlodCMtrB 6M>anJ.1pfiU laserVnkr Stkd i00 L For the kind of power tnar. wili make your scncxalwore easier, nowever, we recommend the system above. It features the new Macintosh Coins 610 computer with is bfazing 68040 processor, to speed through even the most complex software programs. And the new LaserWnter* Select 300 printer for ns, mgrwesoiuuon laser pnnung, win kxsu room ro upgrauc. uam auum both now at your Apple Campus Reseller. Where youH get special student pric ing, as well as service during college'. And discover the power more college^ students choose. The power of Macrtosh* The power to be your bes. W. Microcomputer Support Center • 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm • 3464402 CMlwtn^nr — *-«*»r «****> ImrV ——I «» n»lll»«i( »«*"»* V f»* • * *<■*'»»♦ * W* I' »*