Food Value is Committed To A Healthy Lifestyle Pesticide free vine ripened tomatoes! A full line of recycled paper products! FOOM/ALUE Eugene 2858 Willamette St 2101 Bailey H*tl R(t i960 Ftanklin Blvd 2750 River Rd Spttd 555 W Centennial Store Hours 7am to 11 00 p m RESUMES Give your resume a professional look, by having it typeset at Letter Perfei t Graphic s. Suite LOO I MU, 346-4381 9-5 Mon-Fri The Forecast is Hot fop Solar Energy Even hen? in the cloudy Northwest, solar energy can f>e very effective In fact, solar water heaters can save 35-65% of your water heating costs. So if hot water costs are leaving you cold, let Kugene Water & Klectric Board put a little sunshine in your life It you own your home and have electric water heating, FW'FH is offering a cash rebate of up to $400 for installing a solar water heater Plus, you may also qualify tor an Oregon state tax credit of up to $1500 it s the hottest thing going since ainning water. So if you would like to soak up some solar savings, act now! Funding is limited, so call iHi-ll’S today. Ask for information about KWFBs Solar Water Heater Rebate EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 503-484-1125 | IN TOUCH with Recycling L MUropoKUff S«rvK# D*SH»C1 Mult Compo««feon Study. !98/ What's in our garbage? The "paper" category includes everything (rum newspaper, card board, office and computer paper to magazines, junk mail and pack aging. 22 percent ol the yard debris is composted Sixty-two percent of the newspa per, 52 percent of the cardboard and only 20 percent of the office paper is recycled in the Portland area. 1 35 percent of the glass is recy led FACTS • America used to has c 6,000 lanJhIls We now have ?,COO By l*W) we *ill have 1.000 left •The I S uses 450 billion gallons ot water a Jay • Each vcar Americans throw away 18 billion disposable diapers, 1 7 billion pens and two billion razors. • Bicycles outnumber cars, worldwide, two to one •I’m- of the microwave cuts energy needs. • Fifty acres of ram forest arc destroyed every minute • There arc over 50.000 hatardous waste sites in the I S. Alter You Shoot The Photos, we’ll Recycle The Rest! Your Choice Funsaver w/flash or Funsaver Telephoto to,*12“ Both Cameras qualify for Kodak’s recycling program. 1^ 890 E. 13th • Eugene Across from U of 0 Bookstore 342*3456 J