IN TOUCH with Recycling Coordinator operates on recycling energy Jon Davis is one of hundred* of employees .it the University Physical Plant, hut his job is one of singular distinction. 1 hs title of service operation coordinator docs not begin to describe the amount of time, responsibility and devotion involved in paper recycling for the entire University campus. Oregon Daily Emerald 1 low did you come to work with the University ’ 1V1 you create vourown job like Karyn Kaplan (Recycling Education Pro motion Coordinator) did’ Jon Davis Well, in essence 1 did I was fortu nate to be in contact with a company at the right time that was approached lor bidding on a contract to do paper recycling for the UO. I was the person that implemented the program that company hid on to receive the contract to do the recycling. ' Infortunately, we had to depend on the mar ket value of the paper resources and shortly after the contract was won the markets tell to an all time low. It was then determined that that com party would have to hack out oi the contract. When 1 saw this was going to happen I thought of everything I possibly could to continue the pro gram with the University. I concluded that, com pared to any of the previous recycling programs that I w as given any information on, this one was much more substantial, even though there were a minimum ot resources to do it. I he more 1 tapped in to the way people across the campus felt about it, the more I was encouraged to pursue it. So Karyn and I worked closely together to do a formal survey that stated, among other things, that people wanted to have a substantial recycling program lor collecting paper across campus. I hat gave us a lot of ammunition to go to administra tive levels. As time went on, Karyn presented acceptable logic tor continuing the program in spite h AndioRt University Service Operation Coordinator Jon Davis said he is inspired by people who want to know more about recycling. ol temporary low markets tor paper resources ODE Was all this svork done as part ol vtHir )oh .it the Physical Plant.’ Davis I was working 40 hours a week at the Physical Plant and doing all this stuff on the sides 1 was analyzing the survey and draw ing up an analv sis re|H>rt to present to the administrative levels I .lid a Kit ot work at home regarding this, hut I was inspired to do it so that was my pay tor it ODE I low long have you been involved in recy cling in general’ Davis 1 can remetnk-r as early as two or three years out ot high school living in San Antonio, lurn to DAVIS, Page SB Buy 9 Used Records or Tapes ■ ui get one enee* or $ I E A OFF any Compact lise Y I 0 used record or tape ol equal of lesser value I^Happy Jjf 361 E. 13th frails Records • 485-5351 • offer expires 2/28/93 TOUCH OF CLASS CI.OTHINO A PtVfrjsn «»/ / ttfcne tmctpcm v Women A ( htklrcn s ( Ii4hm£ ( 'numpur&y A CihnM S^ Fihr*' Sts* t Spjfwki t eff*«•» »> 2650 VV lI.I.AMKTn 345-0095 NATURAL BEVERAGES SUPPORTS CAMPUS RECYCLING! Please Recycle Your Bottles NAT ■ HAi ftf Vt HA L CR Marketing n* up & Dis< ount/Sjtvt* ( ,i\h A Help the Environment Wl SPECIALIZE IN THC RIMANUFACTURING Of: : r Most types Of Laser C art ridges : r Most Types Of Copier Cartridges : r Printer Ribbons We Merchandise: t r Americ an Made Laser Toner Kits i r OE M I aser Toner Kits ; r ( opier Toner-OEM \ Private l at>el i r AND M< )RE IT CAL l I ()K PRICING HT 689-3084 / (* \m c hwtn a ( mid i\ it n i\t Natural Fiber \Clothing \r'A r'.JtufuS fit 'If <. in ti. h . . f.tlirk W t »•rdifv.iu * !h i '»v»,iys I’liinJif . itrvi's (ni&i 1 «•' uni K-wt-ify filth Si Publu M.ifkil 762 I llih Avr (rt'Xt ti> tlH- fcjKC'iSlOf }41 H667 il< twriMuirs 6K17>04 POLKWflYb IMKOK1 b (' i.O>*«NS < M,9V ft KA> Ah* I«w ABOUND T«t wo«: 10% OFF First Visit! Dc Arellano *alon, owned by Samuel Arellano would like to extend an invitation to the communi ty, whether you are a local resident, from another state or country. De Arellano staff are highly profes stonal. well-trained, with innovative techniques, using the finest European products. Whatever your beauty needs arc. let us take care of you. Wc specialize in custom perming, color wcav mg, color corrections, make-up applications, sculp tured nails & wardrobe consulting. Come & visit. a hair salon A I 1669 WILLAMETTE 686-9907 686-9912