IN TOUCH |with the Recycling PRINT (Jarumufd frtmi Page 16 job lora 500 page document, the person must print out .m original and give it to the shop. This machine will allow someone to elec tronically send the document from their department or PC' into this machine I he machine is currently at the facility hut will lx up and running in May. The print shop has definitely educated the campus on the possibilities for an environmen tally conscious print shop They use agritech ink, which is a vegetable based ink, rather than petroleum based I ho brings up a ques tion about recycling in general There are currently no regulations as to the labeling of the percentage of recycled material in a produc i A paper company could use only 10 percent recycled products to make their p.ijXT and still claim that it is recycles! paper. The shop makes a conscious attempt to he a post-consumer store. Pro-consumer means Our University’s [rrint shop is way ahead of most universities in the nation. they would recycle the ends and trimming that would never have left the shop in the first place. Tire University shop attempts to actual ly use papers that have been de-inked after they have been printed on lor the first time ami used again. . he shop no longer stocks any of the bright colored papers that are unrecyclable and they no longer offer the color golden rod. Our University's print shop is way ahead of most universities in the nation When the OSU print shop burned down all of its orders came to the University print shop. Almost all of the orders that came from Corvallis asked for virgin paper The shop was prepared to take on that task and do what it could to help out. — Teresa Isabelle EDUCATION Continued jmm Page IB get actively involved with tecy cltng through various projects and worksheets he assigns. The most recent project he assigned involved having the kids go home and l«x>k at all of the products in their house to sec whether the packaging is recyclable By showing the children a plastic margarine tub container cannot be recycled or the toilet paper their mother bought has individually wrapped each roll as the final plastic wrap to hold them together, the kids learn about the importance of pnxl uct selection. Tuma said. "Hopefully the kids will make a difference the next time their parents go to the store and push them to be product I Pepsi Bottles are now made of 25% recycled plastic. And They’re 100% recyclable. 4a c. ■aUi . IK1 Trw IPH T..aa/1*v FitfviiArv 91 1QQ.1 conscious and earth friendly,” he said. "Even if the kids can not make a difference with their parents, at least when they arc old enough to shop for themselves they will remember what they learned in my pro gram." In order to receive credit, students must submit a propos al to Karyn Kaplan, who dec ides on the proposals cred itability Two 400-level credits are given from the Planning, Public Policy and Management Department. Tuma said it was not the upper-division credit that made it worth his while, but rather the experience as a whole. “The most rewarding part of teaching this class is the fact tli,it I am helping people make a difference, not only now, but also in the future." — Karen McCann I WE RECYCLE WASTES AND METAL PARTS j BLUE HERON BICYCLES 877 E. 13th • 343-2488 Next to U of 0 Bookstore bwy lime You lltnm Away An limply Toner (artridge, You l**. 1 pu itpfatt narad (V irbS *«r m>(*< Uvf |*wrr Mrt canrk%n. pu nr k«* nrunrj Nm *m\ a tww M| 1 fcu apnr uw w\ id pi ftr high ijiute* rcpmducton p» ifulti un Eirnd tv Ur ul pur Mat carvtfea ml vnr r»K> M tx umr Bnc Irfliur fc I br M *ur ikw rp)r rrnri truing raunri mf al uln Inter Me DU Etfcruomcs 503/342-6494 r—i Corner 4kp*h MciarU' ■> mr ■ ana RE-USE IT OR LOSE IT! Nearly 600 Kents in Bulk 100% Recycled Unbleached Paper Products Environmentally-Safc Laundry Soaps Dish Detergents Household Cleaners Open Daily 8AM 11 PM *2489 Willamette 345-101 4 PAPER DUE? FIND SOMEONE TO TYPE IT IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS