OSU’s Anderson tries to get struggling team on track PORTLAND. Ore. (AP) — Oregon Slate coach Jim Anderson admits he's frustrat ed hy hi* team's disappointing basketball season, but he insists he isn't worrying about his job future. "I've been with three very, very tough coaches, and I've learned through the process that you can only do your very best.” ho said Monday "Whatever else happens you don't have control over, so I'm not going to waste my time, energy and mood on it." Anderson, whose contract expires after the 1993-fM season, has heard the boos in (nil Coliseum as his team struggled to an H-tl record. The senior-dominated Heavers were picked before the season as a possible contender for the Par-10 title, but an inconsistent offense has doomed them to mediocrity. *. Oregon Stale is shooting from the field. If that figure holds to the end of the season, it would be the Beavers' lowest since 1966-67 "Every coach has lo have high expecta tions because that is sometimes what motivates players." Anderson said in a telephone interview from his (.orvallis office. "You have to have a dream •‘The only problem that comes with those kind of expectations is. if you don't realize them, and people don t under stand the reasons why. people can become very critical of your players, your team and everyone around here ” Athletic director Dutch Baughman said Anderson's performance will lie reviewed after the season, as is routine Any deci sion to get rid of the coach would be a dif ficult one. Anderson. 55. is ns personable a coach as can be found in major-college basket ball. and he bleeds Beaver orange. He played three seasons for Oregon State and was an assistant coach there for 26 sea sons When Ralph Miller retired in 1969. Anderson finally moved up to the head coaching job Hi* first team, led by Gary Payton, shared the Pac-10 title. But since then, the Beavers are 40-ai and are virtually certain to miss the NCAA tournament for the third straight year Anderson trac es the inconsistency to players' weaknesses. "Sometimes if you're not a real com plete player in ail phases, your weak nesses come I>ack to haunt you." he said. "It's like the old saying: You're only as strong as your weakest jink." Sometimes it's hard to tell which play er will do the best job. Anderson said. "You think one player is playing well, then all of a sudden he has six turnovers and can't defend anybody." he said Scott Haskin. the Beavers' 6-foot-ll all conference center, is having an up-and down season He's scored as many as 32 points, against Oregon, and as few as two, against Southern Cal. in mosi lit? ?* Ktmnig uio »• loi. hut sometime* he misses some easv shots. And he gets frustrated sometimes by foul problems." Anderson said. Sagging defenses also have hampered Haskin s effectiveness, the coach said. Brent Barry. Oregon State's sophomore point guard, also has been erratic, some times making a sensational play and oth or times throwing the ball into the fourth row of seats Barry, son of former NBA great Rick Barry, is still learning what it means to be a plavmaker. Anderson said. Backup Fat Strickland has a bettor feel for the position, but he is not a good shooter and has trouble seeing over defensive players because he's only 5-9. Anderson insists the team has not giv en up as it prepares to play fourth-ranked Arizona Thursday night in Tucson. 1 really like this team." he said. "They work hard. They've got great intentions. They try to do tilings the right way.” Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before i D.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! IS YOUR THIS /MONTH? % .f If it is. the Oregon Daily fcmcrald Classifieds has a special birthday gift for you! 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