Police report: Witnesses back King nal police report on the videotaped beating of Rodney King says civil ian witnesses reported seeing King LOS ANGKLES (AP) — An inter ■ wajmwee comply with officers’ orders Indore LUlUSIkLU he was beaten, a newspaper report ed Sunday. Nine witnesses told investigators that King did not exhibit the bizarre behavior officers on the scene described, and that he did not appear to be uncontrol lable as the police said. "It seemed to me ho was obeying orders.” said Dorothy Shimes. a nurse who lives in an apartment building across the street from where King was stopped "They told him to get down on the ground, and I looked and saw him on the ground with his arms spread out.” Shimes told the Pasadena Star-News Shimes said one of the officers appeared out of con ‘He was beating him like you'd use a broom to kill a mouse — taking baseball swings at him.' — Dorothy Shimes. witness to LA beating I rot to her. He was tenting him like you'd use a broom to kill a mouse — taking baseball swings at him." she said Police spokeswoman Francine Spidi declined to comment on the newspaper's account She said she didn't have access to the police report, which was pre pared by the department s internal affairs sec lion Shinies' account matches that of other citizen wit nesses, including a bus driver who was stopped behind Student paper prints anti-Holocaust ad AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — An adver tisement claiming the Holocaust was a hoax has been printed in the University of Texas student news paper after more than a year of debate. The advertisement appeared in Friday 's edition after the board that oversees The Daily Texan voted (>-5 to accept it. The panel hatl re|o« ted two similar ads since the first one was submitted in late 1991. Staffers said they were deluged Friday with colls and mail express ing outrage. The ad was submitted by the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, a group claiming the World War II Holocaust was fabri cated to "drum up support for Jew ish causes " Barbara Harberg. direr tor of tf>e southwest regional office of the Anti-Defamation l.oogue of B'nni B'rith, said publication of the ad was a sad commentary" on the newspaper ‘USA Today’ fines reporter for photo WASHINGTON (AP) — USA Today has taken "significant disciplinary action" against a reporter for his role in arranging n misleading photograph of gang members, the paper's president said Saturday. The picture was set up under false pretenses.' said Thomas Curley, who declined to provide details on exactly how reporter Richard Price had fawn disciplined. "That was wrong, "We took n significant disciplinary action. We feel that we did wrong and that there was an ethi cal lapse." Curley said. Price set up a front-page picture published in Tuesday's editions that showed five angry--looking black men with guns for n story about the potential for gang violence In f.os Angeles Neither the story nor the caption informed read ers the men had been assembled by n community activist or that they were to surrender their weapons under a johs-for-guns program. Likewise, neither mentioned the men originally had shown up without guns and Price had driven one of them to his mother's house to get his rifle so it could lie displayed in the photo. Thv Washington Post reported that Price had been suspended fora month and fined thousands of dollars. Lee shows ‘Malcolm X’ to prisoners NEW YORK (AH) — Filin director Spike Lee used Sun day's 2Hth anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X to show his movie on the black Muslim leader to BOO prisoners and urge them to draw inspira tion from the slain activist. Lee reminded the inmates at „ thu Hikers Island jail that Mal colm X was in prison when he turned to education and religion and turned his life around Lee said he was showing the film in the ho(Hi of inspiring inmates to stay out of jail after their release. In a question-and-answer jieriod with the inmates alter the screening. Lee chided the Acad emv of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for nominating Scent of a Woman and not Malcolm X for liest picture. Mo said Scent of a Woman will be forgotten in 40 years, but Malcolm X won't “I think history will bear us out." he said. Lee, whose film opens with portions of the videotape of the Rodney King beating, alluded to racial bias in the criminal justice system Me said it was "no coin cidence" that most of his prison audience Sunday was black or Hispanic. Lee said he was inspired t show the movie in prisons aft- r boxer Mike Tyson, serving a sentence in Indiana for rape, asked to see it Tyson loved the movie and is now reading sever al books a week and study ing for a high school equivalency degree. Lee said. Other groups commemorated the anniversary of Malcolm X's assassination across the city In the Harlem section ol Manhat tan. members of the Black Nation marched to the Audubon Ballroom, where Malcolm X was allegedly gunned down by members of the Nation of Islam Feb. 21. 10(15. Graphics 346-4381 sunt xotun noosooui UNFORTUNATELY TfflS IS WHERE PEOPLE ARE PUTTING TOO MANY RETIREMENT DOLLARS. Every year, a lot of people make a huge mistake on their taxes. 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