Student remains center stage [ KNTKRPRtSl-: (AP) Brandon Powers hopes dial his wheel ( hair won't inter fere with an acting earner " Then' have been tunes when I've really ixten disi on raged and wanted to give itp and ali that, hut I won't,” said the 17-year old drama student Powers was pnraly/ed from the waist down last August w hen he c rashed Ills pickup trui k. throwing him into n and snapping nerves in his low er spinal cord. "After I got the trio k started. ! was on the wav to get some new wheels and tires put on it 1 was i omiiig down the hill, tak ing the road as I usually do a little too fast probably.” Powers said "Then somebody ' ame out of my blind spot I pulled over to miss them and hit the gravel, and ut\ rear end swung around on me I remember going into the dili h. but evidently 1 hit my head Oil the steering wheel I don't remember being thrown nut of the trie k Powers said )iiii Mcf .orntai k had been i hanging irrigation pipe when he heard the at i ideal lie ran to the scene and found Powers ‘For the long term, I believe he can do things In the theater/ Jennifer Holmes. Enterprise High School drama adviser lying only about fiv«• feet from tilt! truck. which had hurst into flames "I knew he was hurt had." Mi dorrnack said I didn't know if I should move him or not. but he would have hurni'd up if I hadn't Powers said McCormack made the right dm ision "Doc tor* hove told me that the dam age to my Inn k and spine was already done," lie said Now he is adjusting to life hi a w heelt hair "There have been a few limi tations. whit h I don’t really like, but there's not unit h I i an do aliout it," Powers said • "I've always tried to he as independent as I i an be I |ust don't like to have to depend on people for things One plat t> where he feels that he t an be independent is on the stage, an ambition encouraged bv Enterprise High School dra ma adviser Jennifer Holmes. “I'm not any easier on him," Holmes said "He is so talented, and I expect a lot of him And I know he doesn't want people to lie condescending He's been fairly pragmotb about tin* acci dent." Holmes said that, with time and effort, Powers can succeed. "He has to re-learn and figure out (list what he tan do For the long term. I believe he can do things in the theater." Holmes said Powers began acting in junior high school hast summer he had a lead role ut the melodra ma. Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl, produced by the Wallowa Valley Players in Joseph, whii h had a sjas ini hen efit perforrnatu o after ills acci dent to raise about S.'S00 toward his medical expenses "The theater is something I will most likely try to get into — il not acting, then something having to do with theater or movies, whether it lie set design or spec ial effet Is or direr ting or something like that I'd just like to lie in the business "1 know it's ,i hard business to get into," Powers said. ONE TEN THAT 5 WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY. THEY LOOK LIKE YOU. THEY LOVE LIKE YOU. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID. SPEAK OUT AGAIN ST HOMOPHOBIA! Need support} Feel haravsed1 Tell u> about it Office of PuM* Safety ^46-S4-44 Affirmative Act km *nd LcjuiJ Opportunity \M>-H 21 ASUO Student Advoc *k y \M>-1722 letbun, lav, Bivecual Alliance 146-}W»0 Ushun, (ms, Bim~iu*1 C oncern* 146-!142 Counsel in# C enter 146-1227 Cnu» Line 146-44K8 OmKid Officer V46-412 5 IVan of Students The students, administrators, and faculty and stafl members of the University ot Oregon are committed to creating a sate and welcoming environment tor all students. Environmentalists lay off sea bird issue SEATTLE (AP) — Environmentalists say they won’t go to court to block resumption of logging on 97 national forest sites that could he nesting habitats for n rare seabird. But still lugging can't resume unless the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determines the harvest won't jeopardize sur vival of the marbled murrelet. A decision is expected next month. Timber sales on the sites — 3B in western Washington and 59 in coastal Oregon — have been in limbo since September, when the murrelet was listed by Fish and Wildlife as a "threat ened" species. Most logging of old-growth trees in the Northwest has been blocked by court injunctions to protect another rare bird, the northern spotted owl. The trees on the 97 sites were among the exceptions. They were sold to loggers ns part of a program authorized by Con gress in 1989 to override the owl injunctions. But logging on the sites had not txwn completed — in some cases had not yet Started — when the murrelet was listed as threatened. Five Audubon Society chapters, represented by the Sierra Club I,egnI Defense Fund, had sued in federal court to force the government to make the listing. Andv Stahl of the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund would not say why environmentalists Were passing up the opportunity to block timber sales. But l.arry Mason, exw utive director of the Washington Com mercial Forest Action Committee in Forks, said it's unlikely an injunction would have been granted. He also noted the sules could still Ih* blocked by Fish and Wildlife. EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY CONSERVE ▼ REUSE ▼ RECYCLE It sounds good to soy "We support recycling* or "We love Mother Eorth.* At Klnko's we do more than pay the environment lip service. ▼ Environmental papers available for resumes and flyers ▼ Unbleoched bags and boxes for customer orders ▼ Recycled paper in all self service copiers ▼ Kecycted r AA paper ▼ Reusable coffee mugs Bring in a cup and sarve 10$ 840 tad 13th Avmmm 97401 Ejmwm, 08 344 7894 Kioto's* the copy center KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here's your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate $10.00 Fee Includes: • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions • Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C.P.R. Certification Card Oates for C.P.R. classes: Tuesday, March 2, 5pm-9pm Thursday, March 4, 5pm-9pm Saturday, March 6, 9am-1pm Wednesday, March 10, 5pm-9pm (C.P.R. classes held in the Student Health Center Cateteria) Register Early. Space is limited. 346-2770 Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund. Sponsored by the Student Health Center and the Lifestyle Planning Program.