Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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IFC spending binge
will hurt students
The Incidental Fee Committee is deciding next year's
budget. IFC members are currently deliberating over which
groups should receive increased funding and which
groups should receive less. Once thn money is delegat
ed. the IFC will decide how much students will have to
pay next year in student fees.
Hold on to your pocket hooks.
The IFC is spending next year's money at an unbe
lievable clip. Of the It) groups that have come before
the committee, 14 received increases, three stayed the
same, one received a decrease and one was funder) for
the first time. The group with the declining budget, t arn
pus radio station KYVVA. actually asked for the cut.
The meetings of Fob. 15 and Fob. IK produced seven
budget increases. As a whole, the nine groups at the meet
ing rot eived 18.7 percent more than last year, an increase
of almost $27,000.
That's real, money It comes out of real student bank
accounts. And despite the fact that the majority of Uni
versity students don't belong to any of these groups, they
will be paying more for the groups' existence,
That's not to s.n some groups on this campus don't
deserve .m increase. Students for htpial Across, for
instance, received a 4Hr> percent raise for its work with
disabled students. Although 485 percent may seem
extreme, this year the group received only $100 — in oth
er words, it was a substantial increase percentage wise
more than money wise. The group is deserving because
it's using the money for a good cause.
The problem is that nearly ovary group on campus lias
an argument for more money. And the IFC isn’t deciding
among them it s granting increases to nearly every
group. The committee has a responsibility to Universi
ty students to manage their money with skill and energy.
Hat h budget must bo (list ussod and debated rationally.
In other words, the IFC shouldn't blindly hand money
to every group that comes along. The Lesbian. Gay and
Bisexual Alliance ret eived a 300 percent increase -
$15,000 in real terms Though the group may be respon
sible with the increase, can the IFC justify spending that
much money on an organization that represents only a
small segment of students?
Diversity, of course, is the IFC argument. The more
money various student groups receive, the more they can
promote a multicultural community. Hut what can an
organization like the Oregon Commentator expect? its
viewpoint is different, especially at this University. Will
the IFC give it an increase comparable to the Student
Insurgent's 80 percent increase? Probably not, because
the Commentator doesn't necessarily represent the opin
ions of IFC members. Ed Carson excepted.
Simply put. the IFC isn't proving itself competent to
handle student funds. It would l>e nice if everyone could
get more money, but it isn’t realistic. The committee can't
simply wait until the EMU or the athletic department
i omes up to make its cuts, though it probably will.
So far. the IFC has been a runaway train — a crazed
consumer with no credit limit. It will have to come down
to Earth some time. Unfortunately, the students will end
up suffering.
Oregon Doily
PO IPO* fcuGfHf QftlGO* »?4U3
The Oregon 0**Y l <s put*»Nid clvN Monday Hvcngh f nday cM*ng *-Nx*
v*ar and Tu*ada» and Thursday du'-^g lh# summer by !*• O#gon 0»»!> £m##aid
Put**Nna Co Inc at th« Urvv^vty 0< Oregon. f uQtno. Oagon
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f m«*aw «pfivai# p#op«*ty TN» untewM removal o* u»« oi papers <s proMCutaNe
by law
How* Editor
Editorial Editor
Oraphlc* Editor
Entnuwmwl Editor
E ditex Pal Malacn
Jake Berg Freelance Editor Hope Neaikon
M»t.n fisher Edittyiol Editor EVier* JanMOn
jell t’.iv], Sport* Editor Dave Chaibormeau
I reya Hom Supplement! Editor CaBey Andetwn
Night Editor: J»e Berg
A*»ociat* Editor*: Timmy Butov. SluiMnl Goniom*iii Actnt e> Dauiyn Trappe
Commumfy Colleen Pphlig Hghrtr f dbcaeory AGn iidPaeon
How* Suit: Scott Andi*. Cheater Alton Mott Bender. Juktin Brown, Sarah Clark Oytiif
Coulter Meg Dodotph Amy Devanport. Amanda forme Teresa Muntsmger Lisa KnorHor
t 5<1 Ma..- Dem.nn Metean Hebecca Men tt Steve M.m*. T.ttm, MooMe' tr.»ta Hoe‘
Mathew Schuster I ion Shaw M*h##l Shoder EnCk Sludemcka. Moron Sorter kAchete
Thompson Aguiar, Amy Van Tuyt. lodd W-niam*
General Manager Judy Moot Production Manager: Me here How
Advertiwng Tom leech Sharon Vat Sates Manager* Shawn Bemw' <>Ve Manager
j»y# Irola Teresa taabek*. Ph.»p John»on It. Chr.j Kanott Joremy Maso- Van V OBy<an
H, G-' an Oh Bachaei Trull Ang# W'wViwm Brian Windham
Cl#*»itwd Peggy Me Gull- Ua.veger Barry Logan Sharon Sauve
Otatnbution Uebecca Dr oaky. K'.si Van Go<dar. Anthony Wynn
Burntn«»k Kathy Carbon* Supervtsry Judy Connoey
Production ingro Wh ir. Production Coo'(Snaky Kn*t«a Granger. Dee McCobb Stacy
MHc'ier1 Jerwler Bound Jam.tor Smith Ann# Stephenson
Hewwoom J46-SSI1 Dtaptey Adverttatng. M6-37I2
Bualn*»t Office 34B-SS12 Clamkihed Advert!king M6-4343
W£ WAV£ 7D S«Afc£ THB
7W£Ji$ SNAR£ 700.
Nickel and dime
I applaud charging for c lass
st hedules. really It 's about limn
ilia University finally gave that
handkerchief tint! morn fold and
wrenching twist to gt!t those last
few drops of sweat wiped from
the students' brows.
Oil hoy. oh hoy. I'm so excit
ed: we're finally on the roatl to
t ovaring costs to build the Uni
versity Personally. I think
there's much more we. as stu
dents. t an tin to t over the Uni
versity s butt-figet
I'd like to share a few propos
als to improve this i uinpus
First, Dm k Cull is a luxury we
all take for granted. Go ahead
University, make it a 900 mini
liar Hey. S2 for the first minute,
fit) cents for each minute there
after This will cover the i ost of
having so many phone lines.
Come on do it
Sporting event tickets no
telling how many of these are
taken for granted We alt take
three or four during the week for
our forgetful friends, ending up
w ith 12 tu kets per household.
Fifty cents will do the trick
That'll cover printing costs.
Charge for parking during
Finals Week Oh wail, you
already got that one. Sorry.
How about a sales tax exclu
sively on the campus — say 7 4
percent That'll help with over
The Fmrmld should t ost a
quarter, too.
These are only a few sugges
tions Hopefully they help Get
us careless students to realize
the gravity of matters we take for
granted After all. S907 a term is
just not enough
Nit kel anti dime us. Universi
ty Bring it on.
Billy Peflley
While being affiliated with
the Oregon Commentator. I have
encountered many people who
believe I am racist, sexist and/or
homophobic. They are wrong; I
am not. Currently I am responsi
ble for what is printed in the
Commentator and 1 v\ ish to dis
pute a few charges that have
been flung upon us
Being blamed for all the ills of
humanity is the consequence of
fieing t ritu al of student govern
ment. Anyone who disagrees
with the agenda set forth by
politu al dialogues on this c.ant
pus is automatically considered
in lx; rat ist. sexist, homophobic
and highly intolerant toward the
opinions of others None of this
really bothers me or my staff; it
appears to be the proper envi
ronment for open-minded ratio
nal debate in today's universi
What does bother me though
is lying Barbara Rodgers lied in
her letter "Carson no joke"
[ODE. Feb 10) The Commenta
tor has never published an arti
cle titled " Ram Rod " Her claim
that such an article exists is a
blatant attempt to smear the
i redibility of the Commentator.
For those who buy into the
stereotype that the Commenta
tor is nothing more than a Nazi
propaganda rag. I suggest you
read it Then, if you believe the
Commentator is dangerous for
this campus. I suggest you recy
i le it.
If students cannot handle
opinions critical of their own.
they should not lie in a univer
sity. Tolerate dissent, honor
diversity We re not going away,
and we're not going to get along
Owen Brennan Rounds
Oregon Commentator
Bad logic
Tammy Batey's article. "Coer
cive rapist faces truth" {ODE.
Feb. 12). v\as a mistaken
redefining of the term "rape." In
the article. Batey interviewed a
man who claimed he repeatedly
urged his girlfriend to have sex
with him. She finally said.
"OK.” Because of this, tiiis man
now feels he is a rapist. That is
the "truth," according to the
title given to the article.
I almost felt iike a kidnapper.
Last week I asked my fiancee to
go to the const. She really didn't
want to. but after my repeated
urging, she said, "OK.'' Follow
ing the logo in tlit: article,
although this is not Oregon law.
1 kidnapped her
Thankfully, she assured me I
was not a kidnapper.
John Dezzani
Good job
I'd like to commend the busi
nuss and civic leaders of’
Albany. Cottage Grove and Junc
tion City who stood up in oppo- •
sition to the Oregon Citizens ,
Alliance's promotion of bigotry
m their respective towns.
The Junction City Chamber of
Commerce advised its town's
mayor and City Council that the
OCA's plan to legislate discrim
ination would !>e "detrimental
to business."
City councils in Albany and
Cottage Grove also resolved to
oppose OCA plans for their
towns The Cottage Grove
Chamber of Commerce emphat
ically decried the (X.A's dump
ing dissension in its communi
All of these civic leaders rec
ognize that bigotry is more than
just "bad for business;" it's bad
for the very soul of their towns.
When peace and goodwill are
encouraged between citizens,
towns thrive spiritually and
emotionally Hut when suspi
cion. self-righteousness and
intolerance sneak in. communi
ties stumble
It's lawn an inspiration to wit
ness these leaders put their
communities first. They stood in
united opposition to the OCA's
plan to have others pay the eco
nomic and social bill, a price
that would have surely been
paid for with OGA greed and
political ambition. Hut instead,
these leaders sent a clear, strong
message to the OCA: "Not in our
towns you won't!"
Good for each and every one
of you. May the other towns on
the OCA's hit list follow your
fine examples.
Carol Barg