HO HELP WANTED Alaskan Adventure Travel Co m taring hosprtafcry sta4’ V* Summe» employment. &»t manage* trainee, cook*, housekeepers. dMhWWhen Salary and tenets send resume and appfecebon to Peggy Henry 740 C*ro*ne Si. Random Oagon 974M AQUATICS Current Meguard. WSl. til a«d and CPR required Part fom# after noony eves Cart 344 224 7. mat to U*a _ Camp Couneeton war?«d ky Get Scout residential summo camp near Puget Sound Must enjoy children and outdoors Sa*ary/m«*i/todQm^ (ra«nir^Von-|Ob enpenence provided t?06) 633 5600 hy applications EOF Cruise Ships Now Hiring • Earn $2000Wmonth ♦world tray* (Hawaii Me*»co. the Caribbean. efc) Hoftday. Summer and Caraar employment avertable No enpenence necessary For program caW 1 206634 0466 e«t ('6069_ Earn cash stuffing envelopes at home Ail materials provided Send SASE to PQ Boi 9643 Spnftghetd, MO 658CM EARN *1500 WEEKLY marling our circulars' Begin NOW1 FREE packet' SCYS Dept 249. Bo« 4000 Cordova, TN 36016 4Q00 HEAVY DRUMMER WANTED'? To Play Now* Brandon or Br»an 667 7169 RESEARCH ANALYST OR SR RES PROGRAMMER Half-time programme/ or analyst position depending on Qualifications lor group of grants on adolescent smoking i other "problem" behaviors See job descriptions ?or range of ctot»es Minimum of BS to MS. Ph D preferred, with 34 yrs experience with social science data required Must have working knowledge of common statistical procedures, especially knear and logistic regre&s*0n & SEM (EQS) Thorough knowledge of SPSS S997 50 $1624. plus full benefits Applicants must complete an ORl application A submit a resume it Oregon Research Institute, ff©9 W-iiamette St. Eugene Deadline NOON, 371. AA/EOE_ See SECTION 115 lor all your typing needs GTF Position • Spring Term Administrative Position Working with the Offices of Human Resources and Payroll lo revse the Human Ftesources/Payroll Proce (tores Manual Deadline for appkca ton March 5 1993 Application and information Joan Walker. 463 Ore gon HAK 346 2970. TOO 346 0862 The U of O «s an AA/ESO employer MMEgEilEnS3MB Work-Study studonl to suporvus* wwgfit room ov*r Spring IV ear kndlor kuOktrtut* during Spring torrn prot*r titnen knowledge Apply at 103 Gerkngpr_ jk HOUSES FOR RE^T NEAR CAMPUS Ts» t»*oem hou*« WOO 343 SOI I 25 APTS DUPLEXES Cot put Apartments Furmshsd 14? Bedrooms Winter rate* W74SMS 44B-JS3J CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1 t*»m apr no pets. S3S0. av** Marcn 'si CeS 345-6281 Dithwesher, err condHtontogt Nk« 1 tx*m. campus Tats over rees* mru Spring Term S6«ne 34349T8 ODE CLASSIFIEDS A r»rr/ t£r>ll! ) ( ail W6 4 VO \ f 111 pl^c >V»Uf rltl SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS 2 bdrm. townhouse. '-auixJry poo* viu^« rnya/ U of O Cad Danr 34 $-447!_ CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Pnvalo rooms. All UTILITIES PAID, on arte laundry Great 'Ates from S23V Cafl Boar «.* 686 0597 £> JenningsiCo Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Living With City Convenience UnfurnUhad 1 Bdrm $48$, (starting Nov 1) low UtMities-On Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Park A Playground laundry Facilities Also Furnished Suites Studio. 1 A 2 B R $600 to $87$ Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to linen* For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. lath 484 5 775 _ t; ojBjEJLT Y lkLAC i r_AfAMMLMli_ * l,n}ny tie frceoly t4 etnxh ami wildlife In super Hiwe plan 2 IUIRM, I V.BATII •495 & *S 15/month • Due to raiiqpui • Swimming Piol • Wfighi/T ilneai K<«>m • Sauna* if. E*ff.w(D*imU A } ..Wile* tL 687-1318 ,~h PTS DUPLEXES Lara* furmtlMd ' 6t»m un* n*» Mk k fcrto «ct WC ««< Cm afm 3 om ntigrmnxl M’ M» 5 ?«» PROSPECT PARK 1 and 2 bedroom apartment* avarf now. qu««t country almoephare 'mrcarvwxrr* city focahon. other fee htm% «ncfud* poo1 taomSftaASAetba# ctt. 'we room and playground. oght p*sf 26lh and Chi»nb»t 484 6663 1 bdrm. £40** ? bdrm. £5?*Vmonth laundry port mg. ieeurty. cloee 10 cornet 484 9902.. 1 V? StOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studtot on 1U*« iauhdry 'uw t3C0 Aider St 346 61*43 245 rooms Quiet large furnished room *har* k*«e avad 3/1 *» 686 3452 To share 2 bdrm apr 0«p on «ute f V Avail du'!«»g M*v &22Q ♦ uW 5 m*n by car. ' 0 m in by bus l84 4A75 Roommate needed to share 2 bed room t tiath house *n very nee heme, wtohendryer 16 bkx*s to campus, my*! see £300 ♦ uW. CWad student preferred. Can Peter 686 3494 Share home «*/1 other Beaut*tu< 2 bdrm. ? bath 2 nw«s from campus South f ugene £390 3466034 2» ROOMMATES WANTED CkCMM in «•*( %k<* 2 *n*n and \ «w> ©r». n*td 4tr*. tHTtftfac* M ***** S^OO^no. mckrtfcMi uW 484.3 70 7 4&V®0*ng® 0< «KS**i*Xt* M5 GARAGE MOVING SALES BAROAMS''9~ a** TV wtUr<1 S"> LA* run> Crnou** m, „T»av« ISO BUKU MoWkjm!*•» J4MIIJ ?rs ELECTIONS MSA IlKttoni i/77 ScnmAjird ft «p<* 110 WhfflMi (ho*4»96 p*op*») 2« CAMPUS EVENTS FROM TIBET TO HUNZA Tr*v*r«tog lh« Ancl«nt Siifc Ro«d Mon F «jO 22 7pn> TOO W.»4»TM»n« Mo# F ?«h» ky iMM'ttt And CO-op m*Mbmn Ji g»n admcMMon Sponsor*] t*y Outdoor P»ogr*m .V»e 4366 POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS The Intruder Directed by Barry Childs Fed 23,25 at 5pm Room 102, Villard Hall 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT AflT CINEMAS 492 E 13th - 686-2458 PHKTOAJMT tMOWi W We U WMtel l» n*MM lMtr.A !•**••■* wrvi ’P*CM UF OUH RtM FIST CAUMOAJ? MyM, *«,1 NMfBOrCMfi 4C40CMV AW AMO* mctuvm mtt mcnm* hit acnm « THE CRYING GAME _ MUM HOWARDS END _ri— 1 nun Him .—4 mu < Mrs/ **-4, 44» in OPERA BLUESi nuiiini «'»«•! n uiwtoi 'e THE BODYGUARD, s mnu u»iU» Cgpofn Stoker* <|)ranla OFF LINE by Rick Ball A PROFESSOR WITH TOO WOCH TREE. TIME.. ...1AM. OSNEY5 "BAMBI ' HIRES A STORY THAT HIRRORS GMt VTO AND BARRIO Wit. 1 Y THE FATHERS NOT AT HOME. THE MOTHER'S SHOT ARC) RILLED BAHBIS RAISED IN A GANG, WHOSE LEADER GOES BY THE HAHE.T MUMIVR.' 5HCXA.D OuR CHILDREN HAW 10 1SOFFLR TllVrwX.H THIS MOVIE. ? NO WONDE R SOCIETY'S GOING ^ TO HEEL. I lUM-.. THE PAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON j BORDER ~Eicuso mo, sir, but coutd your ontlro tomity ptooso stop out ot tho cor? Your tocos oro not tn order * 1 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson *HW£ IN \ NOTHING YOU THE J NEED TO rag P y enow Attcwr ttr C. MOM. TtU. Mf Tf MfcU.. LETS JMST 5M ITS SOMUUIHG !W MvtiMT COME IM HAHtr* k_ TOO'* m-A *ui > HAPPENS YODM J WE 'IE C»0\ A WSTORS IW REMEMBER * SO WWfcT 0\D 100 BSlHO7 * 8om«: " r MCWtDNT *N m Wt PK'NC VPKV. BOTH L\ HI-' TrtMH youf**K> Oww» l **> to* •*#«. anonymous attti and r»N*rrafi 5pm flam M » . 24 hou*» *we**rf'tH 346 44flfl 320 SERVICES A.A.A STUDENTS Document you* art' P»Ofe*»lOn# Sforto CKYWotwO* atf ncMfcvO. you* home o* tluvfco Caft 342 J8&> Pr«^n«ntT N«twl NeM|> ' > *«• pfeoran Cy n? Eafty (tetoctQfl CaW HIM f N tttGMT. 68? 6651 Q ImmI b* your future wttt» Origan Dally Imaratd OnaalfUd AdvatllalM jj y FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. P1Z.4.NOS VXZZA. s2.00 oft large pizza w 12 free med. drinks *1.00 ofl med pizza w/1 free med. drink 346-0776 Otiitf good thru winter term Doonesbury by garry trudeau Ht.HCNty.n*. xv* Vm A unit AOWtP ABOUT rajRwr*VNi n hasn't .—/ Aftrnro ver. - It" OH. NO IKNOUrSHOUP HA\f l*iV fUT.V UUN. ■P TftflNG TO SAVf A ffiv t€UO* *ou> rut myow fwne, /ms HO/ftf * Mi if // / I I NtiV ■<«(« vveNHr IS MftkMNA / *XJ pu*fr WRAP irr / ntn MA'Rft me : r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 60a Whit# Mouaa pooch 4 Scoundtal 7 linguist Chomsky II Wmilosi mat b4 13 Noshad 14 Lip 15 CaHkxraa ciy IS Cam palona*. • S 17 Padaslal occupant It Sassy 30 Run down roan 22 Ctunhy doty? 24 Having mtssad lha boat 24 Biougtil lha lood 32 Oatasl S3 Stanch 34 Placa k chat's pt»da 36 Sgt Snotkars dog 37 Bacoma ona 30 Captrvata 41 JanSonal n p P.I »upp»y o ■» Da# Doo 44 Com •* ■pan 44 Haytaad 30 Ctadwng •happai* contain S3 Suit 33 In anolhai Ufa 36 Mi Shanl 37 Bothai 34 l ow# no) MMl) but too wad 34 Kannal cat* 40 Ihanka gwino vaogw 61 Harvard ai piaiy Oaiak DOWN 1 Mnwly I 'flotwv* - No* I* 1 F aituon « CM do »On • Pwryt 7 Mikau (or 12 Donm • Un m«k:h«d • Pul 10 StnQM Tofm# 11 PBS * Fr«d It"B«n —" II Do* P***o« OpU* 13 Sink* En gUml * aoiuinfi itmm. mm. IMW iala« 27 Cupaf 1 • ha 2* Haibai •hop (am 29 Shaval tottoarai JO Maladwa toa 31 Anony mout Jo*»« 33 Goncki aaxi M Song al» aaa Sumac 40 Many 42 Mat 45 Picnic quart 47 H opant doori l« you 40 Plain maanmg •ouiwda" 49 Wahh ambtam 30 Sauca lomca 31 •—liflla TaapoT 52Dnao< TVa 'Amanan Gladia toll* 34 Come Dal una rm