BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS 10% OFF w*h ft** coupon 686-5069 | 11 ?? Ak kx ! ( , CUSTOM PRINTED i J T-SHIRTS Lowest Rates; DOUBLE TEE & MARK ALAN PRODUCTIONS PRESENT m poiiti BEST KISSERS IN TIE WBIID THUR.FEB.25,ra WDW HAILnin'xi TICWTS AT WOW HAIL EMU MAJN MS* fACE THE MUSK. *E(0*C GAIMN HOUSE Of H(0*DSCDWO»U) HAmriUllS noouao m issocunw with emu (uuukai ioium KAVE EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENT s Friday March 5,1993 EMU BALLROOM TICKETS AVALABLE AT EMU MAM DESK, CO WOfllDJFACE THE MUSIC MOUSE Of RECORDS AND RECORD GARDEN University Thealre Presents A Play by Eric Overmcyer Robinson Theatre | February 19, 20.25-27, ' March 5,6 8p.m j Box Office 346-4191 LIGHTS Continued from Page 9 Rolling Stone magazine. "Peo ple. people, people It may a* well be People Magazine. The) just don't think visually.” Most musk videos also "just don’t gel it,” he said. because the) are visually based on the Ivrn.s. not the music The light show company is now producing a promotional video of its own. With nothing but the light show and his camera, Krich Boekelheide of Erich's Sight and Sound has augmented the visual effects with zooming, strobing, solar ization and stop-action tech niques Despite the simple t« hnolo gy, the special effects are enough to confound even a computer wizard. Lesan said “I had some computer genius es look at the tape, and they asked me 'How did you do that''' They couldn't believe it wasn't computer generated." he said Yet Phantazmagoria Lights has been produi ing "videos for more than 2Ti years In l'lfi?., Mosher and Lesan made what may have been the first musu video with "Bebba on the Moon." an animated series of (>t) light show slides accom panied by music The new video is part of an effort to revive the psv< httdei ic light show Part of the impe tus for this came in 19B9, when Phantasmagoria Lights went on the nostalgic; "Sum mer of Love Tour" with Big Brother and the Holding Com pany and other f>()s bands. the point is. there is no point This is just another pointless thing, hut it's better than working on motorcycles." I.esan said f un aside, he also said he believes the light show is an integral part of art history "We went from the abstract expressionism of the 50s to computer-generated graphics, with nothing in between except the light show. ' he said. PANIC Continued from Page 7 She roc allci! an («< asion when she played the Skinny Puppy video "Worlock after first warn ing viewers that the video was n series of graph* ir i Ups from horror movies i got half a dozen (alls on the machine right after it aired A few of them said that my playing the video had ‘ruined their image of me.' Daniels said. Defining pist exactly how lug Pci/nc s audi* eni e is tru kv, she said, f’.ugene is a diary market, rather than a metered market A survey of view ers depends on their motivation in filling out the diary of the shows they watch and returning it to Nielsen Daniels receives about 111 letters a week from viewers Viewers send in reipiesls. words of encouragement, drawings, cartoons and even an cm i asional marriage proposal Daniels once got a letter from a nine-\ear-old who wall lies the show with his father, she said. One time I made the mistake of telling view ers that I have i lownphobia I'm totally afraid of i low ns I have brum since 1 was a kid, she said. The next week I got a i lown doll in the mail " Daniels said she believes her audience to l>e a mixture of young college students, high school students, night laborers and insomniacs. Sheldon High School junior Ann Hand, a D) at KRVM. said she likes most of the music Daniels selects for the show "1 like the Bullholo Surfers and the Beastie Boys, hut 1 would like to sett more of The Pixies. Green Day and the Gin !e forks." she said Daniels takes pride in the fac t that Panic is a non-sc ripted show in which she is not required to use a play list and does not have to repeat songs as they do on M r\’ "I don't like MTV I have seen them go from Amy Grant to Nirvana The most important thing Is to have transition." she said. Daniels does not script her show because she believes it's too phony 'It's difficult for me to want to polish the show because that would validate it." she said. Like many television personalities. Daniels has a "cause "1 tell people to spay or neuter their pets, just like Hob barker does." she said. "I think it's a responsibility of those people who are in a position to influence other people to promote things that are good," she added. Daniels' desire to protect animals has carried her away at times, she said. She once told view ers not to huv products that wore tested on ani mals She even*offered to give them a list of the companies that do animal testing it they called her. In addition to working on Panic. Daniels works on the production of another v ideo show called Country Comfort She selects the videos for the show and works on other behmd-the si enes as per ts of production Daniels also i rented the set for Panu She spray-painted "Make love, not war" and other common phrases on a white sheet that provides the bat kdrop for the show The bright lighting sometimes causes her to blink as if it really were 2 "1 was realty hammered when I watched your show, and I know you were, too." a v iewer told Daniels One of the perks that goes along with being the host of a late night v ideo show is getting to interview bands that come to Eugene. Daniels said She's rubbed elbows with Do pur lie Mode. Nit/.er Ebb. EME. Pigface and Faith No More EROTICA Continued from Page 7 Begins" sketch out all appre ciative t urves and corners of the female form, and here her lyrics list the joys of woman to-woman coupling, proving that the once Bov-Toy has evolved into — at least part time— Girl-Toy Madonna laps all raw emo tions of sex. ini hiding fear Si.ary, but not preachy. "In This Life" works as a powerful confrontation with AIDS, melding personul memory with pointless death Repres sive times need expressive minds. Madonna — artistii thorn forever pricking Puritanii a! America — is a national trea sure that shouldn't be squan dered or flicked away just because of one bad book and another lousy movie She is a much-needed stone-thrower to our tightest-held. glass encased inhibitions. In the deep forest of humankind's darkest repressions. Madonna is our brightest burning bush. poppiY _yVia4oli&. f* The Land €ast" Traditional Gmk & Indian Food Wint«r Hours Moa-Thurs. 100-930 Fri & Sat DdO-IQOO Sun. 5004000 Or 97401 V. J