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Hoyt said he believes the current school board is against him The school board did not appoint Hoyt to a seat on a budget com mittee which he applied for Hoyt said he believes he was the1 most qualified candidate. Tt be< ame apparent that the current school board doesn't want anything to do with me," Hoyt said. "There's a lot of intol erant* in the school system.” Eugene realtor and communi ty leader Jean Tate, who has been involved in the efforts to defeat Hoyt, claimed that one of the main reasons people are opposed to the candidate is not Insause of his ties to the (X.A. Tate said Hoyt ran what she calls a "character assassination” campaign in the 1990 school !>oard election Hoyt said he is not asking that children in Eugene schools should be taught that homosex uality is wrong His opinion is that it should he left up to the parents to discuss sexual pref erences and left out of the schools "The transmission of values is something that should lie left to the parents.” Hoyt said Since withdrawing from the race. Stent ami Harris have been supporting efforts to ele< t Pryor, the candidate who has been endorsed by the Eugene Educa tion Association Pryor said be shares similar views with the withdrawn candidates He said he is hoping the race will not get sidetrai ked on issues unrelated to the school board such as homosexuality and religion. "We're running a campaign to address the issues and get them resolved," said Pryor."The best person for the job is the person who should get the job ' Prvor said he believes Ins finant lal bin kgrotind and Ins active community involvement ha\ i- earned him the reaped needed to win a school board seat He understands the budget problems that are currently fac ing the district and wants to keep the hoard from steering away from the critical issues, he said "You need someone who knows how the budgeting works iioth inside and out." Pryor said. Another candidate. Kathleen Sellers Sniezko. a homemaker and former school teacher, said she was approached by commu nity leaders who said the race will probably be nasty and implied she should withdraw from the rate and support Chris Pryor. Sniezko. who will run a grassroots campaign, said she has no intentions of dropping out of the race, regardless of her opinions about the OCA "I fell they were trying to cir cumvent democracy by deter mining who should run in a giv en race," said Sniezko. "1 believe it's up to the voters to decide who they want to have on the school board." Sniezko is opposed to a mem ber of the OCA being elected to the school board because she believes there is no room on the hoard for any special interest group. She is not entirely stared of Hoyt winning the election because as one of seven board members. Hoyt would not have a great enough pull to push OCA programs on the school district, site said. “I'm going to keep the focus w here the focus belongs - on the children," said Sniezko. "I'm in this rm e as an advocate for chil dren." William Cassara, also running fur the position, said he was not asked to drop out of the election and will stay in the race. Ho said he found it offensive that other candidates had been asked to drop out of the rm e "To me. the parents and peo ple who vote ought to have the choice of seven candidates based on what ideas they have presented," Cassara said Saturday, February SOI I OREGON vs. ^■TAT^H 7:35 pm * McArthur court UNNERSITY Of OREGON MMOIASKETUU PIT HAPPENS TICKETS: (503) 346-4461 OR UOO*BFOOT