225 APTS DUPLEXES Cam pul Apartmenu FumiiNad 112 Bedroom* Winter rate* UTSUS 4*5-2*33 CLO« TO CAMPUS >«* I Mm «*. no pm* J35C. *»»< Marco ill Ca* 3454W8! 2-jo QUADS SPRING RESERVATIONS Quad* avail tor Spring Term Fui netted, utr prt aic location and quiet quart matai S22S/S239 Limited unit* apply no« 1380 Alder St 345 MM 9 245 ROOMS Qutot iary# furnished room ah at* lutcNKi and batn mth 2 ott*ort. no smokrng or pet®, yard. $25CVobo 34^312*344 *692 55 ROOMMATES WANTED Close in wMt sIda 2 men and i wom en. need 4th. f»ep>ace. hwd Roors. $20QJmo, »octudes ut»f 464-370/ eventngs or weekends Roommate for clean Quiet 2 bdrm twnhse, avail sprg ?erm. laundry. b*ke. bus, $?20vmo ♦ utii 686-0843 Roommate needed to share 2 bed room 1 bath house in very n*ce home, washer,'dryer. 15 blocks to campus, must see. $300 ♦ util. Grad student preened. Cait Pqter 686 3494 Share home w/t other BeauhKii 2 txJrm, 2 bath 2 miles from campus South Eugene. $390 3456034 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES BARGAINS! *9~ color TV w/stand. S.r5 Like new Carousel microwave. $50 B>sck Motobecan# b«ke 345-8112 275 ELECTIONS MSA Elacttona 2/21 Schodulod 68pm t tO Witlamatte (hows 95 poopiet 280 MEETINGS LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL ALLIANCE Gsrtsra inumlMwAngATuM. FeP23 • PM. EMU Boardroom. Suita 337 Coma oul & see whals happemng1 Halp plan Pnde Wwn' Gal mvoivad1 Ot mat have fun' FFI, 348 3360 290 CAMPUS EVENTS POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Occupational Hazards Written by James French Directed by Rachelle Sherds Fab 17,18,20 at Spm Room 102, Villard Hall POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS TISSUE by Louist 'Piu)( February 18,20,21 at 7pm Wesley Foundation 1236 Kincaid ST QUEER DANCE Set f ete 20»*> ft 12 fcfcdrwght F* Room EMU SpOo*y«Kl t>y IGBA Adm VI FFl 346 3360 II1111 4 OAt 4 r At w 4445 rf artctr U*^S^O«MA WffKiv TM* FRIDAY 4 9UNOAY 8pm a 180 plc tUmmmnutfrn^t Mt45 tm I I I I I I / I • < \ \ M *' t.. * HI , ,«30P r i Friendshipt are motif tn the PDF C lqi. 290 CAMPUS EVENTS VUjKpMA DATE: 20th February 1993 TIME: 6:00 p.m. VENUE: EMU Ballroom PRICE: $7/ ivening includes Singaporean Cuisine, slide presentation, cultural musical (Singapore s heritage and festive occasions) and more. A Singapore Students Association presentation THE CRYING GAME Tr«i*< yourMff to a arm hou* %k*i* PROBLEMS? C&i UoOO'M l**, ky &«v anonymous c/‘s*% cou^aa&ng arx1 5om Barn. M f ?4 nous* 346 4468 320 SERVICES fflnt Catholic Mtwmai Center 1*50 Emerald SlrtMl J4S702I Pre-lenlen Parian Beneerei Ft Ikw Ocdde OF** M* S1 D Goe«t Preacher Mill ScIterAtle Saturday. February 20. SPM Sunday. February 21 • i ll«k ? JO* 10PM Monday. February 22 I ' Tuaaday. Fatxuary 23 S IS* ?;30 Aah Wedneadey. Fatxuary 24 12 IS. S 30.? 30* M>M lecture by Ft bbcban Dodo*. O P 'So noting and the Qod ot lovo" Thutaday February 24 ? 30tJM Ft Mchae* Dodd i an author, proietaor and Academic Dean a( tha Oommcan School of Hhdoaoehy and Theology _Bad ley CA_ OFF LINE by Rick Ball MISTER "BiG SHOT’CARTOON CHARACTER ISN'T HAPPY IN THE "Off UNE" PANEL. HE g WANTS TO FROUCK IN LARSON5 WORLD M OF TALKIM6 »NIHALS. jRAlTOR/. vOKAY.OKAT. I'll STAY/ ^ 0 By GARY LARSON u—-_ : • —_U_J SM was known as Madam* 0 Guard*, and. m in* warty 40*. ah* uaad dacait. druo* and har bagurtmg chasms to bacon* I ha ban* ot cMckan tarmacs asasysshar* Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson UX* w THIS IS THE BiS&EST SN0W8ML IN THE WOKlO.' ; MA Wfc ' I ^ CMU WA\T TO PUSTU SOMEBODY WITH IT' WOW APt YOU GOIN£ TO PICK. IT UP ? REMITS CONTINUES to Ruin MT LIFE MM«t Tou Could PUT IT S0W.PLKE WHERE SOMEONE , WILL WALK INTO IT 3:o SERVICES «*f E PRf OWAMCY TCST CuMn* Prvqn+ncy Support C«nt*r Wfr. 10-4 • J4S-O4O0 • MI nth —K0«W Ptaoood Parenthood *or Pip imrwwn ^tpCbOO cNdli. t**th ccK'troI, program cy te*t* »oa untsiMOd counting J44 »>t t _ Pregnant? t)ee*Pon« ?o «*aa«»' Cor' f»*0 te*!-.ng f.arty detection BlRTHPtOtT W Bfl&t I < iA.s.siru:» aim* I ATT*. Sew SufT /*i t;r«« £ r i ulrgorv 225 ViH'M CAMI'IH CONNKCTtOM (Avgon l-'aW* t.mermiJ 344-4343 FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZylNOS VXZZA s2.00 oft large pizza w/2 free med. drinks s1.00 off med pizza w/1 free med. drink 346-0776 Oiler good Ihfu winter term Doonesbury by garry irudeau ,Uh OWNtW i rcntw QOCV a'uNCU | niKf • [JUSTHOH Ht ror MY OVER fUCMT. Hf SC Will(' A tJm/ i an ti n •: i f FEPERj £> HZ/yWvVM ■ A '*gAtClK > WHO ” ui>wrs i lOKHOW' TrLDE. 2EHAJ r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 Angry • Caviai tXM • Yon maid an lau 12 Qua# ixxay lj Rodimant 14 GJutlon 15 Utah city i* ch*r• apacialty 1 • Carnival pn/a 20 Ruaaian woman a nama 21 Panvan pal 23 Convan lual 24 Hay machina 25 Odoroua 27 18 , aolo apaak 2* Past 31 Law tanca a lamtofy 15 Pop 37 Daylima TV anliy M Aaaart 41 — judicata 43 Indiviaibla 44 Curia danca 45 Hungarian compoaar 47 Coo man'a tod# 45 Bad ratal ad 52 Otlca hotdara 53 Nama m Chmat hiatory 54 Baatmg Baatla 55 Away Irom NNW M WraVkng coup 57 Whodunit wrMf'i award DOWN 1 Urban mute tlyta 2 V»fb typo Mx 3 Browiv's activity 4 Ram gul lat'a ptaca i Ow •rfialm, in a way • Wwconim c#y 7 Hautboy • Authoi Umbarto • 1 umWa 10 Oapand (on) 11 Adrata Samantha 17 tucatyp lu» aala>a wwimi mini. «w »*»■»» !J n Sts ¥••!•« laitiva JO 60* •« tar» lex ihorl 32 Rtwivt Iton 33 Authex flaming Copy Pu)1, a g 'Horn# A Inna* dxactof Colombo* Ciajy lyp*' tail tha bad DifCon cad mg look — B nth Roman E£» Khan •Man 51 - - • landar ba*