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HYWO MNOf RS typing iwvtci Fnt. accurst*, t***r |1 OOpag*. up Protoaaional wrttar at your aanAc* to wrltw wftt 4P4-8038 Pwggy a Typing Smrttf I Apwrwncad owing mnvcw* on rBM computar sy«t«m and loom Pr*n»w ttMurmatm* rat** Gan Paggy at MJ4SM PNOFC SttONAt TYPING Also word procttftamg. edKmg frpa pcfrujycMrvary Ftonda. 935 tafc TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land SarwigUO ar«a tmct >981 TypMg'wwd ptocaaaing ?!*> don- j bia-apacad taaar P*g* 21 hr .ssrN««* wmnrH.rmn 605 E. 13th 125 INSTRUCTION Pro/Edit profasxmaf ertM»ng and consultation on you* »e*n> pa par*. pfOjactS. etc \Afcfl rr*wH mth y«Oo yOUH ccovanwnca Afc autoyactt _343-2747 i JO FOR SALE MlSC Almost nnr snowboard. Kwnptf FS163. 1230 07-71M _ Biftabong watsuit 3 m* Meg#. Mach Smooth*# worn twvr $'?$ Ot4©4 $Wy, ISO 344 6629 __ Doubt* Futon with folding couch frame, almost new (1 month old). 1750 Cell fhlar at 4*5-11«2 GUITARS GALORE* Mux* of atf lundi Also, c trot*as and We*#*** Bu r and S*fc Cent## .*>' A M? 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Sal Smith Family Bootatom FRil TW Sng B>m* Pactaon WciKC Haoau USA Cal lanorrmrti Tiav* i 800 M3 9J06 -*~b % w S1W Mote* —- CALI! tw Nrii *«*•* Fraakturt SIM* Talrro SMI* MM’ Coundll^avd ItMW Nk.rnon MOO. *vtl«rwl. CJt 9 -VOS ;:sOPPO^Tu1. ’ ES BARTENOWQ A* hw on TV Ml Bertandar* eei be m Eugene tor 2 •Mi only 3ft? Vi2 Day and enersrvg itataM Job Ptaoemenl aaawtanca Tarn to STOAw Cat Mr Manat ■ 1 800669410# BuMng Comm unity Claaa Man ton naaHatf We ara looking io> emhutuaabc and dedicated Rudent* to help 1st year students esptore issue* fiat tend and Ovid* communtty Earn 2 uppers** credit A up to WOO Appa ara aM «t 384 Oagon Man (MB 3210) and ara due by Friday Fab FREE MONEY FOR STUOENTBI founoabon and Go*emmeni gran* avaaabta MU 1 IONS Of DOtlARS go uncuanad each year* Ama*mg recorded maesage reveals debuts Ca* (208) /34 1922 f»1 H 4 lor 1 Ml f Into Matp maUa a young Fla cxtmplele Votontetw to ba a B Hot* !>tu<*c A F or more mlo cad 344 7664_ Political Science Majors: Stop by 90? lie lor drop to advising on Ttm«» and Fn. Fab 18lh and 19th town 9 30-3 30 Be prepared lor Due* Cal Regababon Spaa*art Bureau Training Mar 13 A 14 Harp »top the spread <3 HIV Help /y»«r round 3 >0-281 MU_ DOCUMENT ANALYST Studon! PosAon needed lor m* ERIC CkMVmghouM 10 p^epeie 4bsbacts 0> fddMrch report* and /oum* arte um on ffx Kxec o* educational admcui and Spotted reaearon on admirastra lion! tor rnckrtron m me ERIC system database DUTIES Hmnew documents, prepare abstracts describing beac content, se wer mdai term* trom ERIC thesaurus that wd aid researchers and prac Sonera in searching lor dtormatron m the subject ares W« provide training on ERlC documsnl processing and use at the ERIC thesaurus SKILLS REQUIRED Mutt be at least a junior in acadarmc stancSng and have demonstrable writing experience strong arming sects ab*ty to analyre written materials, organue concepts, and ctasarty research methodologies must be able lo type on IBM or compel Me computer usmg Word Pert net 8 t. and wora independently EXTENT This is a 9 month position IS-20 hours par wees with possMe summer wora avauabie Sfc OOThour In terasted appacanU should submrl a let ter oI appLcehon. resume, relerences. and writing sample *o ERIC at Agate He*. 1787 Agate St. Room 108 by Eeb it Cam cash slutting envelopes at home AX materials provided Send SASE lo PQ Bos 9643 Spnnghetd. MO 65801 EARN 81800 WEEKLY mailing Our Cir cuters' Begm NOW' FREE packet' SCYS. Dept 249. Bo. 4000. Cordova. TN 38018-4000 HEAVY DRUMMER WANTED!! To Play Now* Brandon or Brian 687 7189 TnwtT hiring hospitanty staff for summer employment. ast manager trainee, cooks, housekeepers c*shwashe»» Salary and benefits send resume and appbeahon to Peggy Henry, 740 Carohne St. Banpon Oegon 97411 Camp Counselors wanted tor G*n Scout resident.» summer camp near Puget Sound Mutt enjoy children and outdoors Selary/meetfoagmg' trammtyon job enpenenoe prowled (206)633 6600 tor appicaMpni CQ6 Umpires needed tor h^jh school Besebak aoftbal games Paid position Games begm at 4PM darfy, Mon f n Ken. 464 t7Q6_ Womens Studies Program sees appkcanf tor cne graduate teaching ass*9iantsh<> tor ’ 993*94 Admission to IX) graduate program and background n Women's Studes essential Salary determined by GTF Uwgtsnmg contract Information and application a avaiafc** at WST oh»ce 617 PtC (603 346-6629) Completed appkqsbons must be f«tod as WST offee t»y 4pm March 19 UO i an fOAA/ADA -nst-tvition committed to arfturai Dishwasher, air condHtonlng! Nee ' bdrm. campus Take over tease thru Spring Term Shane. 343-4976 Large furnished 1 bdrm unit near Music Bldg Heal *nd *360 Met Cat after 2 pm Ridgewood Apts, 666 6769 PAMUNO UO 2 blocks 2 garaged spaces. $69 end $49 Also, gravel tor parking. $39 Steven Bob Bennett HeaPy. 486 4600 Available March 16 i bedrm and studo apt. qu«et bmkkng. one halt btock trom campus. $360*300 343-21U Summer Jobs on Orcas Island Rcpresenii lives will be on campus on February 22.1993 from y-4in the Student Union YMCA Camp Orkila it now hiring for all lummmer positions. Counselors, teen trip leaders, lifeguard, program and support staff. Interview on campus or call for an application. Call (206)382-5009 for more Information ^-O.E PIS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK 1 and 1 UadrOOm apartments ava now. quiet country atmosphere w/oonvenieol city location other tea lures include pool lenmsAiasketha; ct», iec room and playground. ngM paat 35th and Chambtrs *&44&b3 Semi-furnished 1 bdrm. 1 b*oc* Iron' campus Pets ok Laundry, parking Aval Marcti X S35ftmo 666 9683 I Mm. $405 2 Mm, $550/month Laundry, parking, security. ctose le campus 484 9922_ 1 badmt apt. dean. quiet, furnished laundry, dose to UO lease W 6«3 Jennings f Co Redwood Park Apts. 0ulct, Country Living With City CnwmlmM Un4urnlah«d 1 Una MSS. (starting Nov 1) Low Utilltlas-On Busllns Equlppad Wslghi Room. Spa Wood Park S Playground Laundry Facllmsi Alow FumlshnS tvHss Studio. 1 S 2 B/R moo to tars Individually Oscoratad ComplaMly Fumlahad Evarythlng From CsMs TV to Llnans For Bad. Bath t Kitchan On Sits Managamant Tsam 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS 2 Mrm. townhouse. laundry. pooi. sauna near U O* 0 CatJ Darm 34S44 71 Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene Sparing clear 1 txtOoom, tuH appfcanced. wtoourtyard v*rw. $395 Cat atiowed w-dap 485 6991 wtU* a Oft A!’ SpOTkkng clean iargi» 1 bedroom. rh ut*s ♦ caw* $4J»6. great locatton lO&OfVr>Sl 4d4 744 t FOjftii^XVIl-JLAG p _AfAfllMUlll_ lv l.n/oy ttir kraut y of woosh tan* wildlife in super Hot* plan 2 ROHM, I ViBATII '495 A'SIViiionllt • Dus lo can|HM • Swimming Pool • WctffriA tf nei» K(*»rn • Saunas SL lm*m (UmM A Ke.Wtte*) 687-1318 umnnn