Actually, the poor fellow is better known as the boar whose snout appears on the VCfeinhaid’s Ale label. The same boar that’s become a symbol, an icon, a lov able pet. Ard if Tshirts aren’t purchased soon, said boar might end up as a plate of ribs, forcing us to completely redo the ale label. So if you have a heart and you’re the type who likes to hang out with a Wetnhard s Ale now and then, we hope you’ll fork over the dough and purchase one or more of our remarkably cool T-shirts featured in IB this ad (they are the official ^ hanging out apparel this sea son). You can get ’em by calling toll-free, 1-800-BLUE BOAP C (ttm Wnnfcffd Puwland. ikm+m It s m yuur furkli Pimhov tVv dUMMft, fmMnr Hint Huar frmd T ihm> md Ar M mI hw .u ha Itfr Krtpi? Jiggmt foi mSti AtuJuWr m XL u> lit mryhuh ir/t e> "H*> Huf>T . "(mwn -fraA Snow") and ordering with your credit card, or you can simply fill out the order form in this ad and ■ send it to P us with a check, money or der or credit card num ber. It’s that easy. Check out the shirts, rick up your phone or put pen to paper. And help save our Blue Boar from becoming a blue plate special. Thank you. HOLD YOUR FIRE I do have a heart and I’m willing to buy a • T-shirt or two or three in order to save the pin. Ml >«ft . . ewjd. w I, Namr AJJtnt City_ Stair i'V V Method ci Payment. Card » | |t3teek/M«>ney l Vdrt [ 3] Vim Q3 MaMrrt aid _ Eap l>*ir_ anJhxUrt Sigfuturr lirm *1 •1 #1 i Name *Hlf> Hap»“ XI. Tirren Shamnuk" "Ifuh Smiut" XL TOTAL PRICE (tUXmi) shipping and handling Quantity XL UX) GRAND TOTAL (IVflay |tiud ttkm yuu amain thn i iou 120 001 rk m dir ttart'l (Umflrlr ihn BLUfc IX 'AR (ifcAR md mi Krf. (O Blur IW (it*. PO Bin 4V42. PietUnd. OR 9720MM2 Or order by phone, toll-free, 1 -800-258 3262: 1-800 BLUE BOAR I OAn r.J wMt -win Utf V,ml mtwn M-. b. .< k*»l 4nnbifi« <(r IVar .it - to 4ri>»r>