DEVELOP & PRINT • 3" COLOR PRINTS |24*iP*36*6*72„d*|"i exp ■ exp set ■ ■ I coupon must accompany order • add $1 tor 4“ * 6" color pnnts | i CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 -Oregon Daily Emerald Sport s Green. Ducks look for medicine By Dave Chartoonneau Ernetfatd Sports £<3>kx Oregon assistant coach Bobby Braswell will have a little more responsibility this weekend when the Ducks face Washing ton Thursday and Washington State Saturday at McArthur Court Last weekend. Oregon men's basketball coach Jerry -Green mysteriously injured his knee in his sleep and was unable to leave the bench during the Ducks' loss to UCLA. On Tues day. Green was released from the hospital after undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery. Green will Ins at the game Thursday night, but will lie on crutches and probably won't pace the sidelines like usual. This makes Braswell's job tougher. "As a coaching staff," Bras well said, "we all have to pick up the slack as far as communi cating with the players on the court and relaying information to them." Braswell, along with assis tants King Rice and Mark Tur geon, all have a heavier burden plated on (heir shoulders because of Green's injury, but nothing comparable to the weight their team has been car rying. The Ducks are 0-11 in the Pa cific-K) Conference and are in jeopardy of becoming the first team since the Paciflc-8 ex panded to to teams to go win less in conference play. Oregon will Ire at home for the first time in three weeks. The Ducks played well on the three game road trip, but lost to Ore gon State, UC.I-A and USC. "The encouraging thing is that we had opportunities to win all three of those games," Hraswell said “The players are really confident right now and we re hoping some home-cooking will get us over the hump." Washington and Washington State have been surprises this season. Both were picked to Ik'it tle with Oregon for last place, but the Huskies are 5-f> in the conference, and the Cougars are tied for second place at 7-4. Hraswell said he's not sur prised at all. "Any time you have a solid big man and a quality point guard, you're going to be com RIM RESULTS BASMTBA11 flATOfW hob 14 Mrn'i I ImtouMufenU M Jump* S\pn* 47 Mil Unit* iW TD*rn Pftj On* rW 57. Pto» t*W A 51 Orn|EMi An Two6«. TWi On On* 47 Mono 2 SAK Two 72, Wo U* Siitt* 53 low Who9 &2 hiown fuliu* 53 M** i 3 Woll Dmtf) 41. lolly Horn tow* 34 IUU Hu»tmg Hntki 35. Moor* Amv Kuher 25 Alpha 1h«ft« 31. Ttw Itig O 2*» tW 50 Ruckm Suprama* U Cod Pound Pupotw 54, XM1A * 50 100 Proof o»( Young and K**l F*b 1ft Men s 3 AiUh and Mu PlOptMl* 40, l ive Mad Dugger* W Kappa S^ma 1A 52, VVolI duitti 41 HL\ UK S. IHOMI’SON is one of the most ustonishim;, dangerous, and fascinating figures of the 20th century. Now, turbo-journalist l . jean (. urroll delivers the shocking truth .ihout the man who was the inspiration for L ncle Duke in the Doonesbur\ comic strip. ( urroll, u ho ranks I hompson us the greatest journal ist in America .nul culls him the "vshoopie cushion umlei the seut of pow er," inters iew eil the importunt people in the outluw w liter's life-family, friends, e\ wite, mistresses, Kollini; Stone editors, hikers, druj»-dealers, political operutors, critics, strip pers, dehutuntes, uml un umu/ inL; arms of I lunter puls. I i.miom or 2S.Ot) petitive.” he said "Washington lias both of those." Washington’s Rich Manning, a 6-foot-11 t enter, is averaging 17 points and nine rebounds a game. Point guard Prentiss Per kins has done a good job run ning the Huskies' offense, aver aging 11 points and three assists a game As for the Cougars. Braswell gives credit to their head coach. "Kelvin Sampson is a great coach.” he said. "Sometimes a team takes the personality of its coach, and that's the case with Washington State, Any time you play those guys, you're going to be in war." Washington State plays with a relatively small lineup that fea tures three guards all averaging over 11 points a game. Bennie Seltzer leads the team with 17 points a game. Oregon guards Antoine Stoudamire and Orlando Wii-'« liams have been first and second in scoring in the past five games. In those games. Stoudamire has - averaged 24 points a game, and Williams has averaged 17. The Ducks play five of their final seven games at home. Sampson staying atWSU PULLMAN, Wash. (AP) — Washington State head basket* I mi 11 coach Kelvin Sampson has heard the rumors about being a hot prospect at schools looking to fill c oaching vacancies, but he's not currency interested. The sixth-year Cougars coach has been rumored to be a lead ing candidate for head c oac hing jobs at California and South Car olina California Vice Chancellor Dan Boggan has expressed in terest in hiring a black coach to replace fired coach Lou Qi in pa nel li. hut Sampson said Tues day he wasn't in the running "Wait a minute, isn't that the school that fired the coach be cause he yelled at the players during practice?” Sampson asked. "Somehow. I don’t think I'd fit in there," The University of South far olinu is looking to replace Steve Newton, who has announced ho will retire after this season. “I don't have a comment on that stuff." said Sampson, a North Carolina native. "The thing I’m most focused on is this basketball team here. That stuff is going to come up and there's nothing you ran do about it. But it's not something I'm thinking about My goal right now is to win those two games this week.” Sampson's Cougars are tied with Arizona State for second place in the Pacific:-10 Confer ence with a 13-7 overall record (7-4 in the Par-10) and are on the road in Oregon this week.