-BfTERNA TONAL EMPLOYMENT Mafce money teAChmg bade conversational English «t*oad Japan and Taiwan Many prowl* room A board * other banal**1 Make 82000 *4000 » par month No previous training or toachmg requred for employment program can (200) 63?-1146 art J6069 RESEARCH ANALYST ON SR All PROGRAMMER Manama programmar or anaryal posmon dspendng on Qjakkcahons tor roup o< grant* on adolescent amokmg other -proptam- behevwrt See iob descriptions lor rang* ol duties Minimum ol BS to MS. Ph D pralerrad. rath 3-4 yrs ekponence ninth social sconce data reputed Must nave working knowledge ol common statistical procaduras especially linear and togstic recession * SEM (FQS! Thorough knowledge ol SPSS $997 50$i624. piuk tu« benetits Applicants must complete an OWI aopkcation * submt » resume at Oregon Research tnsktute 1899 Winamette St. Eugene Oeadme NOON, SI. AA/EOf 115 WORK STUDY Work-Study {Federally funded Fmaooat Aid o«ty) Po*it«>r»si ava>ia&e in mtematohai Education Ows«« study program* positions op»rt Must t*J aW« to wort* 1993 acadaffuc year For mora «n»o contact Mar) ck ai 346-320’_ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Available March t* i Dedrm and •udo apt, quart buJdng, one hall trtock from campus. 5350.3300 343 2m Campus Apartments furnished. 142 Bedrooms . Winter rales *37**525 4*6-2*23 CLOSE TO CAMPUS nice 1 Ddrm apt no pats. $350. avail March 1st Cs»hatt*») E Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene Spartirog clean t bedroom luit appfcancod. witcourlyerd era $395 Cal (Stowed wdap 465 6991 What a deal' Sparing dean urge i bedoom 0 util a catote. $455. great location 1060 Ferry St 464 7441 2-jo QUADS SPRING RESERVATIONS Quad* amt tor Spring Term Fur raehad util pd. *«c location and quiet quad mate* $229*239 lumtad urvt*. msely now I960 Alder St 345 5949 RQCMS Ntca hardened room Food. oM. laun dry AH tor $350 ♦ dep Foreign student* welcome 46 1 4573 Quiet large fumtatied room mare ktchen and Oatti with 2 other* no •moiling or pel*, yard. $?50o0r> 34531261344 669? ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate tor clean, quiet 2 6dm lymtiea. avail K»g term, laundry, oaa. Out, $220rmo ♦ <, ut.' 666 0643 Roommate nee dad to (Kara 2 bed room t bafft house m wary mce home. wa*ha"dyar. <5 btoch* to campu*. must see. $300 * Vt ut*. Qrad student praterred, CaS Pater 6663494 Sliara home «W1 other Beautiful 2 bdrm. ? bam 2*r mlaa »om campus South Eugene. $440 346-4034 BARGAINS! 19' color TV wWatend. $75 tea new Carousal mcrowewe. 160 BtacS Motobacane bda 3456u 2 POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Occupational Hazards Written by James French Directed by Rechette Sherrie Fab 17,18,20 at 5pm Room 102. Vlltard Hall POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS TISSUE by Louisr ‘Pagt February 18,20,21 at 7pm Wesley Foundation 1236 Kincaid ST ’ ODE Classifieds 1 > / -stop shopping • ARTS 6 ENTERTAINMENT iTOIIIOHTtt 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 300 FOOD 4 DRINK KEGS TO GO! f»MKn g EUwr GmOmn 2*AT 144-0«U ►«or %**»*>** • 3enp«n T v I » o* der*#**v *k'*3 *wi*yi t*Hw | ftutf V 4 Mtt yt3 BMW* ty *4p 3to MASSAGE 4 BODr WORK TrMH youf»#*T (O 4&;>;?232 fyp« o' a o«« how* <0orti )>/«( VlrUlT «4) tr«M» 290 CAMPUS EVENTS j DATE: 20th February 1993 TIME: 6:00 p.tn. VENUE: EMU Ballroom PRICE: $7/ ivening includes Singaporean Cuisine, slide presentation, cultural musical Oingapore s heritage and festive occasions) and more. A Singapore Students Association presentation By GARY LARSON 1 Oh, man Thafa you go again wWi anotttef ona ol thoaa iwaa-and-M books." Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Utt. SHOOTING FISH IN k B&RK.L MEff^CE tMiS w&N T >MP0R*qMr I HEfJ AQE.;| L°OK out' Tcrrrr Political Science Ma|ors: Stop by 90? PVC lc< i*nc m KMvng bn TNr'* i»n<3 Fn. F«fc if*h *nrt '9*n fctyn 9 30-3 30 B» to Ducfc Cot HngwMitwn_ _ pnoetitn? c«t tN# upO cn«w i »■» to «r«o. ^to'yn’Ouy CTVt countorng *rO >«<*"*> ipm (ton M *, 94 hour* MHM)l J40 44M 3:?$EPV!CES A.A.A STUDENTS Documont your orV Prototiuorto *M» ecrltov* on OTCiulNU. row homo or *lu<*0 CHW3M9 _ _ FRIE PHEONANCY TEST Eugmr Pregnancy Support Cantor 1WF.< t»4 • MS-0400 • U4E HP tt(A ri oylcumr Progiwnt? N**<1 •Mp’ fn» »roenan cy ?o»t Far»y dotocfiox GttF fl»4Ttt tWint Ml,’ FREE DEUVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZANOS VXZZA *2.00 off large pizza w/2 free med. drinks *1.00 off med. pizza w/1 free med drink 346-0776 Otter good thru winter term Doonesbury by carry trudeau yO> atDtvrr KXV on. UNCit IfMtAf Can kv riNpA m> »r ft nt. . A HU i perry^ lAkt yOt .K (XCtRNOH uhu a cum *' t w~\, AU CURUN&f m m&v If 10UVL*£ m HHN6 UK PTDSS6 are >f xx/pum | romssTHJO.eH mtJtetMwve atm a n x# V : • y/e? w WJAi ✓ POVOUhA\,t a fmNpmrv uu V &C£M axCfiwoC’ •' OJHOCM1-! I r CROSSWORD Hy Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 Broadway M, w4h 4 Down S PraMit • (•an to 11 tomo — (Hladr 1} Sapporo aain 14 Robot! 15 Ja. 1* Longing 17 Oat* ol • a - *• - a isosywoixj IS Voloma I acio 20 Fusty /oa*a> • • tf Tic lac KM aan 22Po*a 24 Jariy't aa pan no* 27Hodgara • Ham manlam WOA 12 Slefc looral 22 Tha Juddt •9 24’Chma Baach" toe ala JSRodgart • Ham mA M C«»vxi« tuccMMX Mfool 40 Concern kx 70 Aero is 42 Oikix i vohamM* 45 ( oo< part 4* 'Thro# Solo I' SO H«M mafcat UCIwu two S3 Com p||||(t 54Uoc 04* pan SS WtHd twfcy* hand of horaa SO (band teal* M Put Jla• c*nt*** » Youth* • Hon**' poMcian 7Pug4fff* domain • IM7 bam* tt* • Ini*, nwhalt •hart* ol cotot tO Sultry Somm*. tt Ch*nth*d SOMinn \wnm mmiw i» Gil lap word 21 IU/am mom 24 Branloid a pradacav V* 24 Mound llai 24 ■>•!» up 20 « » aaldom wahoui u 23 Koiak a prop 30 Sally Dugin touch 31 llova llalm) 30 MapPom • quad* 37 Pm to 30 Broad way ha lot abort 41 Ftilaon atxa 42 Adva/aa daalmy 43 Part o< TAE 44 Salt up 40 Want Mia 60 47 Barr ha naluin «»V 40 Coop* 51 lla*a a comm#n|